Reminder API in iOS 6.0 - ios

Strange bug in iOS 6.0 sdk. Apple promised to deliver full reminder support via api, to allow thirdparty applications to read and write reminders on behalf of user. There is new methods in SDK to init storekit for use with reminders.
But seems like main method to make it possible - just not present. Both GM version of XCode 4.5 and simulator/ios-6 upgraded device shows that EKEventStore:initWithAccessToEntityTypes is not present in SDK and attempt to call it on device/simulator crashing application with
Error invoking method 'EKRemsIsGranted' on 'CEKtils' because
-[EKEventStore initWithAccessToEntityTypes:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x13a59140
Interesting that this method is also mentioned and described in MacOs 10.8
but in iOS sdk it is mentioned but NOT described
Seems like apple devs forgot to "enable" it on iOS. is it possible at all or I missing something?

There's a description of the event (and some other useful information) here. You might also double-check that your UIEventKit framework is properly linked and up to date.


Check for warnings of deprecation and new methods

Recently I submitted my app on AppStore with a method setting badgecolor of tabbaritem.
[[[AppDelegate globalDelegate].tabBarController viewControllers] objectAtIndex:1].tabBarItem.badgeColor = kTabBarBadgeColor;
This badgeColor came in iOS 10 only and my app supported iOS 8 and above. I had no idea about it and the app got approved. Now, I have to resubmit my app with fixing this issue.
I want to know if there is a way to find out such cases where methods get deprecated or are visible in specific OS versions only.
By changing target of Xcode project you can see errors & warnings while building.
If you need more info,
You can visible all API changes like Added,Modified & Deprecated variants in Apple documentation
it will give you searching options for both Swift & Objective C
Searching UITabBarItem Instance Property badgeColor. it gives API changes are none.Supporting SDK's version
iOS 10.0+
tvOS 10.0+
Searching finishedSelectedImage instance method of UITabBarItem.
iOS 5.0–7.0 Deprecated
Deprecated Use selectedImage with UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal

appcelerator iOS application error with geolocation module

We are developing app for iOS and Android and we are using Ti.Gelocation to getCurrentPosition and then set the Region of the MapView of module.
The app is already on marketplace and downloaded, so we are developing an important upgrade with this new feature. We dont't have problem with Android platform, but with iOS version of the app we get a several error invoking Ti.Geolocation module
The error on iOS 9.x on iPad and iPhone (we have no test on iPod) is:
-[__NSCFString containsObject:] unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1463d500 at GeoView.js (line xxxx)
This error happens with the project with it.vocami.vocamiapp app-id, in the test project (ap-id=it.vocami.vocamitest) that we use for research and test of new features, no error happens and all run good. When we add at every level of our code (in the first row too), for example, Ti.Geolocation.locationServiceEnabled, in the main vocamiapp project, we get the error.
We have tried all we could think but at the end, if we change the app-id, the code runs otherwise we get the error. We cannot change the app-id because we need to update our published app.
We are developing with AppceleratorStudio version and Ti SDK ver 5.2.0GA on Mac OS X 10.10.5.
I just recently was "hit" by the fact that when I made my app ready for Google Play I use a specific key/user to sign it with. That behaves differently from just running it locally on the phone.
I had to make sure that I had registered two certificates with Google's API in the developer console. It didn't give me exactly the message that you show - but wouldn't show the map with a location. And the way I read the location prior to showing it on the map led me in the wrong direction looking at permissions on Android first :-)

calendarWithIdentifier method not available

I am trying to access a calendar using the EkEventStore calendarWithIdentifier. However Xcode does not show calendarWithIdentifier as an option for EkEventStore. I have added the EventKit framework, I have the event kit headers in my code, and I have checked the EkEventStore header and calendarWithIdentifier is in there. My code does not compile. calendarWithIdentifier method doesn't exist.
Some additional details:
Xcode 6.1.1
Developing for iPad with iOS 8.1
OSX 10.9.5
The apple documentation does say that this method is available.
Any help on how to resolve this problem is appreciated.

MPMediaLibrary.DidChangeNotification not working

This question is related to Xamarin.iOS.
I have been trying since many days to get MPMediaLibrary.Notifications.ObserveDidChange to work without success. I tried almost everything. Suspecting something bad with Objective-C binding, I tried direct objc calls too using Messaging API. Finally, I built a Native Library and made sure that it works by testing it with pure objective-c app. Native one with Objective-C works without problem. However, the same Library when used with Xamarin.iOS doesn't get MPMediaLibraryDidChangeNotification. I have created in-built selector etc within Native library so that I just call a 'C' function without argument and it works with objective-c app. However, when used with Xamarin, the same doesn't work. I have taken care of calling beginGeneratingLibraryChangeNotifications().
Some people may suspect that My selector/delgate is not being called because of wrong use. However, every other notification is able to call my selector except this one. So syntax is not an issue, I suppose.
After all the efforts, I presume that there is something wrong in Xamarin settings, which is stopping me from getting MPMediaLibraryDidChangeNotification . I really dont know what exactly is it. So my question is - Can you guys get this notification ?
My test phone - iPhone6-8.0.2, Xamarin Studio Version 5.5.3 (build 6) Installation UUID: d84b8c6d-f992-4f19-8a35-c14bcd08420e Runtime: Mono 3.10.0 ((detached/e204655) GTK+ 2.24.23 (Raleigh theme) Package version: 310000023 Apple Developer Tools Xcode 6.1 (6604) Build 6A1052d Xamarin.iOS Version: (Indie Edition) Hash: 80e9ff7 Branch: Build date: 2014-10-22 15:09:12-0400
Thanks, Vinay
For the Record, I am posting the answer.
Since 64 bit transition, The MediaLibrary change notification is stopped for 32 bit apps. If you build your app for 64 bit iOS, everything is fine. However, 64 bit devices with 32 bit applications won't receive these notification. I have tested it thoroughly on iPhone6. So I think this is iOS bug, which Apple needs to rectify. All the Music Player applications on App Store are unable to update library anymore since they are 32 bit.
For Xamarin Users, use Unified API for proper notification support.

Is UIViewController's beginAppearanceTransition:animated: method available in iOS5

I need to use beginAppearanceTransition:animated: in a UIViewController subclass that implements controller containment with custom animation transitions. I need to support iOS5 as a minimum.
The Apple docs say the method is:
Available in iOS 6.0 and later
Yet UIViewController.h has the method tagged with:
I'm hoping the docs are just wrong. Can anyone give me a definitive answer on whether I'm allowed to call this in iOS5?
I filed a bug report with Apple about this discrepancy and got the response that the methods are available in iOS 5.0. The headers are right and the documentation is wrong. I've filed another report to ask for the documentation to be updated...
The methods were added to the public headers in the iOS 6 SDK, but are available and can be used on devices running iOS 5.0.
Update (28-Aug-2013)
The documentation has been updated to show that beginAppearanceTransition:animated: and endAppearanceTransition are available on iOS 5.0.
In my experience when in doubt, the headers are more accurate. the docs are generated / written using the headers. So I assume at this point that iOS 5 is supported.
Now I tested it on the simulator. Once for 5.0 and once for iOS 6.1 and the moths are called on both versions whenever you push or pop a vc.
