What's happen if control UI by performSelectorInBackground? - ios

I read some informations that UI interface only update on MainThread.
I need to asynchronous update some UIButtons, so I use performSelectorInBackground and it's work fine on simulator and Device (iPad4).
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(toggleToUpperWhenSingleShift) withObject:nil];
- (void)toggleToUpperWhenSingleShift{
shiftStateIndicator = 1;
for (UIView *aPad in self.subviews) {
if ( [aPad isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]] ) {
UIButton *aButPad = (UIButton *)aPad;
NSMutableString *currentTitle = [NSMutableString stringWithString:[aButPad titleForState:UIControlStateNormal]];
NSString *firstChar = [currentTitle substringToIndex:1];
[currentTitle replaceCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1) withString:[firstChar uppercaseString]];
[aButPad setTitle:currentTitle forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[aButPad setTitle:currentTitle forState:UIControlStateHighlighted];
currentTitle = [NSMutableString stringWithString:[aButPad titleForState:UIControlStateSelected]];
firstChar = [currentTitle substringToIndex:1];
[currentTitle replaceCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1) withString:[firstChar uppercaseString]];
[aButPad setTitle:currentTitle forState:UIControlStateSelected];
I'm worried some unwanted functions will happen if I keep my code. Can anyone explain me detail about performSelectorInBackground?
Why not use it to update UI and why it's OK with my app?
Anyway to debug problem will appreciate!

performSelectorInBackground: is almost never what you want, for almost anything (and certainly not since the creation of GCD). It creates a new thread that you have little control over. That thread will run for as long as the method you dispatch to it.
By "little control" what I mean is that you don't get an NSThread object back, so it is very easy to accidentally call this method many times and fork an unbounded number of threads. I've seen this happen in several programs.
In iOS, you should almost never manually create a thread. GCD and NSOperation handle almost everything that manual threads could do, but better. You typically want thread pooling so you don't spin up and spin down threads all the time. GCD gives you that. You want to cap how many threads you create so you don't overwhelm the processor. GCD gives you that. You want to be able to prioritize your background actions easily. GCD gives you that, too.
All that said, I can't figure out why you're trying to do the above operation on a background thread. Almost all the work is UI updates. You must never, ever, try to modify the UI on a background thread. It is undefined behavior, and when it goes wrong, it goes very wrong. The fact that it's worked in a few cases means nothing. UIKit is not thread safe. You should just call toggleToUpperWhenSingleShift on the main thread. I don't see anything in that should block you, and the overhead of context switching to a background thread really isn't worth it here (even if it were safe, which it's not).

Making UI changes in a background thread is highly advised against by Apple.
You should either use performSelectorOnMainThread or send a message to the UI thread's dispatch queue and do your UI modifications from there.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// your code here

It is strongly recommended not to update UI controls etc from a background thread (e.g. a timer, comms etc). This can be the cause of crashes which are sometimes very hard to identify. Instead use these to force code to be executed on the UI thread (which is always the “main” thread).
Go to http://www.ios-developer.net/iphone-ipad-programmer/development/threads/updating-ui-controls-on-background-threads
for further reading.


How can I "visualize"(observe) a thread exiting in iOS?

When learning thread and run loop, I notice that some articles say: "Generally, a thread just exits once it has done its work." So there is necessity sometimes to create a so-called "immortal thread"(?? I don't know the exact term in English) using NSRunloop.
The question is HOW can I prove the statement "just exits once it has done its work"? I code like this
- (void)doSomethingOnThread {
// dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
// NSLog(#"I'm on thread %#", [NSThread currentThread]);
// });
NSThread *thread1 = [[NSThread alloc] initWithBlock:^{
NSLog(#"I'm on thread %#", [NSThread currentThread]);
thread1.name = #"thread1";
[thread1 start];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(threadExitHandler:) name:NSThreadWillExitNotification object:nil];
- (void)threadExitHandler:(NSNotification *)noti {
NSLog(#"Thread will exit: %#", noti);
Well, the notification handler is not called.
So, [1]: How can I prove a thread exiting? [2]: What kinds of threads behave so?(I know the main thread will never exit, what about other thread? GCD threads, for example?)
If you want to visualize it, I might use the debugger. For example, I've set a breakpoint inside a NSThread subclass and I see the thread listed in the left panel in Xcode:
But if I have another breakpoint triggered one second after the main method finishes, I see the relevant “Thread will exit” message and my thread is no longer present :
Or you could add a NSLog statement inside the dealloc method for your NSThread subclass, and that also would demonstrate its deallocation. Or look for the subclass in the debug memory object graph.
Well, the notification handler is not called.
I'd suggest you add your observer for NSThreadWillExitNotification before you start your thread. Right now you have a race condition between the starting and exiting of this thread and the adding of the observer. FWIW, I do see the “Thread will exit” message.
Unrelated, while it’s great to learn about threads and runloops, it has little practical use nowadays. It might be more useful to master GCD which gets us out of the weeds of threads and offers performance optimizations and a richer API for writing robust multi-threaded code.
In regards to whether GCD creates persistent threads or not, the answer is yes, but we're abstracted away from this detail. But one of GCD’s performance optimizations is that it manages a “pool” of threads for us, not constantly spinning up new threads and destroying them constantly for every dispatched block of code.
You might want to watch WWDC 2016’s Concurrent Programming With GCD in Swift 3. It walks through the relationship between queues, threads, and runloops.

Can i use GCD for background thread and performSelector for resume back to main thread? [duplicate]

I've used both GCD and performSelectorOnMainThread:waitUntilDone in my apps, and tend to think of them as interchangeable--that is, performSelectorOnMainThread:waitUntilDone is an Obj-C wrapper to the GCD C syntax. I've been thinking of these two commands as equivalent:
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [self doit:YES]; });
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(doit:) withObject:YES waitUntilDone:YES];
Am I incorrect? That is, is there a difference of the performSelector* commands versus the GCD ones? I've read a lot of documentation on them, but have yet to see a definitive answer.
As Jacob points out, while they may appear the same, they are different things. In fact, there's a significant difference in the way that they handle sending actions to the main thread if you're already running on the main thread.
I ran into this recently, where I had a common method that sometimes was run from something on the main thread, sometimes not. In order to protect certain UI updates, I had been using -performSelectorOnMainThread: for them with no problems.
When I switched over to using dispatch_sync on the main queue, the application would deadlock whenever this method was run on the main queue. Reading the documentation on dispatch_sync, we see:
Calling this function and targeting
the current queue results in deadlock.
where for -performSelectorOnMainThread: we see
A Boolean that specifies whether the
current thread blocks until after the
specified selector is performed on the
receiver on the main thread. Specify
YES to block this thread; otherwise,
specify NO to have this method return
If the current thread is also the main
thread, and you specify YES for this
parameter, the message is delivered
and processed immediately.
I still prefer the elegance of GCD, the better compile-time checking it provides, and its greater flexibility regarding arguments, etc., so I made this little helper function to prevent deadlocks:
void runOnMainQueueWithoutDeadlocking(void (^block)(void))
if ([NSThread isMainThread])
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), block);
Update: In response to Dave Dribin pointing out the caveats section ondispatch_get_current_queue(), I've changed to using [NSThread isMainThread] in the above code.
I then use
//Do stuff
to perform the actions I need to secure on the main thread, without worrying about what thread the original method was executed on.
performSelectorOnMainThread: does not use GCD to send messages to objects on the main thread.
Here's how the documentation says the method is implemented:
- (void) performSelectorOnMainThread:(SEL) selector withObject:(id) obj waitUntilDone:(BOOL) wait {
[[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] performSelector:selector target:self withObject:obj order:1 modes: NSRunLoopCommonModes];
And on performSelector:target:withObject:order:modes:, the documentation states:
This method sets up a timer to perform the aSelector message on the current thread’s run loop at the start of the next run loop iteration. The timer is configured to run in the modes specified by the modes parameter. When the timer fires, the thread attempts to dequeue the message from the run loop and perform the selector. It succeeds if the run loop is running and in one of the specified modes; otherwise, the timer waits until the run loop is in one of those modes.
GCD's way is suppose to be more efficient and easier to handle and is only available in iOS4 onwards whereas performSelector is supported in the older and newer iOS.

Trouble with `dispatch_semaphore_wait()` on some devices?

I'm using the open source software TMCache.
It saves expensive data to cache asynchronously. There is also a synchronous method.
It uses dispatch_semaphore_wait() to wait until the operation is over.
- (id)objectForKey:(NSString *)key
if (!key)
return nil;
__block id objectForKey = nil;
dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
[self objectForKey:key block:^(TMCache *cache, NSString *key, id object) {
objectForKey = object;
dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
return objectForKey;
This works fine on my machine. On a colleague's machine it does not.
The program stops working at dispatch_semaphore_wait(). It's absolutely not reproducible for me.
The method above is called in tableView:viewForTableColumn:row:,
so it's executed in the main queue.
Any idea why this is happening? Must I use the method in another queue?
Most likely you are running out of threads. The dispatch_semaphore_signal(semaphore) , which should release the dispatch_semaphore_wait() needs to be executed in a new thread (see objectForKey:block: for details). If OS fails to dispatch that new thread, you stuck, as nobody will send you the dispatch_semaphore_signal.
How often and when it happens depends on computer/device speed, how fast you scroll the table etc. That's why you can't reproduce this issue on your computer.
The quick solution here is to keep number of threads low, by employing the same dispatch semaphore approach with timeout set to DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, as you may not block the main queue.
I would prefer changing the way TMCache.m works, though. I believe that dispatch semaphores approach is not justified in this case - gaining the code brevity (wrapping async method into a synchronous counterpart) at the expense of reliability does not seem right to me. I used to wrap synchronous methods with async ones, but not vice versa.
Here is the fix
Note that only synchronous objectForKey methods were patched.

iOS: Is [UIApplication schedulelocalnotification] and related local notification manipulating methods thread safe?

My App sometimes need to schedule almost 64 local notifications, which will block my main thread for almost 1 seconde on iPhone4.
I want to do this on a separated thread, is these local notification manipulating methods of UIApplcation thread safe?
dont think so as the docs dont explicitly state it and UIKit in general in large parts isnt thread safe
but it would be worth a try :D the main thread is only a dispatch_async away ;)
--- maybe it would be an option to schedule them individually and run the main loop in between
There are two things in play, thread safety and calling UIKit from background threads. Some UIKit code doesn’t like to be called from a background thread at all and will throw an exception if you attempt to do so (like setting a new content for a UITextView). In other words, there’s something like this in the code:
NSParameterAssert([NSThread isMainThread],
#"This method must be called from the main thread.");
Then comes the thread safety, ie. if the code can be called from a background thread, it might still be written in a way that may result in a bug when you do so:
- (void) doA {
for (id item in allItemsArray) {
// do something
- (void) doB {
[allItemsArray addObject:#"foo"];
Now if one thread calls -doA and another thread calls -doB in the meantime, your app would crash with an exception because you changed the allItemsArray while enumerating it.
So the first question is if the notification methods can be called on a background thread. I’d say they can. In that case you can simply schedule all your notification from a background queue:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
for (int i=0; i<64; i++) {
// schedule notification
You don’t need to care about thread safety, unless there’s another part of your app scheduling other local notifications in the meantime. If there is, you can either create a separate queue to serialize all the notification calling code, or you have to be sure that the methods are thread-safe indeed (in which case I have no authoritative resource to offer).

How to open/create UIManagedDocument synchronously?

As mentioned in title, I would like to open UIManagedDocument synchronously, i.e, I would like my execution to wait till open completes. I'm opening document on mainThread only.
Current API to open uses block
[UIManagedDocument openWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(BOOL success))];
Locks usage mentioned at link works well on threads other than main thread. If I use locks on mainThread, it freezes execution of app.
Any advice would be helpful. Thanks.
First, let me say that I strongly discourage doing this. Your main thread just waits, and does nothing while waiting for the call to complete. Under certain circumstances, the system will kill your app if it does not respond on the main thread. This is highly unusual.
I guess you should be the one to decide when/how you should use various programming tools.
This one does exactly what you want... block the main thread until the completion handler runs. Again, I do not recommend doing this, but hey, it's a tool, and I'll take the NRA stance: guns don't kill people...
__block BOOL waitingOnCompletionHandler = YES;
[object doSomethingWithCompletionHandler:^{
// Do your work in the completion handler block and when done...
waitingOnCompletionHandler = NO;
while (waitingOnCompletionHandler) {
Another option is to execute the run loop. However, this isn't really synchronous, because the run loop will actually process other events. I've used this technique in some unit tests. It is similar to the above, but still allows other stuff to happen on the main thread (for example, the completion handler may invoke an operation on the main queue, which may not get executed in the previous method).
__block BOOL waitingOnCompletionHandler = YES;
[object doSomethingWithCompletionHandler:^{
// Do your work in the completion handler block and when done...
waitingOnCompletionHandler = NO;
while (waitingOnCompletionHandler) {
NSDate *futureTime = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.1];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:futureTime];
There are other methods as well, but these are simple, easy to understand, and stick out like a sore thumb so it's easy to know you are doing something unorthodox.
I should also note that I've never encountered a good reason to do this in anything other than tests. You can deadlock your code, and not returning from the main run loop is a slippery slope (even if you are manually executing it yourself - note that what called you is still waiting and running the loop again could re-enter that code, or cause some other issue).
Asynchronous APIs are GREAT. The condition variable approach or using barriers for concurrent queues are reasonable ways to synchronize when using other threads. Synchronizing the main thread is the opposite of what you should be doing.
Good luck... and make sure you register your guns, and always carry your concealed weapons permit. This is certainly the wild west. There's always a John Wesley Harden out there looking for a gun fight.
