Trying to Upload iOS App, Can't Archive - ios

I made an app and am trying to upload it to iTunes Connect. I have a certificate installed, development certificate and distribution certificate...see picture..
...But, somehow, when I am trying to archive the app in Xcode to binary, it reports an error:
All my certificates are valid, but it's still complaining about distribution certificates,
What am I missing?

You don't appear to have a distribution profile (only a developer profile -- in organizer). You appear to have a distribution certificate, but no profile. You must create a distribution profile for your app. You can do this in the portal.

Did you generate the certificate on your own Mac? The certificate must match a private key in the keychain. If not, revoke the existing certificate and create a new one. You will have to perform the signing from Apple again.


Distribution Certificate not shown as an option when Generating a Provisioning Profile

Background: trying to set up test-flight for IOS development as an individual.
In the Apple developer website,
while I can see my distribution certificate and my developer certificate under the Certificates tab, when I try to generate a Provisioning Profile, it only shows the developer certificate as an option but not the distribution certificate (which to my understanding is what is needed to set up test-flight).
perhaps Apple is just taking a while to process the new distribution certificate as I created it just now...?
any ideas? what might have I missed?
Maybe I am supposed to delete the development certificate first?

Xcode Archive Error

When i try to archive me app in Xcode, it gives me an error that i don't have a provisioning profile. how do i get one. i have an IOS Development account.
I tried to upload a distribution certificate, but it did not work. why?
The Error says...
XCode attempted to locate or generate matching signing assets and failed to do so because of the following issues.
you account already had a valid IOS Distribution certificate
visit member center or import developer profile.
There are certificates and there are profiles, they are two different things. It sounds like you have a distribution certificate. Go to the developer portal, and then go the the identities, certificates, and profiles.
Profiles will be at the bottom. You need a distribution profile for your app id. Distribution profiles are then signed by distribution certificates. It is pretty straightforward. Once you create the profile, download it and double click it to add it to your library.

Apple certificates CER file to CSR

I am a little lost in apple certificates and what I need. I created development certificate, some profiles and so (for my use). Now I am adding some features to existing app which creates someone else but it's my job now and for next I was asked for giving UDID and creating CSR file. UDID is clear but how can I create CSR file? I should give it and then I get provisioning profile from other person. I hope it's clear. So how can I get CSR for my development profile?
From what I understood you already have provisioning profile. Provisioning profile is something that connects certificate (developer) with UDID's (allowed devices) and bundle identifier (app identifier).
If you have valid provisioning profile (contains your device, correct app identifier etc.) you only need to set it to be used in xcode under build configuration.
If you really need CSR (certificate signing request), something that is used to generate new certificate - you use keychain for that (Keychain access -> Certificate assistant ...). You can find detailed information on CSR generation in memeber center of iOS developer program (Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles -> Certificates -> + ). From some time handling of provisioning profiles is almost automatically handled by Xcode when you try to build app for your device.

iOS ad hoc distribution with .p12 from customer

I have an app developed and working with our company's profile and distribution cert. I just recieved the .p12 from the company that we are going to be distributing to, and am trying to rebuild the app with their certificate. However, when I select 'Archive' I receive
"No unexpired provisioning profiles found that contain any of the keychains signing certificates"
I believe I'm missing something here, but google and I can't figure it out. Do I need a new profile with that certificate in it? If so how do I go about uploading the .p12?
Thankyou very much.
With the p12 you are enabling your computer to make releases for the outside company but what you need right now is the provisioning profile associated with that app (it will be specific if you have in app purchases or push notification otherwise it will be the default developer profile) and that .p12
Check out your keychain, distribution certificate has key. If not then install right certificate.

Problems validating iOS App build

I'm working with a developer to create an iOS App for a client. I created my certificates, provisioning profiles, etc, and then sent it to the developer to build the App. They have then sent me back the build as an .xarchive file, which I have loaded up into Xcode.
On the Archives tab, I then go to validate it, but the developer certificate I created in iTunes connect is invalid.
I created both my developer and distribution signature inside the same iTunes Connect account, and they're both loaded up in Keychain along with my WWDR certificate.
Make sure you downloaded and dragged your provisioning files to XCode as well.
When producing a build using a Distribution Certificate you need to make sure that you have a properly generated Distribution Certificate in the iOS Provisioning Portal. Select the Certificates -> Distribution tab and make sure you have a distribution certificate listed. If there is one and you do not have the original private key on your machine, you will need to obtain the private/public key pair from the original machine, or revoke and recreate the certificate.
Also, make sure you have created a Distribution provisioning profile and that it is being used in conjunction with this Distribution Certificate.
Also, check to be sure you have a distribution provisioning profile for your app for app store.
Other problems include the App ID differing from the Bundle Identifier and it has trouble associating it with the provisioning profile. Most commonly when the Bundle Identifier is derived from the ProductName and the case of the characters doesn't match the case of the characters in the App ID on the provisioning portal.
You can get around this by typing in the bundle identifier into the AppName-info.plist file.
I finally worked it out! I had the right certificates, but had only created a development provisioning profile. I created this in iTunes Connect and then it worked perfectly. Hope this helps someone else who has a similar problem.
Easiest way to ensure you have everything I needed is to remember that you need separate certificates and provisioning profiles for development and distribution. They can all be created in iTunes Connect, and you just need to download them and run the file to ensure Xcode finds them.
