UIBarButtonItem active mouse area - ios

I have used two uibarbuttonitems and added a flexible style between them to adjust them at left and right. But when I click just near the buttons the respective actions are got called, even I don't click on the button (here fox example I clicked approx 20px before the right bar button). can any one explain why the action is performed when i click outside of the button not inside it. I check it with custom uitoolbar also and it is show the same problem.

Cocoa-Touch controls usually have larger active touch areas than they are visible on screen. Especially with bar buttons, the touch area can be dynamically enlarged if there are no other bar buttons nearby.


can i know what is the ui element use in the joox application?

enter image description here
Can anyone tell me that what is the ui element use at the right top of the application? The user is able to swipe left and right to swipe between the view controller and the green bar at the bottom of the icon will animate.
Actually it's not only one element. In my app,I used three buttons and one cursor view to do this.

Attach a Segmented Control to UINavigationBar

In my App, I have a map view and I want to use a segmented control to change the map types (Standard, Hybrid, Satellite). The way I have the app set up, the status bar is hidden and it animates in, moving the navigation bar down a bit. To make sure it doesn't look awkward, I want to make it so the segmented control is attached to the navigation bar so it animates nicely as the status bar comes in. This is basically a picture of what I want to do:
So I noticed that the segmented control is inside a toolbar, so I contain mine in a toolbar as well. I've then tried adding the toolbar to the navigationBar as a subview. (self.navigationController.navigationBar). That works well accept that it can't be tapped because the navigation bar's frame doesn't enclose the extra space, so it can't receive touches. I tried making the frame of the bar bigger, and that worked, but the title and the buttons went away. Obviously there is some way to do this, and I would appreciate any help. Thanks.

UIButtons initially non-functional when positioned on the right-hand side of a view

I am working on an app in which I have multiple UIButtons and UITextFields on the top and right hand side of a UIView. The UIViewController is embedded in a tab bar controller, and I'm using iOS 7.
When the view first appears, the UIButtons and UITextFields on the right are unresponsive -- they are enabled (according to .isEnabled), but the buttons don't flash, and the keyboard doesn't appear when I tap on the UITextField. If I switch to another tab and then back, they work.
The controls at the top work as expected.
However, if I drag the right hand side controls more towards the center of the app, they work first time. There's like a 100 pixel "dead zone" that only goes away when I switch tabs.
Update: If I bypass the tab bar controller completely, and make the view controller associated with the above the initial view controller, then the controls work as they should.
What is going on??

UIBarButtonItem moves inward after altering it programmatically

I added some UIBarButtonItems to a navigationBar in interface builder. Then I change the buttons (remove,change title or add removed buttons) programatically, and the button indents something like 15 pixels inwards (away from the left/right border of the navigationbar). After the view is reloaded the buttons are back in their original place.
An example is the edit button at the top of a table view: it moves a little bit inward after i change it from edit to done. When I switch it from done back to edit, it stays in the same awkward position.
Can anyone tell me how this comes, and especially what I should do to prevent it?

ios any UIView property allows me to set buttons underneath the view in-active?

For ratation and iAd and design reason, I don't want to use modal view to present a message (not via alert view either). I plan to bring up a screen-sized label up and show the message there. That can be done. However, there are a bunch of buttons (ABCD etc) underneath the big label and those buttons are logged in different status and they are clickable. Ideally a user would read the label and disable it via a specified button (X). However, users could click anywhere they want and more than often they will hit those buttons underneath the big label and screw up things. When the big label shows up, only X is visible, and ABCD etc are invisible. Now my question is there any UIView property or whatever property that I can set so that buttons that are invisible are not functioning, although they might be enabled.
You can set the alpha property on your buttons to 0. This will have 2 effects:
1) make the buttons invisible
2) make them ignore the user input
When you need to re-enable the buttons, just set their alpha to 1 again.
