Paypal on iOS app - ios

I am developing a simple iOS app which receive payment from Paypal and send physical goods to customer. I learnt from that I need to submit my app to Paypal for approval.
Recently Paypal is moving from to and released new version iOS sdk, however there is no mention about app submission and approval procedure on new developer site. I have several questions:
Is it still need to submit my app to Paypal for approval? How?
Is Paypal iOS SDK only works in US because live credentials only available in US? (In seems there is no mention about this restriction)
If my app need to be submitted to, where can I get the Paypal Device's UDID?
I am now using PayPal Mobile Express Checkout Library (PP_MECL) 1.03, is this version still working? Or I need to move to 1.04? Seems PayPal iOS SDK 1.04 is a totally different thing.

If you use the new iOS SDK you don't need to submit your app for approval.
If the iOS SDK has the functionality you need you should use it over MECL - it has a much slicker interface and supports credit card payments.
The FAQs mention that the iOS SDK is only targeted for US market at this time.

if you're just using the MECL library, you do not have to submit the app for approval, you just need the dev and production token you automatically get from their portal once you add your application definition to
This token must be used in your code when you set the ENV_LIVE environment.
For iOS, the latest MECL version is 1.0.3, but make sure you really have the latest package, because they released an update for iOS 6 in december 2012 without changing the library version numbers (gasp!)
As others have already pointed out, the new PayPal iOS SDK 1.04 is a completely different library, but if you're accepting payments on your mobile website, the MECL library is still the right option.


Square: How to integrate square in-app payment api with Xamarin.iOS and Android?

I want to integrate square in-app payment in Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android. Is there any way to do this in Xamarin for both android and iOS cross platform application(Not the Xamarin forms please)? I have contacted Square support and they replied with "we don't support generation of a nonce through Xamarin, which is what we use to process a card.". But I need to integrate this in my app. Is there any other way without nonce.
Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.
The only way to process online or in-app payments with Square is via a nonce. Currently, there's no Xamarin plugin available for the Square In-App Payments SDK. Since the SDK exists for both iOS and Android already, theoretically a plugin/wrapper could be built, but we don't offer support on making it work since we don't formally have a plugin already.
I'll share the feedback with our In-App Payments team in the meantime, though.

Here maps free evaluation iOS mobile SDK for 90 days, no link available on the web to download

As part of our mobile app development we need to work on offline maps. Recently we have registered for HERE maps iOS free evaluation sdk(90 days), however we are not able to download HERE maps sdk and explained samples since there is no download link available on website( We have sent several mails to support team but nobody responded to my mails.
Someone help us to proceed further like how to get this sdk, so that we can integrate this free evaluation HERE sdk in our apps. If we are happy with this maps we are ready to purchase business license also.
Note: Google Maps(no offline), Skobbler maps are giving sdks and sample programs but not Here Maps.
The native HERE Maps SDK which includes offline map support can now be evaluated by anyone, no business license required. You just need to create a HERE account and request an evaluation copy.
Go to > Mobile SDKs > Sign up for a 90-day free trial
I contacted HERE a few days ago. They said that the SDK is available only for business contracts, not for free contracts. And it's not possible to get the sdk for evaluation. We need first a business contract...
Click on the below link to download Here maps mobile SDKs for android and iOS:
Currently there are two types of mobile SDKs are available
1.Starter Evaluation(90-day free trial) : Some feature will not be available here.
For ex a).We cannot download maps with this.
b).Hybrid mode will not work here etc.
Hybrid version will work both online and offline modes whereas online version will only work in online mode. You can download the maps with Here mobile SDK and then you can navigate to the places without internet. In hybrid version app will switch to offline automatically whenever net is not available.
2.Premium Evaluation(90-day free trial) : We can download maps.

Phonegap: key required for iOS

I have started trying Phonegap. While it gives the .apk and .xap, but not for iOS and blackberry and asks for a key.
Can someone provide useful links for developing in iOS and understanding what are the keys mentioned?
In order to develop for iOS, you need an Apple Developer Account. This is costs $99/year, and you can find out the specifics here:
I've never gone through the process myself, but as I understand it, once you sign up to be an Apple developer, they'll give you a key (or some way of generating one) that every program that can build apps for iOS will require before it can build successfully. There is no way to develop for iOS without first subscribing to the developer program.

My iPhone app is using Facebook SDK for iOS v2.0. Will my app become broken in June 2013?

My app on facebook has this alert:
This app uses an outdated version of the Facebook SDK for iOS. Please
download the latest version: iOS SDK 3.2.1.
Learn how the latest version makes it easier and faster to build great
mobile apps.
We also provide upgrade guides to make the process as easy as
possible. Upgrade from SDK 2 to 3.1 and 3.1 to 3.2.
Facebook will also stop supporting v2.0 of the SDK in June 2013, so
you are advised to upgrade to the new SDK as soon as possible.
Does this mean that v2.0 of the Facebook SDK for iOS will stop working in June 2013? Or, does it merely mean that Facebook will stop providing technical support and enhancements for it?
My app uses v2.0 SDK for the following:
Login with Facebook
Get list of friends
Send App Request to selected friends
Due to time and budget, I will not be able to have my iPhone app upgraded to version 3 until probably the end of this year. So, does this mean my iPhone app is going to be broken in June?
First, it is recommended for you to read Facebook SDK release notes. In short, API changed & Login mechanism ( especially token management ) changed . That means your app will have chance to be broken in June.
However, stop supporting is not equal to stop service . You can ask Facebook when to stop 2.0 API service . The 2nd link should provide most programming information you require.
Sidenote: I upgrade my app from Facebook iOS SDK 2.0 to 3.1 in few hours. Just curious, why take you so long to perform the changes ?
Hope it helps.
Reference :
Facebook iOS SDK Release Notes
Upgrading from 2.0 to 3.x
If you have access to the code for your app, you can check the class reference here for the latest version and see the whether the methods etc. used in your code is listed here, and whether there are any changes in how they behave / should be used.
If the classes and methods are all there, you don't need to worry. In all probability, your app should run just fine and not break.

MonoTouch Trial adaquate to submit to App Store?

I am enrolled in the Apple Developer Program ($99/year) and I have the trial (free) version of MonoTouch. Am I able to submit MonoTouch apps to the App Store with what I have now or do I need to get one of the paid versions of MonoTouch first? I know that one of the differences between the free version of MonoTouch vs. the paid versions is the ability to run your apps on your iOS hardware during development but doesn't the Apple Developer Program get you some kind of ability to do this as well? Just a bit confused.
Note: If this belongs in another StackExchange site, please let me know and I will move it.
I think you're getting confused...
MonoDevelop is free, its MonoTouch that has the trail/paid versions. Basically you'll need to purchase either MonoTouch Professional or MonoTouch Enterprise in order to get your iPhone app into the App store as the trail version only allows to run the app in the simulator. - see first paragraph
EDIT: Being part of the Apple Dev Program provides you with a Developer Certificate which allows you to upload applications to the App Store (generally, be it obj-c based or other) whereas the paid versions of MonoTouch provides you with the mechanism to get your application in a state where it can be deployed to a device and the app store - and also a cunning way of generating money. Because whose going to develop iPhone apps without a desire to distribute them ;)
without a license, you can only run MonoTouch apps in the simulator. You cannot deploy them to a device or the App Store.
