How is the expiryTime supposed to be used with SessionSecurityTokenCache.AddOrUpdate()? - wif

I'm writing a custom implementation of SessionSecurityTokenCache and I'm somewhat confused as to what the purpose of expiryTime is in the AddOrUpdate method.
As far as I can tell, the default implementation for SessionSecurityTokenCache used by WIF is the internal class MruSessionSecurityTokenCache (mentioned here). In its implementation, expiryTime is completely ignored.
Also, I notice while debugging that the value that gets passed in to AddOrUpdate appears to always be token.ValidTo plus 5 minutes, so there is some intent to use this value somehow.
A few questions:
What is the intended strategy for this value?
Occasional cache cleanup?
Should the Get() and GetAll() methods on SessionSecurityTokenCache be filtering out expired tokens?
In any of these cases, why not just use SessionSecurityToken.ValidTo (or some offset therefrom)?


How to tell PIT to not mutate some specific portions of code?

It happens that there are sometimes lines of code or methods that can't produce mutants that are going to be killed by any relevant test. (For instance I may be using a null pattern object, and some of the implemented methods are not relevant in prod, so any implementation (even throwing) would be correct).
It would be nice to be able to tell pit to avoid them (so that the mutation coverage is more relevant), but I couldn't find a way to do it in the documentation.
Is there a way to do it?
PIT currently has five mechanisms by which code can be filtered out.
By class, using the excludedClasses parameter
By method, using excludedMethods
Using a custom mutation filter
By adding an annotation named Generated, CoverageIgnore, or DoNotMutate with at least class level retention. (N.B javax.annotation.Generated has only source retention and will not work)
The arcmutate base extensions allow mutation to be filtered using code comments or external text files
For your use case it sounds like options 1, 4 or 5 would fit.
Option 2 only allows for a method to be filtered in all classes (this is most commonly used to prevent mutations in toString or hashcode methods).
Option 3 is a little involved, but would allow you to (for example) to filter out methods with a certain annotation.
An aside.
I don't I follow your example of the null object pattern.
A null object needs to implement all methods of an interface and it is expected that they will be called. If they were to throw this would break the pattern.
In the most common version of the pattern the methods would be empty, so there would be nothing to mutate apart from return values.
This behaviour would be worth describing with tests. If your null object fails to return whatever values are considered neutral this would cause a problem.

Typhoon: Injecting run-time arguments into a singleton

I'm trying to figure out how to inject run-time arguments into a singleton when it is created, and then have those arguments just be remembered from then on. I'm not sure if the interface for run-time arguments can support this, though. Say, for example, I have a Client object that requires a token, and has the following initializer:
+ (instancetype)initWithToken:(NSString *)token;
The token is obtained at runtime from the server and is different for every user, so I can't simply put the NSString in the definition. So I create the following method on my Typhoon assembly:
- (Client *)clientWithToken:(NSString *)token;
However, in the future (when I'm injecting this client into other classes), I won't have the token on hand to call this method with. So I would like to just be able to inject [self client], for example. Since the client is a singleton and has already been created, the token isn't necessary, anyway.
However, I can't seem to find a way to do this. Obviously, defining a separate method called client would just return a different client. Can I just call clientWithToken:nil and the argument will be ignored if the client already exists? Perhaps traversing the assembly's singletons array would work, but that is obviously very inelegant.
I have considered injecting by type (so I don't need a method to call), but I have multiple different clients of the same type, so I need to be explicit about which client to inject. Of course, there is also the option of removing this parameter from the initializer, and instead setting it as a property from outside the assembly; however this pattern is used throughout our application, so I would like to avoid rewriting that much code.
Thank you.
Reviewing the Typhoon User Guide's 'When to Use Runtime Arguments' shows that this scenario isn't really a good match. Runtime arguments are great when we have a top-level component that mixes some static dependencies with information that is known later - thus avoiding the creation of a custom 'factory' class. Its not possible to use them in the way described.
Instead consider the following suggestions:
Inject a shared context class
Create a mutable Session model object and register it with Typhoon. Update the state on this model when you have a token. Inject this into the clients, which will use this session information when making connections.
Aspect Hook
Hook your clients so that before a method is invoked the token information is available. This could be done by:
Using an Aspects library like this one.
Define a Protocol for the clients and wrap the base implementation in one that is security aware.

Are these values dependencies?

I've got an object that encapsulates remote calls. It needs credentials to make the calls. I think the credentials should be passed into the constructor so that, once the object is created, a user doesn't have to keep passing them in every time they make a call to the object. This seems like a sensible factoring.
If I do this though I've got the added complexity of the clients that use this object needing to be passed a factory instead of the object itself because they credentials won't be known until run time. So given this extra work, I was wondering if credentials (being just string values and no code) count as a dependency or not?
Does this question even make sense? You see I've gotten it into my head after using IoC that anything being passed into a constructor counts as a dependency and thus should probably be an instance of some implementation of an interface.
I wouldn't see those strings as dependencies. Instead, create an IUserContext or IUserCredentials abstraction that you can inject.

Semantics of OMG IDL attributes

I'm working on the verification of an interface formalised in the OMG's IDL, and am having problems finding a definitive answer on the semantics of getting an attribute value. In an interface, I have an entry...
interface MyInterface {
readonly attribute SomeType someName;
I need to know if it is acceptable for someObj.someName != someObj.someName to be true (where someObj is an instance of an object implementing MyInterface).
All I can find in OMG documentation in regards to attributes is...
(5.14) An attribute definition is logically equivalent to declaring a
pair of accessor functions; one to retrieve the value of the attribute
and one to set the value of the attribute.
The optional readonly keyword indicates that there is only a single
accessor function—the retrieve value function.
Ergo, I'm forced to conclude that IDL attributes need not be backed by a data member, and are free to return basically any value the interface deems appropriate. Can anyone with more experience in IDL confirm that this is indeed the case?
As we know, IDL interface always will be represented by a remote object. An attribute is no more then a syntatic sugar for getAttributeName() and setAttributeName(). Personally, i don't like to use attribute because it is hardly to understand than a simply get/set method.
CORBA also has valuetypes, object by value structure - better explaned here. They are very usefull because, different from struct, allow us inherit from other valuetypes, abstract interface or abstract valuetype. Usualy, when i'm modeling objects with alot of
get/set methods i prefer to use valuetypes instead of interfaces.
Going back to your question, the best way to understand 'attribute' is looking for C#. IIOP.NET maps 'attribute' to properties. A property simulates a public member but they are a get/set method.
Answering your question, i can't know if someObj.someName != someObj.someName will return true or false without see the someObj implementation. I will add two examples to give an ideia about what we can see.
Example 1) This implementation will always return false for the expression above:
private static i;
public string getSomeName() {
return "myName" i;
Example 2) This implementation bellow can return true or false, depending of concurrency or 'race condition' between clients.
public string getSomeName() {
return this.someName;
public setSomeName(string name) {
this.someName = name;
First client can try to access someObj.someName() != someObj.someName(). A second client could call setSomeName() before de second call from the first client.
It is perfectly acceptable for someObj.someName != someObj.someName to be true, oddly as it may seem.
The reason (as others alluded to) is because attributes map to real RPC functions. In the case of readonly attributes they just map to a setter, and for non-readonly attributes there's a setter and a getter implicitly created for you when the IDL gets compiled. But the important thing to know is that an IDL attribute has a dynamic, server-dictated, RPC-driven value.
IDL specifies a contract for distributed interactions which can be made at runtime between independent, decoupled entities. Almost every interaction with an IDL-based type will lead to an RPC call and any return value will be dependent on what the server decides to return.
If the attribute is, say, currentTime then you'll perhaps get the server's current clock time with each retrieval of the value. In this case, someObj.currentTime != someObj.currentTime will very likely always be true (assuming the time granularity used is smaller than the combined roundtrip time for two RPC calls).
If the attribute is instead currentBankBalance then you can still have someObj.currentBankBalance != someObj.currentBankBalance be true, because there may be other clients running elsewhere who are constantly modifying the attribute via the setter function, so you're dealing with a race condition too.
All that being said, if you take a very formal look at the IDL spec, it contains no language that actually requires that the setting/accessing of an attribute should result in an RPC call to the server. It could be served by the client-side ORB. In fact, that's something which some ORB vendors took advantage of back in the CORBA heyday. I used to work on the Orbix ORB, and we had a feature called Smart Proxies - something which would allow an application developer to overload the ORB-provided default client proxies (which would always forward all attribute calls to the server hosting the target object) with custom functionality (say, to cache the attribute values and return a local copy without incurring network or server overhead).
In summary, you need to be very clear and precise about what you are trying to verify formally. Given the dynamic and non-deterministic nature of the values they can return (and the fact that client ORBs might behave differently from each other and still remain compliant to the CORBA spec) you can only reliably expect IDL attributes to map to getters and setters that can be used to retrieve or set a value. There is simply no predictability surrounding the actual values returned.
Generally, attribute does not need to be backed by any data member on the server, although some language mapping might impose such convention.
So in general case it could happen that someObj.someName != someObj.someName. For instance attribute might be last access time.

A pragmatic view on private vs public

I've always wondered on the topic of public, protected and private properties. My memory can easily recall times when I had to hack somebody's code, and having the hacked-upon class variables declared as private was always upsetting.
Also, there were (more) times I've written a class myself, and had never recognized any potential gain of privatizing the property. I should note here that using public vars is not in my habit: I adhere to the principles of OOP by utilizing getters and setters.
So, what's the whole point in these restrictions?
The use of private and public is called Encapsulation. It is the simple insight that a software package (class or module) needs an inside and an outside.
The outside (public) is your contract with the rest of the world. You should try to keep it simple, coherent, obvious, foolproof and, very important, stable.
If you are interested in good software design the rule simply is: make all data private, and make methods only public when they need to be.
The principle for hiding the data is that the sum of all fields in a class define the objects state. For a well written class, each object should be responsible for keeping a valid state. If part of the state is public, the class can never give such guarantees.
A small example, suppose we have:
class MyDate
public int y, m, d;
public void AdvanceDays(int n) { ... } // complicated month/year overflow
// other utility methods
You cannot prevent a user of the class to ignore AdvanceDays() and simply do:
date.d = date.d + 1; // next day
But if you make y, m, d private and test all your MyDate methods, you can guarantee that there will only be valid dates in the system.
The whole point is to use private and protected to prevent exposing internal details of your class, so that other classes only have access to the public "interfaces" provided by your class. This can be worthwhile if done properly.
I agree that private can be a real pain, especially if you are extending classes from a library. Awhile back I had to extend various classes from the Piccolo.NET framework and it was refreshing that they had declared everything I needed as protected instead of private, so I was able to extend everything I needed without having to copy their code and/or modify the library. An important take-away lesson from that is if you are writing code for a library or other "re-usable" component, that you really should think twice before declaring anything private.
The keyword private shouldn't be used to privatize a property that you want to expose, but to protect the internal code of your class. I found them very helpful because they help you to define the portions of your code that must be hidden from those that can be accessible to everyone.
One example that comes to my mind is when you need to do some sort of adjustment or checking before setting/getting the value of a private member. Therefore you'd create a public setter/getter with some logic (check if something is null or any other calculations) instead of accessing the private variable directly and always having to handle that logic in your code. It helps with code contracts and what is expected.
Another example is helper functions. You might break down some of your bigger logic into smaller functions, but that doesn't mean you want to everyone to see and use these helper functions, you only want them to access your main API functions.
In other words, you want to hide some of the internals in your code from the interface.
See some videos on APIs, such as this Google talk.
Having recently had the extreme luxury of being able to design and implement an object system from scratch, I took the policy of forcing all variables to be (equivalent to) protected. My goal was to encourage users to always treat the variables as part of the implementation and not the specification. OTOH, I also left in hooks to allow code to break this restriction as there remain reasons to not follow it (e.g., the object serialization engine cannot follow the rules).
Note that my classes did not need to enforce security; the language had other mechanisms for that.
In my opinion the most important reason for use private members is hiding implementation, so that it can changed in the future without changing descendants.
Some languages - Smalltalk, for instance - don't have visibility modifiers at all.
In Smalltalk's case, all instance variables are always private and all methods are always public. A developer indicates that a method's "private" - something that might change, or a helper method that doesn't make much sense on its own - by putting the method in the "private" protocol.
Users of a class can then see that they should think twice about sending a message marked private to that class, but still have the freedom to make use of the method.
(Note: "properties" in Smalltalk are simply getter and setter methods.)
I personally rarely make use of protected members. I usually favor composition, the decorator pattern or the strategy pattern. There are very few cases in which I trust a subclass(ing programmer) to handle protected variables correctly. Sometimes I have protected methods to explicitly offer an interface specifically for subclasses, but these cases are actually rare.
Most of the time I have an absract base class with only public pure virtuals (talking C++ now), and implementing classes implement these. Sometimes they add some special initialization methods or other specific features, but the rest is private.
First of all 'properties' could refer to different things in different languages. For example, in Java you would be meaning instance variables, whilst C# has a distinction between the two.
I'm going to assume you mean instance variables since you mention getters/setters.
The reason as others have mentioned is Encapsulation. And what does Encapsulation buy us?
When things have to change (and they usually do), we are much less likely to break the build by properly encapsulating properties.
For example we may decide to make a change like:
int getFoo()
return foo;
int getFoo()
return bar + baz;
If we had not encapsulated 'foo' to begin with, then we'd have much more code to change. (than this one line)
Another reason to encapsulate a property, is to provide a way of bullet-proofing our code:
void setFoo(int val)
if(foo < 0)
throw MyException(); // or silently ignore
foo = val;
This is also handy as we can set a breakpoint in the mutator, so that we can break whenever something tries to modify our data.
If our property was public, then we could not do any of this!
