Extract metadata without uploading - ruby-on-rails

I hava a Ruby on Rails application that works with video playlists. Now I would like to extract timecode information from the video file without uploading it to the server (takes to long). Is the possible?
If it is not possible, is there a way to export te metadata locally and uploads these xmls (for example) to the server?
Thanks in advance

afaik, this is not possible in browsers that do not support File API. Take a look at jquery file upload and the way it allows user to identify the file extension before upload.


Make pdf file accessible through a link in the app

I've been searching for weeks on stackoverflow and google, but I wasn't able to find any good results.
I have a pdf file on my computer and I want to access that pdf file from an ios app, by clicking a link which will take me to that pdf file.
And when I modify that pdf file on my computer I want the link in the app to update with the latest version of that pdf file.
I thought of using a backend for storage such as Firebase storage but I had some issues with that.
How can I access that pdf file from an app? It doesn't have to be through a link, anything that will allow access with the latest version of the file is fine.
I appreciate any suggestions.
Thank You
The simplest way may be using a cloud storage such as Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive...etc and get the public share link to that file. Then you can load the PDF in your iOS app using this link.
You can do this using web services API, You need to create simple webservice in backend (in any language for example PHP) to get the list of file with path to access in mobile app, and configure backend webservice code to your server (your computer, wherever you want to update files), So you can get every time updated data (files path) using webservice.

Storing assets in cloud and read them securely

I am developing an iOS app that uses a large amount of images that are needed for animations for short videos. I want to save my application assets as static files in cloud and once they are needed download them using secure API call (either JSON, XML or any other alternative for that matter).
What is the best option for that. I have checked Parse, Dropbox, iCloud, Google Drive, but I am puzzled since I see only instructions for dynamic data that lets users access content they have created and not static assets.
What would be best option for that?
If you just want an easy way to serve static files I would take a look at Amazon S3. You can just upload files through the online console and then get the public URL to those files to use in your app. You can also use the S3 API to upload files through your web service or iOS app.
Hope this helps!
I'd go for Parse (basically because it is fast to learn and develop), you can create a table with the images and change the writing permissions if you are afraid somebody could modify the table.
Another option that you can check it's the special Config table so you can upload custom files (zip files i.e.) and download them in demand.

Rails s3_direct_upload without file field

My website generates a file in javascript (audio recording) and I then want it to be uploaded to Amazon S3.
I first managed to get the uploading part working by sending the generated file to my server, where it is uploaded. However I would like now to upload the file directly to S3, without going through my server.
So I started to use the s3_direct_upload gem, which works great when using a file_field. However my file is generated by the javascript and :
- The value of a file field has to be set by the user for security reasons
- I do not want the user to have to interact with the upload
I tried to play with the S3Uploader class and to directly add data, without any success for now, it seems that I do not use the correct method.
Does anyone has any idea on how to achieve S3 direct upload without a file field ?
Never mind, I found out that the S3Uploader class used by the s3_direct_upload gem has the same methods as the jQuery-File-Upload from which it is derived.
So one can call $("#s3_uploader").fileupload('send', {files: [f]});
And the f File will be uploaded to S3 directly

Unable to record Upload Panel using JMeter

I have an upload panel in my seam application and I want to record this using Jmeter.
But this tool does not allow to upload the file whereas manually I can do that.
So any suggestion on how to do that?
Put the file in jmeter/bin folder and it should work.
You can use firefox for recording.
Why not to search first through jmeter-tagged questions?
Asked many times before.
Look into these:
JMeter - File upload and file download scenario
Jmeter Upload Error in Recording

Save images phonegap query iOS (url in xml)

I'm sort of stuck with a iOS / phonegap question.
I have a XML on the server which I download successful with ajax. I even save the XML in the local storage and can read it later when offline.
The next step is the one where i need a startup. Within the XML I've got image URLs. I would like to download them and save them locally.
What is best practice and also the quickest way?
Do i need the FileWriter plugin for that? Or do i need to save them in a database as base64?
And after that how can i read them to show in the application?
Thanks in advance
There is no simple way as far as i can tell. You may wish to try using the cache manifest, or downloading them using code such as this: http://blog.clearlyinnovative.com/post/2056122828/phonegap-plugin-for-downloading-url-all-the-code
Full project here: https://github.com/aaronksaunders/FileDownLoadApp
Good luck
