I am getting some strange results when I use the ForAll quantifier. My goal is to restrict the interpretation of a function foo to the following:
\Ax,y. foo(x,y)= if x=A && y=B then C1 else C2
So if i assert the above into a context I should get back an interpretation for foo which essentially equivalent to the above. However I do not. What i get back is something like
foo(x,y)= if x=A && y=B then C1 else C1
And I have no idea why. The code I am using is below (accessing Z3 via the .net API)
let ctx = new Context()
let Sort1 = ctx.MkEnumSort("S1", [|"A";"AA"|])
let Sort2 = ctx.MkEnumSort("S2", [|"B"|])
let Sort3 = ctx.MkEnumSort("S3", [|"C1";"C2"|])
let s1 = ctx.MkSymbol "s1"
let s2 = ctx.MkSymbol "s2"
let types = [|Sort1:>Sort; Sort2:>Sort |]
let names = [|s1:>Symbol ; s2:>Symbol|]
let vars = [| ctx.MkConst(names.[0],types.[0]);ctx.MkConst(names.[1],types.[1])|]
let FDecl = ctx.MkFuncDecl("foo", [|Sort1:>Sort;Sort2:>Sort|], Sort3)
let f_body = ctx.MkITE(ctx.MkAnd(ctx.MkEq(vars.[0],getZ3Id("A",Sort1)),
ctx.MkEq(vars.[1], getZ3Id("B",Sort2))),
let f_app = FDecl.Apply vars //ctx.MkApp(FDecl, vars)
let body = ctx.MkEq(f_app, f_body)
let std_weight = uint32 1
let form = ctx.MkForall(types, names, body, std_weight, null, null, null, null)
:> BoolExpr
let s = ctx.MkSolver()
satisfy s [|form|]
where getZ3Id converts the given string to the corresponding constant in the Enum
let getZ3Id (id,sort:EnumSort) =
let matchingConst zconst = zconst.ToString().Equals(id)
Array.find matchingConst sort.Consts
And satisfy is:
let satisfy (s:Solver) formula =
s.Assert (formula)
let res = s.Check()
assert (res = Status.SATISFIABLE)
The model returns an interpretation for foo that returns C1 no matter what
(define-fun foo ((x!1 S1) (x!2 S2)) S3
(ite (and (= x!1 A) (= x!2 B)) C1
Could someone point out where I'm going wrong?
PS Also what is the difference between the two API calls to MkForAll - one takes sorts and names and other takes "bound constants"?
Here is my further problem:
If i define
let set1 = Set.map (fun (p:string)-> ctx.MkConst(p,Sort3))
(new Set<string>(["C1"]))
and change the body of f
let f_body = ctx.MkITE(ctx.MkAnd(ctx.MkEq(vars.[0],getZ3Id("A",Sort1))),
ctx.MkEq(vars.[1], getZ3Id("B",Sort2))),
mkZ3Set ctx set1,
ctx.MkEmptySet Sort3)
let mkZ3Set (ctx:Context) exprs sort =
Set.fold (fun xs x-> ctx.MkSetAdd(xs,x)) (ctx.MkEmptySet(sort)) exprs
The Z3 formula looks reasonable
form= (forall ((s1 S1))
(= (foo s1)
(ite (and (= s1 A))
(store ((as const (Array S3 Bool)) false) C1 true)
((as const (Array S3 Bool)) false))))
yet Z3 returns Unsatisfiable. Can you tell me why?
The problem is the quantifier abstraction. It does not abstract the variables you intend.
let form = ctx.MkForall(types, names, body, std_weight, null, null, null, null)
:> BoolExpr
should instead be:
let form = ctx.MkForall(vars, body, std_weight, null, null, null, null)
:> BoolExpr
The background is that Z3 exposes two different ways for you to quantify variables.
Option 1: you can abstract constants that appear in formulas. You should pass an array of those constants to the quantifier abstraction. This is the version my correction uses.
Option 2: you can abstract de-Brujin indices that appear free in a formula. You can then use the overload of ctx.MkForall that you used in your example. But it requires that whenever you refer to a bound variable, you use a bound index (something created using ctx.MkBound).
I was setting up an example using the Java-API (along the lines of the provided Z3 Java examples):
Context ctx = new Context();
int size = 1;
IntExpr[] xs = new IntExpr[size];
Symbol[] names = new Symbol[size];
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
names[j] = ctx.mkSymbol("x_" + Integer.toString(j));
xs[j] = (IntExpr) ctx.mkConst(names[j], ctx.getIntSort());
BoolExpr body_const = ctx.mkEq(xs[0], ctx.mkInt(3));
BoolExpr exists = ctx.mkExists(xs, body_const, 1, null, null,
null, null);
Solver s = ctx.mkSolver();
if (s.check() != Status.SATISFIABLE)
throw new IllegalStateException();
Model model = s.getModel();
System.out.println("---> " + model);
I wonder why the model is empty! Shouldn't it simply state that xs[0] is 3?
The entire Java program is just clutter in this context. Essentially, you're asking the solver the following SMTLib question:
(assert (exists ((x_0 Int)) (= x_0 3)))
When run, the above prints:
That is, it is indeed satisfiable, but there's no model to display. Because SMT solvers do not display values of existentially quantified variables like this. The model only contains values that are declared at the top-level. So, instead, you need to ask something like:
(declare-const x_0 Int)
(assert (= x_0 3))
to which you'll get the model:
(define-fun x_0 () Int
Hope that helps out. So, if the Java program you gave is indeed what you intended, then the output is correct; by design you do not get the values of "existentially" quantified variables from an SMT solver. If you want to get them, make them top-level variables instead.
So my team and I have created a function, wordMarkovChain, which generates a random string with nWords words, whose word-pairs are distributed according to the cooccurrence histogram wCooc.
Now we wanted to create a function which will test the newly created wordMarkovChain, so I can confirm that it's working as it should.
The function, diffw2, which compares two cooccurrence histograms as the average sum of squared differences, needs to take in two parameters, c1 and c2, of type wordCooccurrences and return a double, where c1 and c2 are two cooccurrence histograms of M elements such that c1(i, j) is the number
of times word number i is found following word number j.
The math behind the function should look like this: 1/M^2 * Summation from i=0 to M-1 Summation from i=0 to M-1 (c1(i, j) - c2(i, j))^2.
Sorry, I can't post a picture:(
Our two types which we have created seems to be the problem. c1 and c2 can have a different length but the type wordHistogram inside the type wordCoocurence can also have a different length.
The question is, how can we create such a function?
We tried with for loops, but we think it needs to be a recursive function. We are quite new to the whole concept of programming and are looking for some guidance. Please bear in mind that we do not possess vast knowledge of F#, especially not their in build functions.
// Types
type wordHistogram = (string * int) list
type wordCooccurrences = (string * wordHistogram) list
let diffw2 (c1 : wordCooccurrences) (c2 : wordCooccurrences) : double =
let mutable res = 0
let z1, z2 = c1 |> List.unzip
let z3, z4 = c2 |> List.unzip
let m1 = c1 |> List.length
let m2 = c2 |> List.length
let m = m1 + m2
for i in 0 .. (m - 1) do
for j in 0 .. (m - 1) do
for k in 0 .. ((z2.[j] |> List.length) - 1) do
res <- res + (snd z2.[j].[k] - snd z4.[j].[k]) * (snd z2.[j].[k] - snd z4.[j].[k])
(1.0 / (float(m * m))) * float(res)
This might get you closer to what you need. This could instead be done using recursive functions, but I usually prefer to use built-in higher-order functions like fold or fold2 when they can do the job. See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualfsharpdocs/conceptual/list.fold2%5B't1%2C't2%2C'state%5D-function-%5Bfsharp%5D
Each call of List.fold2 receives an "accumulator" with an initial value (or "state") of 0.0. This accumulator is passed to the lambda function in the parameter named "acc". As the lambda is applied to each element of the two input lists, it adds the intermediate result to that acc value, which is then returned as the result of the List.fold2 call.
type wordHistogram = (string * int) list
type wordCooccurrences = (string * wordHistogram) list
let diffw2 (c1 : wordCooccurrences) (c2 : wordCooccurrences) =
let m1 = c1 |> List.length
let m2 = c2 |> List.length
let m = m1 + m2
let res =
(0.0, c1, c2) |||>
List.fold2 (fun acc (_str1, hist1) (_str2, hist2) ->
let intermedRes =
(0.0, hist1, hist2) |||>
List.fold2 (fun acc (_str1, freq1) (_str2, freq2) ->
let diff = float (freq1 - freq2)
acc + diff * diff
acc + intermedRes
(1.0 / float(m * m)) * res
I think you are trying to do the following
let diffw2_ (c1 : wordCooccurrences) (c2 : wordCooccurrences) =
List.zip c1 c2
|> List.sumBy (fun ((_, w1), (_, w2)) ->
List.zip w1 w2
|> List.sumBy (fun ((_,i1), (_,i2)) ->
(float (i1 - i2)) ** 2.0
) |> (fun totalSumOfSquares -> totalSumOfSquares / (c1 |> List.length |> float))
This just returns the average square differences between corresponding elements of c1 and c2. It assumes that c1 and c2 have the same structure.
With F# (and functional programming in general), you typically avoid using mutable variables and for loops, in favor of pure functions.
I have a program that sorts variables, and I'm trying to check its validity with Z3, but I have one code segment where the variables are being swapped and I don't know how to model it in SMT syntax. Here is the original code segment:
if (x > y) {
temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
And regarding the SMT I have written an assertion, but I guess it is not exactly the correct thing:
(declare-fun x () Int)
(declare-fun y () Int)
(declare-fun temp () Int)
(assert (=> (> s1 s2) (and (= tmp s1) (= s1 s2) (= s2 tmp))))
Any ideas how to do variable assignment in SMT?
You should look into Single Static Assignment [1]. In this way you can rewrite your original code as follows.
if (x0 > y0) {
temp0 = x0;
x1 = y0;
y1 = temp0;
It thus becomes clear that you have two different instances of x and y. The first (x0, y0) is the one you are comparing in the if condition. The second (x1, y1) is the result of the operation.
This introduces an implicit notion of time that makes it also easier to write properties about your code. E.g.,
((x1 = x0) & (y1 = y0)) | ((x1 = y0) | (y1 = x0))
Of course, this might require adjusting other parts of your code, so that you are using the right variables.
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Static_single_assignment_form
We can rewrite what you want using a single expression as a tuple:
(result1, result2) = x > y ? (x, y) : (y, x)
Z3 supports tuples but I'm less experienced with that. It's probably easier to blast this into parts:
result1 = x > y ? x : y
result2 = x > y ? y : x
And the ?: operator maps to ITE in Z3.
You don't even need "temp variables" for this (but clearly you can).
(assert (=> (> s1 s2) (and (= tmp s1) (= s1 s2) (= s2 tmp))))
I think this is revealing that you don't understand that Z3 "variables" are actually constants and you cannot actually swap them. In each model they take on a single value only. There is no temporal component to constants. = means "is equal?" and not "make it equal!".
What do the let (x = 0) in x * x translate to? A function (fun x -> x * x) 0) ? - This would make sense, as let bindings are expressions - and expressions must return values (just like functions).
let result1 =
(fun n1 -> (fun n2 ->
(fun n3 -> n1 + n2 + n3 ) 3) 2) 1
let result2 =
let n1 = 1 in
let n2 = 2 in
let n3 = 3 in
n1 + n2 + n3
let result3 =
let n1 = 1
let n2 = 2
let n3 = 3
n1 + n2 + n3
Am I right to assume that result3 is a sugared form of result2, and result2 a sugared form of result1?
Short: Do let in bindings translate to functions?
You can almost see let x = e1 in e2 as a syntactic sugar for (fun x -> e2) e1.
At the basic level, the two expressions mean the same thing - the compiler will probably compile them differently (depending on optimization levels and how it inlines things), but you could often use the second notation instead of the first one.
The one case where they differ is that ML-languages (including F#) only generalize function types written explicitly using the let keyword. This means that if you use fun, the language won't treat it as a generic function. If you want a generic function, you have to use let (and this is not just a compiler artifact, this is actually part of the language).
For example, the following uses let and it works:
let id = (fun x -> x) in ignore(id 1); ignore(id "A")
But the following does not work, because id is not a generic function:
(fun id -> ignore(id 1); ignore(id "A")) (fun x -> x)
The plain old let is just the lightweight syntax form of the verbose let … in.
From MSDN: Verbose Syntax (F#):
nested let bindings:
Lightweight syntax:
let f x =
let a = 1
let b = 2
x + a + b
Verbose syntax:
let f x =
let a = 1 in
let b = 2 in
x + a + b
The let bindings within these function don't translate to functions themselves, however. Both of these translate to identical CIL code:
IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ldarg.0
IL_0002: ldc.i4.1
IL_0003: add
IL_0004: ldc.i4.2
IL_0005: add
IL_0006: ret
Note that the only function here is the outer function f. The variables a and b are evaluated as constants within the scope of f.
let x = <val> in <expr> is functionally equivalent to (fun x -> <expr>) <val>.
<expr> is an expression
<val> is a value
The in keyword is optional.
I am using z3 with the C++ API for the example:
context c;
sort I = c.int_sort();
sort B = c.bool_sort();
expr x = c.int_const("x");
expr x1 = c.int_const("x1");
func_decl p1 = function("p1", I, B);
func_decl p2 = function("p2", I, B);
solver s(c);
s.add(forall(x, (implies(p1(x), ((p2(x)))))));
The generated model is:
(define-fun x1 () Int
(define-fun p1 ((x!1 Int)) Bool
(define-fun p2 ((x!1 Int)) Bool
The imagined to have the model p1(x1) and p2(x1). I tried also with the options:
p.set("mbqi", true);
p.set("smt.mbqi.max_iterations", "10000000");
p.set("auto-config", true);
But, I have the same result. Am I missing something?
Thank you.
Z3 produces a correct model, so I'm not exactly sure what the problem is. I can only imagine that there is some confusion about the argument names of the functions.
Per declaration, p1 is a function that takes an int and returns a Boolean. When Z3 builds an interpretation for this function, it names the first argument x!1 which has nothing to do with the constant function x1 (no bang). The model returned states
(define-fun x1 () Int
(define-fun p1 ((x!1 Int)) Bool
which means x1 is a constant function that always returns zero, i.e., x1() := 0. Additionally, p1 is a function with one argument (called x!1) and which returns true regardless of the input, i.e., for all x!1, p1(x!1) := true.