Is UIViewController's beginAppearanceTransition:animated: method available in iOS5 - ios

I need to use beginAppearanceTransition:animated: in a UIViewController subclass that implements controller containment with custom animation transitions. I need to support iOS5 as a minimum.
The Apple docs say the method is:
Available in iOS 6.0 and later
Yet UIViewController.h has the method tagged with:
I'm hoping the docs are just wrong. Can anyone give me a definitive answer on whether I'm allowed to call this in iOS5?

I filed a bug report with Apple about this discrepancy and got the response that the methods are available in iOS 5.0. The headers are right and the documentation is wrong. I've filed another report to ask for the documentation to be updated...
The methods were added to the public headers in the iOS 6 SDK, but are available and can be used on devices running iOS 5.0.
Update (28-Aug-2013)
The documentation has been updated to show that beginAppearanceTransition:animated: and endAppearanceTransition are available on iOS 5.0.

In my experience when in doubt, the headers are more accurate. the docs are generated / written using the headers. So I assume at this point that iOS 5 is supported.
Now I tested it on the simulator. Once for 5.0 and once for iOS 6.1 and the moths are called on both versions whenever you push or pop a vc.


Check for warnings of deprecation and new methods

Recently I submitted my app on AppStore with a method setting badgecolor of tabbaritem.
[[[AppDelegate globalDelegate].tabBarController viewControllers] objectAtIndex:1].tabBarItem.badgeColor = kTabBarBadgeColor;
This badgeColor came in iOS 10 only and my app supported iOS 8 and above. I had no idea about it and the app got approved. Now, I have to resubmit my app with fixing this issue.
I want to know if there is a way to find out such cases where methods get deprecated or are visible in specific OS versions only.
By changing target of Xcode project you can see errors & warnings while building.
If you need more info,
You can visible all API changes like Added,Modified & Deprecated variants in Apple documentation
it will give you searching options for both Swift & Objective C
Searching UITabBarItem Instance Property badgeColor. it gives API changes are none.Supporting SDK's version
iOS 10.0+
tvOS 10.0+
Searching finishedSelectedImage instance method of UITabBarItem.
iOS 5.0–7.0 Deprecated
Deprecated Use selectedImage with UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal

What happens if I use LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication on iOS 8?

In my app, I would like to know if the user has setup a passcode or fingerprint (touchID). There's a pretty easy method just for that: [LAContext canEvaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication error:error].
However, Apple's docs say LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication is only available on iOS9 and above. I would rather not crash iOS 8 users without explanation, even if it is getting older. The thing is, I've tried it on an iOS8.4 simulator, and it seems to compile and just work.
What ill effects can happen if I use LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication on iOS 8?
I use code similar to this:
LAPolicy localAuthPolicy = LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics;
if (![[UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion hasPrefix:#"8."]) {
localAuthPolicy = LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication;
This ensures I only use LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication on iOS 9 and later.
It's undocumented what actually happens on an iOS 8 device when you attempt to use LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication. It's very unlikely anything will crash but the authentication may return NO due to an unknown value or it may succeed because iOS 8 only had one valid value and it may not do any checking.
Unfortunately Objective-C doesn't provide any runtime checks for valid enum values like you can do with constants, methods, and classes.
If you use LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication on anything below iOS 9, the app will crash. That is what happened to my app when I didn't realize that this was not available on anything below iOS 9, but my app supported iOS 8.x as its minimum supported OS version.

fontWithSize(fontSize: CGFloat) is available from which ios Version

I was using this function to change the font size of a label in UIButton.
Like this(SWIFT) :-
Button!.titleLabel?.font = Button!.titleLabel?.font.fontWithSize(12)
I want to see the availability of this funtion for ios 7. So i see the quick help documentation of Xcode. There it was mentioned as iOS (8.0 and later)
Then i went on to search for the appropiate funtion on apple website but there it is wriiten that its available from Available in iOS 2.0 and later. See Here for ref.
Please do let me know which one to trust.
I saw answer but i am not that satisfied as i check the other class
Like NSMutableAttributedString for swift
here it is written as available from iOS (3.2 and later)
My strong guess is that since Swift came out together with iOS 8 Apple's documentation won't show anything being available before that. If you check the same method on Objective-C side, you'll see the same as on the web:
I also have a project targeting iOS 7 with calls to fontWithSize in Objective C and they work fine. So there should be no reason for it to not be available on Swift side of things.
Also found information from Apple's Radar system:
Engineering has the following feedback for you:
This is expected - Swift was not available until WWDC 2014 and the introduction of iOS 8, therefore the availability of these methods and contstants in Swift is correctly documented as iOS 8+.
Thank you for your feedback. Engineering has determined that this issue behaves as intended.
So clearly this is the Apple way of doing things, as usual.
in Objective C
it is still 2.0

TWRequest class. What to do?

I update the project, which was written under iOS5. Now do support only iOS7.
The project has check:
if ([TWRequest class]) {
XCODE says "TWRequest is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 6.0". I know I should use Social.framework.
Therefore, the question whether it makes sense to update these checks, or you can simply remove it? Indeed, in the iOS still supported by default Social.framework?

Reminder API in iOS 6.0

Strange bug in iOS 6.0 sdk. Apple promised to deliver full reminder support via api, to allow thirdparty applications to read and write reminders on behalf of user. There is new methods in SDK to init storekit for use with reminders.
But seems like main method to make it possible - just not present. Both GM version of XCode 4.5 and simulator/ios-6 upgraded device shows that EKEventStore:initWithAccessToEntityTypes is not present in SDK and attempt to call it on device/simulator crashing application with
Error invoking method 'EKRemsIsGranted' on 'CEKtils' because
-[EKEventStore initWithAccessToEntityTypes:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x13a59140
Interesting that this method is also mentioned and described in MacOs 10.8
but in iOS sdk it is mentioned but NOT described
Seems like apple devs forgot to "enable" it on iOS. is it possible at all or I missing something?
There's a description of the event (and some other useful information) here. You might also double-check that your UIEventKit framework is properly linked and up to date.
