Line breaks are being lost when sending sms from mvc3 -

For some reasons the line breaks when send SMS from MVC, not working.
I am using code like,
public struct SmsBody
public const string SMSPostResume=
Then I call these variables at controller like,
.Replace("[EMAIL],",candidate.Email) etc......
My Issue is when i get sms these all things are same line. no spacing.
How to give space between these? Anyone know help me...

Putting the string parts on separate lines, and concatenating them is not a line break... The parts will end up exactly after one another. You should try putting a \n (line break escaped sequence) at each place you want a line break:
public const string SMSPostResume=
Also a note based on #finman's comment:
Depending on the service it might be \r\n instead of \n though
So you should look up int he API docs which one would work.
Also there is another error: you try to match string constants with a , at their ends, and the original ones don't have that...
.Replace("[NAME],",candidate.Name) // <- this line!
.Replace("[EMAIL],",candidate.Email) // <- this line!
You should rewrite either the format string to include, or the replaces to exclude the ,:
.Replace("[NAME]",candidate.Name) // <- no "," this time
.Replace("[EMAIL]",candidate.Email) // <- no "," this time

public const string SMSPostResume=
Also, in
are you sure you want the comma after [NAME] ? If it's not in the string, don't try to replace it.


How to Remove a certain part of a string (if exists)?

I am trying to make the EA look for a certain value in a string and if that value exists in the string then remove it.
I tried doing it using the StringReplace() but i noticed it only returns the number of replacements and didnt actually returned the updated string:
string v5="- .82523";
string temp2 = v5;
temp2= StringReplace(temp2," ","");
in the above code there is a white space between "-" and ".82523" and i am trying to remove that white space.
so the string is - .82523 and i am trying to get -.82523 , which function can be used for this ?
initially i thought i could do it by using the StringReplace() function , but seems like it only returns the Number of replacements that had happened and not the updated string.
Thanks in Advance
You are using the StringReplace() function incorrectly. Try the following code (from your example).
string v5="- .82523";
string temp2 = v5;
StringReplace(temp2," ","");
Print("<",v5,"> <",temp2,">");

regular expression for removing empty lines produces wrong results

Can someone help me solve the problem I'm having with a regular expression? I have a file containing the following code:
I'm using a visit to find matches and replace them so that I can remove the empty lines. The result is, however, not what I'm expecting. The code is as follows:
str content = readFile(location);
// Remove empty lines
content = visit (content) {
case /^[ \t\f\v]*?$(?:\r?\n)*/sm => ""
This regular expression also removes non empty lines resulting in an output equal to:
Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong with the regular expression as well as the one shown below? I can't seem to figure out why it's not working.
str content = readFile(location);
// Remove empty lines
content = visit (content) {
case /^\s+^/m => ""
Kind regards,
I think the big issue here is that in the context of visit, the ^ anchor does not mean what you think it does. See this example:
rascal>visit ("aaa") { case /^a/ : println("yes!"); }
visit matches the regex at every postfix of the string, so the ^ is relative for every postfix.
first it starts at "aaa", then at "aa" and then at "a".
In your example visit, what will happen is that empty postfixes of lines will also match your regex, and substitute those by empty strings. I think an additional effect is that the carriage return is not eaten up eagerly.
To fix this, simply not use a visit but a for loop or while, with a := match as the condition.

Parse a string with specific condition

How can I trim my string which is in this form:
to this?
I want to remove all the characters before the second to last slash /.
I can use stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet but I don't know how to specify the condition that I want:
let trimmedString = myString.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(
NSCharacterSet.whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet() // what here in my case ??
The above is for removing the white spaces, but that is not the case here.
Since the string is an URL get the path components, remove anything but the last 2 items and join the items with the slash separator.
if let url = NSURL(string:""), pathComponents = url.pathComponents {
let trimmedString = pathComponents.suffix(2).joinWithSeparator("/")
You're not trimming, you're parsing.
There's no single call that will do what you want. I suggest writing a block of code that uses componentsSeparatedByString("\n") to break it into lines (one URL per line), then parse each line separately.
You could use componentsSeparatedByString("/") on each line to break it into the fragments between your slashes, and then assemble the last 2 fragments together.
(I'm deliberately not writing out the code for you. You should do that for yourself. I'm just pointing you in the right direction.)
You might also be able to use NSURLComponents to treat each line as a URL, but I'm not sure how you'd get the last part of URL before the filename (e.g. "media " or "lego") with that method.

namevaluecollection removes "+" characters from querystring

I have the followigurl and extract the query string as follows:
NameValueCollection query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(actionContext.Request.RequestUri.Query);
string str1 = query[0];
If i call query.ToString() it shows the correct characters query string. However, when I access the value from the NameValueCollection 'query[0]' the "+" is replaced by a empty " " i.e. dyYJDXWoTKjj9Za6Enzg4lB NHJsrZQehfY1dqbU1fc=
I've tried specifing different encoding and using the Get method from the namevaluecollection. I've also tried spliting the string, but the "+" is being removed each time. Has anyone got any ideas? Many thanks
You can't use this chars in the url variables, you need use URLEncode and URLDecode of HttpUtility class to convert this into a valid url.
I hope this help you.

Preprocessing Scala parser Reader input

I have a file containing a text representation of an object. I have written a combinator parser grammar that parses the text and returns the object. In the text, "#" is a comment delimiter: everything from that character to the end of the line is ignored. Blank lines are also ignored. I want to process text one line at a time, so that I can handle very large files.
I don't want to clutter up my parser grammar with generic comment and blank line logic. I'd like to remove these as a preprocessing step. Converting the file to an iterator over line I can do something like this:
Source.fromFile("file.txt")"#.*", "").trim).filter(!_.isEmpty)
How can I pass the output of an expression like that into a combinator parser? I can't figure out how to create a Reader object out of a filtered expression like this. The Java FileReader interface doesn't work that way.
Is there a way to do this, or should I put my comment and blank line logic in the parser grammar? If the latter, is there some util.parsing package that already does this for me?
The simplest way to do this is to use the fromLines method on PagedSeq:
import scala.collection.immutable.PagedSeq
import scala.util.parsing.input.PagedSeqReader
val lines = Source.fromFile("file.txt")
_.replaceAll("#.*", "").trim
val reader = new PagedSeqReader(PagedSeq.fromLines(lines))
And now you've got a scala.util.parsing.input.Reader that you can plug into your parser. This is essentially what happens when you parse a, anyway—it immediately gets wrapped in a PagedSeqReader.
Not the prettiest code you'll ever write, but you could go through a new Source as follows:
val SEP = System.getProperty("line.separator")
def lineMap(fileName : String, trans : String=>String) : Source = {
line => trans(line) + SEP
Explanation: flatMap will produce an iterator on characters, which you can turn into an Iterable, which you can use to build a new Source. You need the extra SEP because getLines removes it by default (using \n may not work as Source will not properly separate the lines).
If you want to apply filtering too, i.e. remove some of the lines, you could for instance try:
// whenever `trans` returns `None`, the line is dropped.
def lineMapFilter(fileName : String, trans : String=>Option[String]) : Source = {
line => trans(line).map(_ + SEP).getOrElse("")
As an example:
lineMapFilter("in.txt", line => if(line.isEmpty) None else Some(line.reverse))
...will remove empty lines and reverse non-empty ones.
