Upgrade to highcharts 3.0 results in bar graph distortion - highcharts

I just upgraded to highcharts 3.0 and seem to have come accross an issue with one of my existing graphs that was working correctly before the upgrade but now is somewhat broken.
Sometimes the graph displays correctly sometimes but it gets distroted on some occasions. Please see below for examples, any help would be greatly appriciated.
The chart data is dynamically written with setData.
working: http://i.imgur.com/CLDlezD.png
Not working: http://i.imgur.com/RLrWoMK.png
half way:i.imgur.com/aXlACKZ.png

Thanks Sebastian and everyone at highcharts, I just upgraded to the latest version (3.0.1) and it appears as though this issue has been resolved. :D


Jira plugin is not working properly on VS Code

I use to work with VS Code and the Atlassian plugin for Jira. It have been working quite well since few months on.
Right now I'm not able to create a new issue, neither open an existing (assignated) issue, and create a branch from there.
did you experienced similar issue? how can I solve.
i've been searching everywhere but nothing cames out.
Any help apreciated.

Vaadin 6.8.9 table improperly display

I'm using Vaadin 6.8.9. Recently, I come across a issue. The table doesn't present properly as follow image. The headers are not able to appear. I tried to re-install tomcat7,and compile widgets couple times. The issue is still there. The issue only occur on my machine. I couldn't figure out the problem.
Could anybody have this issue ever? Give me some clues. Thanks very much.

Objective-c Shinobi Grids Update to 2.8

I am using Shinobi Grids 1.1 and I am looking to upgrade to 2.8. I cant seem to find any documentation on this online, does anyone know of any documentations online I can look to point me in the right direction? Please and thank you.
DISCLAIMER: I am a developer at ShinobiControls.
If you're a customer, you can download version 2.8.0 of ShinobiGrids from our customer portal. Otherwise, you can download a trial version available on our main site HERE.
Once downloaded remove the old framework from your project and drag and drop the new one in. You may get warnings and possibly some compile errors seen as you are updating from such an old version. However, any warnings you get should describe an alternative implementation.
If you get any compiling errors or warnings that aren't clear, just email us at info#shinobicontrols.com. A member of our team will get back to you as soon as they can.

Gephi not showing neo4j graph

I have create a relation betweeen node(0) and node(1) in neo4j. When i am viewing it in gephi, it is not showing anything on graph screen.
In right most window pane it is showing nodes:2 and edges:0.
Can anybody help me ?
May be I got the answer. Actually gephi does work only with neo4j 1.5 version but i was using 1.9 version.
After installing neo4j1.5 , it works.
But now i shifted to neoclipse. It serve my purpose.

Is there a working solution for integrating Neo4j 1.6 in NodeJS?

I have found some relevant modules on Github but they do not work.
Does anyone know of some other available solutions?
Those are the three I have tried:
Go with the repo made by the people who make Neo4J: https://github.com/neo4j/neo4js
Like I mentioned, it is created and maintained by the people behind Neo4J and is constantly updated. I am using this currently in a project and it works fantastically well. Only thing to know is that you need to be running Node.JS 1.6 or better for the modules to work.
If you have any questions drop me a line or you can also ask in their discussion forum here: http://neo4j.org/nabble/
I'm one of the authors/maintainers of #gasi's node-neo4j (npm install neo4j). We have admittedly not upgraded it for 1.6 (we're still on 1.4 here but plan on upgrading soon), but it works entirely well -- we've been using it on our production site for many months now!
Can I ask what the issue is? Btw, we moved the repo to our formal organization's repo: https://github.com/thingdom/node-neo4j
Take a look at: https://github.com/philippkueng/node-neo4j
npm install node-neo4j
We're currently working on an upgrade to Neo4j 2.0.
It will support insert node with label, indexes on labels, CRUD for labels, constraints and streaming.
My work in progress (fork): https://github.com/Stofkn/node-neo4j
