Call presentModalView controller in UIView - ios

I want to call the presentModalViewController on UIView.
I want to create one model class subclass of UIView and create 3 buttons with action and then add it to the UIView. I wrote a small code about sending a message. In that I call presentModalViewController and I add that view to firstViewController.
Is it possible?
I wrote the code in AppDelegate->application:didReceiveLocalNotification
After receiving a notification this view will be added to MainViewController
NotifViewModel *remainderAlert = [[NotifViewModel alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(40, 60, 250, 300)];
[remainderAlert showRemainderAlert1];
[self.viewController.view addSubview:remainderAlert];

No, you can't call presentModalViewController on UIView.
You only can 'presentModalViewController' from UIViewController or it's subclass (UINavigationController, UITableViewController, etc).


How can I add a common view to multiple ViewControllers in iOS Swift?

I'm kinda new to iOS development.
I want to have a custom View and some Labels inside it. And In some viewControllers of my app on a button click I want to add/show that View
at the bottom of that viewController.
As far as I'm manually adding the view in storyboard in all the viewControllers in which I want the view to display. But this is not efficient. How can I add this view in viewControllers programmatically on button click?
Make one BaseViewController class inherited with UIViewController
Now create method named as designFooter in BaseViewController
func designFooter() {
var viewFooter: UIView = UIView(frame: CGRectMake(0, self.view.bounds.size.height - 50, self.view.bounds.size.width, 50))
viewFooter.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()
For Swift 4, 5.1:
func designFooter() {
let viewFooter: UIView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x:0, y:self.view.bounds.size.height - 50, width:self.view.bounds.size.width, height:50))
viewFooter.backgroundColor =
Now inherit this BaseViewController to you ViewController where you want to add footer, and on button click just call self.designFooter()
If this subview you want to add has some dynamic content or has much of its own logic, you might want to employ view controller containment, specifically not only add a subview, but add a controller associated with that subview, too. So, you can have a scene in your storyboard for this subview that will appear on the bottom, and associate it with its own view controller. Then, when you want to add it, you'd do something like:
let child = storyboard!.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "storyboardid")
// set the `frame` or `constraints` such that it is in the correct place, perhaps animating it into place
child.didMove(toParent: self)
And when you want to remove it:
child.willMove(toParent: nil)
Personally, if this can really appear and disappear from any scene in my app I actually embed the whole app in a container view controller. Then this popping of the child in and out only has to be done once, on this master container view controller.
For example, consider this storyboard:
That is an embedded "container view" (the storyboard equivalent of view controller containment, discussed above). And I can then have a label animate in an out (by animating layoutIfNeeded after changing the height constraint of some view with a label). Then, this bottom view can animate in and out regardless of which view controller's view is currently visible:
Just create a UIView and call addSubview:
UIView *view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,100,100)];//change this frame for your purposes
UILabel *l = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10,10,50,10)];
[l setText: #"My label"];
[view addSubview: l];
[self.view addSubview: view];
As far as adding this to multiple view controllers... I suppose if you had a lot of different view controllers with this same UIView you could create a subclass of UIViewController called CustomViewController. In that class add the above code to viewDidLoad. Then, subclass CustomViewController in all the view controllers with this particular view, and they will automatically add it for you.
If you want to design the view in interface builder, make a custom subclass of UIView. Let's call this CustomView. Design it in a nib and add any code you want. Then, whenever you want to create that view, simply call CustomView *cv = [[CustomView alloc] initWithFrame:...] and then do [self.view addSubview:cv];

Using a subclass of UIViewController subclass with subclass of UIView subclass

I have an MVC architecture of a certain view within my app. Now I want to create a subclass of the View and Controller part. The original UIViewController subclass is loaded with a UIView subclass from storyboard. How can I make my subclass of this UIViewController subclass use my subclass of the UIView subclass code when it loads its view?
Here's some more details about what I want to do. I currently have these classes:
which are connected with storyboard. I load an instance of ControlViewController using:
self.storyboard!.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("ControlViewController")! as! ControlViewController
Now what I want to do is subclass ControlView so that I can change some constraints and add a few extra subviews. Let's call this subclass ExpandedControlView. I also want to subclass ControlViewController because I want to add some extra actions from ExpandedControlView to the controller. This can be called ExpandedControlViewController.
Then I want to be able to instantiate ExpandedControlViewController and use ExpandedControlView like ControlViewController would with ControlView.
In storyboard, select the hierarchy view.
Then select your UIViewController's View in the hierarchy on the left, and select that view's class in the identity inspector on the right.
Or if you want to do it in code. Override viewDidLoad on ControlViewController, instantiate your custom view and set your ControlViewController's view property to your custom view.
ControlView *myCustomView = [[ControlView alloc]initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].applicationFrame];
self.view = myCustomView;
One caveat when doing this is that the layout of any subviews might change from the time loadView is called. So if you have subviews in your custom view, you should also override layoutSubviews in your custom view and set all your view's subviews' frame property again there.
Implement loadView in your view controller subclass and set the view property with instance of your custom view subclass.

Should i create a view ( consisting UIButton, UILabel etc) in a separate UIView class or inside UIViewController?

I have a UIViewController say viewControllerA which contains some view element like UIButton, UILabel etc. Now my question is should I create those view elements in a separate UIView class and then add in UIViewController, or should I create those view elements directly inside the UIViewController. Accordingly to MVC isn't it appropriate to create view elements inside a separate UIView class and then add this in UIViewController?
The standard place to build the view hierarchy in a UIViewController is in the -viewDidLoad method. That method gets called whenever the UIViewController's view is created. The view controller's view will be loaded from the NIB/Storyboard if applicable; your outlets will be wired up; and then -viewDidLoad is called for you to perform further customization:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
UILabel *aLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0,0.0,100.0,40.0)];
[self.view addSubView:aLabel];
In Cocoa/Cocoa Touch you don't always want to subclass everything the way you would in, say, Java. There are often other preferred means of extending the functionality in built-in classes such as Objective-C categories, delegation, and pre-defined properties.
It's certainly possible to do this sort of thing another way, but this is the most "Cocoa-like" way to do it. Actually, the most "Cocoa-like" way would be to create the view hierarchy in Interface Builder, but if you want to do it programmatically this is the usual way.

Pass Subview to subclassed UIView

I have a subclassed UIView with a special behavior.
It is a custom class of a ViewController xib view. It contains a subview, which is currently created programmatically.
My question is; how to pass a subview either from the xib or from one created programmatically in the viewController via initWithFrame or initWithCoder to my subclassed view? (Right now it simply acts through the view, not initiated at all in the VC.)
I would share code, but I don't know that it's necessary.
Use the initWithFrame method:
SubclassedView *view = [[SubclassedView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 480)];
[self.view addSubview:view];
Be sure to import #import "SubclassedView.h"

adding subviews in uiviewcontroller make it goes will

I have a custom UIView that I need to add as a subview in a UIViewController.
But if I use [self.view addSubview:newView]; the app goes in a infinity loop and doesn't start. But if I use self.view = newView then it works. But I need it as a subview.
The UIView contains a grid layout of custom button.
I guess you do that in the loadView method. You must not call the view method of the view controller in loadView because that will itself call loadView! However calling setView: (e.g. self.view = newView) is okay.
My suggestion is to add the subview in viewDidLoad.
