WebView in RhoMobile - rhomobile

I am new to rhoMobile, i am trying to open google page from application.rb
Read the webview document, but didn't find the way to put the app in snc.
def on_ui_created
Please help me out how to proceed.
Suggest some gud tutorial to start up. (all tutorial shows only Model creation)

Here is the basic tutorial. If you go through the documentation step by step you should see it.
Also you have the Sample chapter right in the main page
Sample Apps
API samples: A simple Rhodes application which demonstrates all features.
TrackR: Source code for third party iPhone/Android app for Pivotal Tracker.
Rhostore: Simple store application which we show you how to build in the Rhodes Tutorial.
Rhostore Bulk: Simple store application demonstrating how to use the bulk sync feature.
Webinar Samples: A collection of all samples shown in the webinars.


how to implement implement deferred deep linking in electron

Trying to find information on how to implement deferred deep linking in electron app but can't find it in the official electron documentation.
We have an electronic application. I need the following behavior: when a user tries to open a link of this type -> custom-protocol: // some-data in the browser, if the application is not installed, then automatically download the application and, after installation, pass the parameters contained in the link (some-data) to the application. Can anyone suggest how to implement this in electronic or a link to the documentation or show some abstract example of implementation
On Windows, custom protocols are stored in the registry. This is a chicken and egg problem because your application already has to be installed on the system for the registry entry to exist.
If you rewrite your application as a UWP app (lol) you might be able to check with getInstalledRelatedApps to see if the app is already installed.
If you want to streamline how your application is installed from the web, consider using ClickOnce.
So basically you just want a way to pass some query params to your application when installed from your website.
You can do this if you package your electron application as an MSIX. Check out the article below from Microsoft, that documents the process:
Passing query params to an MSIX packaged app

How to build app Twitter using Retrofit?

I need to help. I'm doing a project about Twitter, but I don't know how to build it by using Retrofit. I really need some documents or an available one to make a reference.
Thank you!!!
This is an example in a complete tutorial for retrofit, I suggest you read the whole tutorial before you start working on the Twitter example, good luck:

Modifying Hyperledger Composer WebApp

I've completed the Hyperledger Composer Developer tutorial https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/tutorials/developer-guide.html and I've generated the BNA, deployed it to a local Hyperledger Fabric 1.0 instance, generated the REST API, and generated the skeleton webapp using yo.
However, I noticed that the resulting webapp only has a menu for adding assets, and none for adding participants and submitting transactions. I have two questions:
1) Why doesn't the webapp generate menus for adding participants and submitting transactions? (or does it, and how do I get it to do that?)
2) In an attempt to add the ability to add participants and submit transactions through the webapp, I've looked through the app directory for the relevant source code but became confused as I'm relatively new to web/angular dev.
Is there any reference documentation to show which source files need to be edited to add participants and transactions?
As far as I can tell, \src\app folder has the source files but I don't understand the roles that each of these files play:
app.component.html has the actual HTML menus, but what is this [routerLink] referring to?
I noticed for each asset that there is a subfolder with a CSS, HTML, and three .TS files. Are these needed for each participant as well?
Any direction or reference on how to modify the web app to accommodate adding participants and transactions would be much appreciated.
1) Why doesn't the webapp generate menus for adding participants and submitting transactions? (or does it, and how do I get it to do that?)
Because its a very simple skeleton NG2 app scoped to assets, which you as a developer can add to. You can easily add REST API calls (operations) from your Angular app to (for example) submit transactions. This is how you should interact with the runtime Fabric using Composer REST operations.
2) Is there any reference documentation to show which source files need to be edited to add participants and transactions?
This is a straightforward Angular tutorial https://angular.io/tutorial and here https://angular.io/guide/quickstart - and this tutorial will help explain Angular further.
The dataservice in the generated App is where the current 'asset' REST operation is called from and further REST operations can be added here -> /src/app/data.service.ts

Rally api to get data for Release Burnup

I need rally api to get data for Release Burnup, to display chart in iOS. I tried rally rest api, but i'm having a trouble to figure out how it works. Can anyone help me? Here is the link for https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/doc/webservice/ where you can get more info.
See Developer Portal here for links to API toolkits and for javascript AppSDK2. There is no toolkit specific for iOS. A built-in ReleaseBurnup served by a first generation analytics service can be displayed via AppSDK2rc3 StandardReport component. This is the same report that used to be available in AppSDK1, so for the supported config parameters see this page.
End up using look back apis, worked for me.

Google oAuth example

I'm looking for a worked example of how to call into Googles oAuth service with a view to simply uploading a txt file. On googles docs I have the followed the example
but it won't compile .... CalendarScopes.CALENDAR is the problem and I can't see what Jar contains this class. I imported every Jar in the google-oauth-java-client-1.12.0-beta download (Also every jar in google-api-java-client-1.12.0-beta ) I dobn't understand the diff between these but that is for another day.
Any pointers would be welcome.
CalendarScopes.CALENDAR that you mentioned is not a part of a jar file but a scope for Calendar API provided by Google. For a sample to show how to implement that, here is one.
In the meanwhile, I would also suggest going over the following links to develop an understanding of the OAuth and how to use it with the different APIs.
OAuth Playground - This is very helpful when trying to learn about different API and permissions relating to those.
OpenID Connect Official Documentation
Hope this helps.
