Convert decimal latitude/longitude coordinates to iPad screen coordinates - ios

I have a latitude/longitude decimal coordinates that I would like to convert to points that will fit within the area of the iPad coordinate system.
My code takes in a latitude/longitude coordinates and converts them to cartesian coordinates (based on this question: convert to cartesian coordinates) The results of the conversion are (2494.269287, 575.376465).
Here is my code (no compile or runtime errors):
#define EARTH_RADIUS 6371
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
CGPoint latLong = {41.998035, -116.012215};
CGPoint newCoord = [self convertLatLongCoord:latLong];
NSLog(#"Cartesian Coordinate: (%f, %f)",newCoord.x, newCoord.y);
//Draw dot at coordinate
CGColorRef darkColor = [[UIColor colorWithRed:21.0/255.0
alpha:1.0] CGColor];
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, darkColor);
CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectMake(newCoord.x, newCoord.y, 100, 100));
CGFloat x = EARTH_RADIUS * cos(latLong.x) * cos(latLong.y);
CGFloat y = EARTH_RADIUS * cos(latLong.x) * sin(latLong.y);
return CGPointMake(x, y);
How can I convert the decimal coordinates to coordinates that will show up on an iPad screen?

Your convertLatLongCoord: method makes no attempt to adjust the resulting point to screen coordinates. As written, you can get x and y values in the range -EARTH_RADIUS to +EARTH_RADIUS. These need to be scaled to fit the screen.
Something like the following should help:
- (CGPoint)convertLatLongCoord:(CGPoint)latLong {
CGFloat x = EARTH_RADIUS * cos(latLong.x) * cos(latLong.y) * SCALE + OFFSET;
CGFloat y = EARTH_RADIUS * cos(latLong.x) * sin(latLong.y) * SCALE + OFFSET;
return CGPointMake(x, y);
SCALE and OFFSET should be a value determined as follows:
CGSize screenSize = [UIScreen mainScreen].applicationFrame.size;
CGFloat SCALE = MIN(screenSize.width, screenSize.height) / (2.0 * EARTH_RADIUS);
CGFloat OFFSET = MIN(screenSize.width, screenSize.height) / 2.0;
This assumes you want the map to fill the smallest screen dimension.


how do I make the base of each UIView a tangent to a circle so they radiate from the centre?

I am trying to find angles of rotation for a series of light and dark rectangular UIViews placed at regular points on a circle perimeter. Each point on the circle is calculated as an angle of displacement from the centre and I have tried using the same angle to rotate each UIView so it radiates from the centre. But I didn't expect it to look like this.
I expected the angle of displacement from the centre to be the same as the angle of rotation for each new UIView. Is this assumption correct ? and if so, how do I make the base of each UIView a tangent to a circle so they radiate from the centre ?
In case someone finds it useful here is an update of my original code. The problem as explained by rmaddy has been rectified.
I’ve included two versions of the transform statement and their resulting rotated UIViews. Result on the left uses radians + arcStart + M_PI / 2.0, result on right uses radians + arcStart.
Here is the method.
- (void)sprocket
CGRect canvas = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds;
CGPoint circleCentre = CGPointMake((canvas.size.width)/2, (canvas.size.height)/2);
CGFloat width = 26.0f;
CGFloat height = 50.0f;
CGPoint miniViewCentre;
CGFloat circleRadius = 90;
int miniViewCount = 16;
for (int i = 0; i < miniViewCount; i++)
// to place the next view calculate angular displacement along an arc
CGFloat circumference = 2 * M_PI;
CGFloat radians = circumference * i / miniViewCount;
CGFloat arcStart = M_PI + 1.25f; // start circle from this point in radians;
miniViewCentre.x = circleCentre.x + circleRadius * cos(radians + arcStart);
miniViewCentre.y = circleCentre.y + circleRadius * sin(radians + arcStart);
CGPoint placeMiniView = CGPointMake(miniViewCentre.x, miniViewCentre.y);
CGRect swivellingFrame = CGRectMake(placeMiniView.x, placeMiniView.y, width, height);
UIView *miniView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:swivellingFrame];
if ((i % 2) == 0)
miniView.backgroundColor = [UIColor darkGrayColor];
miniView.backgroundColor = [UIColor grayColor];
miniView.layer.borderWidth = 1;
miniView.layer.borderColor = [UIColor blackColor].CGColor;
miniView.layer.cornerRadius = 3;
miniView.clipsToBounds = YES;
miniView.layer.masksToBounds = YES;
miniView.alpha = 1.0;
// using the same angle rotate the view around its centre
miniView.transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(miniView.transform, radians + arcStart + M_PI / 2.0);
[page1 addSubview:miniView];
The problem is your calculation of the center of each miniView is based on radians plus arcStart but the transform of each miniView is only based on radians.
Also note that angle 0 is at the 3 o'clock position of the circle. You actually want a 90° (or π/2 radians) rotation of miniView so the rectangle "sticks out" from the circle.
You need two small changes to make your code work:
Change the loop to:
for (int i = 0; i < miniViewCount; i++)
And change the transform:
miniView.transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(miniView.transform, radians + arcStart + M_PI / 2.0);

curved text starting point

I'm using this to generate a curved text:
- (UIImage*)createCircularText:(NSString*)text withSize:(CGSize)size andCenter:(CGPoint)center
UIFont *font = [UIFont fontWithName:#"HelveticaNeue-Light" size:15];
// Start drawing
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
// Retrieve the center and set a radius
CGFloat r = center.x / 3;
// Start by adjusting the context origin
// This affects all subsequent operations
CGContextTranslateCTM(context, center.x, center.y);
// Calculate the full extent
CGFloat fullSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < [text length]; i++)
NSString *letter = [text substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(i, 1)];
CGSize letterSize = [letter sizeWithAttributes:#{NSFontAttributeName:font}];
fullSize += letterSize.width;
// Initialize the consumed space
CGFloat consumedSize = 0.0f;
// Iterate through the alphabet
for (int i = 0; i < [text length]; i++)
// Retrieve the letter and measure its display size
NSString *letter = [text substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(i, 1)];
CGSize letterSize = [letter sizeWithAttributes:#{NSFontAttributeName:font}];
// Calculate the current angular offset
//CGFloat theta = i * (2 * M_PI / ((float)[text length] * 3));
// Move the pointer forward, calculating the new percentage of travel along the path
consumedSize += letterSize.width / 2.0f;
CGFloat percent = consumedSize / fullSize;
CGFloat theta = (percent * 2 * M_PI) / ((float)[text length] / 4);
consumedSize += letterSize.width / 2.0f;
// Encapsulate each stage of the drawing
// Rotate the context
CGContextRotateCTM(context, theta);
// Translate up to the edge of the radius and move left by
// half the letter width. The height translation is negative
// as this drawing sequence uses the UIKit coordinate system.
// Transformations that move up go to lower y values.
CGContextTranslateCTM(context, -letterSize.width / 2, -r);
// Draw the letter and pop the transform state
[letter drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(0, 0) withAttributes:#{NSFontAttributeName:font}];
// Retrieve and return the image
UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return image;
and i get this back:
The problem is that the text starts at 0° but I actually want it to begin more at the left, so that the center of the string is at 0°. How to accomplish this?
Two options should work:
After drawing all of the text, rotate the context half of the use angle and get the image from the context at that point.
Make two passes. The first simply calculates the required angle to draw the text. The second pass does what you do now. Except in the 2nd pass, subtract half of the required total angle from each letter's angle.

Draw shape of land on view by taking latitude and longitude in iOS?

I want to draw shape of small land on view by taking latitude and longitude at the corner of land.
I have wrote following code. For now I took hard core values.
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
CGSize screenSize = [UIScreen mainScreen].applicationFrame.size;
SCALE = MIN(screenSize.width, screenSize.height) / (2.0 * EARTH_RADIUS);
OFFSET = MIN(screenSize.width, screenSize.height) / 2.0;
CGPoint latLong1 = {18.626103, 73.805023};
CGPoint latLong2 = {18.626444, 73.804884};
CGPoint latLong3 = {18.626226, 73.804969};
CGPoint latLong4 = {18.626103, 73.805023};
NSMutableArray *points=[NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:[self convertLatLongCoord:latLong1]],[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:[self convertLatLongCoord:latLong2]], [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:[self convertLatLongCoord:latLong3]],[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:[self convertLatLongCoord:latLong4]],nil];
CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
for(int i=0;i<points.count;i++)
// CGPoint newCoord = [self convertLatLongCoord:latLong];
NSValue *val = [points objectAtIndex:i];
CGPoint newCoord = [val CGPointValue];
if(i == 0)
// move to the first point
CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, newCoord.x, newCoord.y);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(ctx, newCoord.x, newCoord.y);
CGContextSetLineWidth(UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(), 1);
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(ctx, [[UIColor redColor] CGColor]);
Below is method which converts lat long into x,y co-ordinates.
- (CGPoint)convertLatLongCoord:(CGPoint)latLong
CGFloat x = EARTH_RADIUS * cos(latLong.x) * cos(latLong.y) * SCALE + OFFSET;
CGFloat y = EARTH_RADIUS * cos(latLong.x) * sin(latLong.y) * SCALE + OFFSET;
return CGPointMake(x, y);
My problem is when I took small land(e.g house land) area lat long its shape is not visible on view after draw. How I can show maximise shape of land on view.
Thanks in advance.

Drawing line graph using Quartz?

I am trying to make a simple graph for the ipad. I need to plot sin(x), cos(x) and tan(x) functions using QUARTZ. I know how to make the grid and the lines, but have no idea how to start with this. Any help is appreciated.
Please note I am not interested in core plot and other frameworks so please don't offer this as an answer.
Simple: you decide what resolution/precision you want, then you split the domain of the functions into intervals according to that, you calculate the values of the function in each interval and you connect those with a straight line:
// Within a subclass of UIView
- (void)drawFunction:(double (*)(double))fn from:(double)x1 to:(double)x2
[super drawRect:rect];
CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGFloat comps[] = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
CGContextSetStrokeColor(ctx, comps);
CGContextSetLineWidth(ctx, 2.0);
const double dx = 0.01; // precision
double scale_x = self.bounds.size.width / (x2 - x1);
double off_x = 0.0;
double scale_y = scale_x;
double off_y = self.bounds.size.height / 2;
CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, x1 * scale_x - off_x, off_y - fn(x1) * scale_y);
for (double x = x1 + dx; x <= x2; x += dx) {
double y = fn(x);
CGFloat xp = x * scale_x - off_x;
CGFloat yp = off_y - y * scale_y;
CGContextAddLineToPoint(ctx, xp, yp);
Call this from - drawRect::
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
[super drawRect:rect];
[self drawFunction:sin from:0.0 to: 2 * M_PI];

iOS using accelerometer to move an object within a circle

I am trying use the accelerometer to move an image within a circle. I am having issue that when the image hits the edge of the circle, it just moves the other side of the circle. My code is below:
- (void)accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer *)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)acceleration {
//NSLog(#"x : %g", acceleration.x);
//NSLog(#"y : %g", acceleration.y);
//NSLog(#"z : %g", acceleration.z);
delta.x = acceleration.x * 10;
delta.y = acceleration.y * 10; = CGPointMake( + delta.x, - delta.y);
distance = sqrtf((( - 160) * ( - 160)) +
(( -206) * ( - 206)));
//NSLog(#"Distance : %f", distance);
touchAngle = atan2(,;
NSLog(#"Angle : %f", touchAngle);
if (distance > 50) { = CGPointMake(160 - cosf(touchAngle) * 50, 206 - sinf(touchAngle) * 50);
I was having the same issue when attempting to implement a circular spirit level using CMDeviceMotion. I found it was an issue with the coordinates passed to atan2(y,x). This function requires cartesian coordinates, with (0,0) in the centre of the view. However, the screen coordinates have (0,0) in the top left corner. I created methods to convert a point between the two coordinate systems, and now it's working well.
I put up a sample project here on github, but here's the most important part:
float distance = sqrtf(((point.x - halfOfWidth) * (point.x - halfOfWidth)) +
((point.y - halfOfWidth) * (point.y - halfOfWidth)));
if (distance > maxDistance)
// Convert point from screen coordinate system to cartesian coordinate system,
// with (0,0) located in the centre of the view
CGPoint pointInCartesianCoordSystem = [self convertScreenPointToCartesianCoordSystem:point
// Calculate angle of point in radians from centre of the view
CGFloat angle = atan2(pointInCartesianCoordSystem.y, pointInCartesianCoordSystem.x);
// Get new point on the edge of the circle
point = CGPointMake(cos(angle) * maxDistance, sinf(angle) * maxDistance);
// Convert back to screen coordinate system
point = [self convertCartesianPointToScreenCoordSystem:point inFrame:self.view.frame];
- (CGPoint)convertScreenPointToCartesianCoordSystem:(CGPoint)point
float x = point.x - (frame.size.width / 2.0f);
float y = (point.y - (frame.size.height / 2.0f)) * -1.0f;
return CGPointMake(x, y);
- (CGPoint)convertCartesianPointToScreenCoordSystem:(CGPoint)point
float x = point.x + (frame.size.width / 2.0f);
float y = (point.y * -1.0f) + (frame.size.height / 2.0f);
return CGPointMake(x, y);
