Receive gifts fom friends while in my application - ios

i am trying to implement a "gifting" mechanic in my game. I looked at this and i am able to send requests to friends (even with frictionless dialogs and so on)
My friends are able to receive the requests but the only described way to handle the request is to make them click on the notification in the native FB app and then handle it in my app via the application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url
That looks very inconvinient to me!
What if 2 friends sent me a request? Do i have to click them both?
What if I am in the app already? Do i have to go to the FB app click on the notification that brings me back to my app?
So the question is: Is there a way to see all the received requests for my app and handle them accordingly while I am in my app?

I'm a bit confused by your description but I'll give it a shot.
I guess you're trying to send 'gifts' to other users in your app. Do you have some sort of notification mechanism in your app? Similar to how I view a notification when someone posts to my wall on facebook. Once I tap the notification icon and see it, the notification array or whatever it is, is empty. So if I was to go to facebook's site, I wouldn't see any pending gifts.
I would create some sort of notification class that temporarily holds gifts so you can move in and not viewed/not viewed gifts.

Just to clear things:
I got a little confused about the notifications you get when receiving an apprequest and the actual requests. The requests can be viewed and managed via the graph path /me/apprequests
You can view and accept them in your app in an inbox-like way for example.


How to get notification badge number from one app to another ios

I have an app with a tableView which have the entries with names whatsapp, messenger, slack etc. Now take Whatsapp for example when you tap on it it'll open whatspp via deep linking.I want to show notifications sum, which user has received on his whatsapp, onto my app. After searching around I came to knew that this is not possible to get push notifications of one app to another it's a server to server thing and many other explanations.But my question is if notifications have been received on whatsapp can I get the badge number and sum it and show it in my app? This screenshot will show more:
So the 12 is coming from whatsapp as a sum of total unread messages you can say. So how to achieve that?
UPDATEI found these links which says that it might be possible.How to catch all push notifications from other apps on iOS using private frameworks?How can I receive push notifications of an other app?
No it is not possible. Because Whatsapp is another app. So there is no linking between them. The apple security your app can not gets any other app information.
In latest iOS, they've loosened that up a bit. For example, the iOS programming guide now has a section on passing data between apps by having one app claim a certain URL prefix, and then having other apps reference that URL. So, perhaps you set your event app to answer "event://" URLs the same way that a web server answers for "http://" URLs.
see this document:enter link description here

QuickBlox Push notifications to the offline users issue

I integrated QuickBlox in my iOS app. Chat works, however I have one problem:
There is description how to use automatically generated push notifications to offline users:
I implemented this feature and receive notifications. But if, for example, user of my app has two different dialogs: 1 - private, 2 - group; and chats in 1st dialog, somebody at the same time sends message in second dialog, then user doesn't get push notification.
Thus it seems to me that online status of user spreads to all it's dialogs when user logins to QuickBlox chat in app.
So I want to know is my assumption right? Can you please help me with this issue? Because in this situation I have to write my own logic for sending notifications to offline users.
Thank you.
Could you describe you problem in more detail with steps that you did?
And please look at the , by this link you may found your solution.

Notify Facebook users from iOS app

My iOS app gives the user the option to login using their Facebook account. I would like to be able to see the list with all the friends and invite the ones selected to use the app. The problem is that using the app request window, the friends get a notification that is displayed somewhere in the App Center, rather than in the Notifications panel. Unfortunately, this sort of notification is very subtle and might not be seen only after a long time.
From obvious reasons, I cannot fetch the emails of friends as this would be a great alternative.
Do you know if there is a way to send a Facebook Message or some other sort of notification that is more 'visible' to the receiver? Thanks!
I'm not sure if I completely understand your problem. If it's the problem that I think you're having, it sounds like you need to fill out more information on your Facebook App's configuration page.
From what I remember when I had this same issue, you need to have a Canvas URL set in your Facebook App's configuration page. Even if your app is not going to use Canvas, you need to have that part filled out in order for your friends to receive the app's notification jewel on Facebook.

Few questions on iOS push notifications and logins

Here's my scenario. As part of my app when someone is sent a message it sends an alert to the phone. If they click on the alert I want to open up the specific message they were alerted to. I have a view message controller that will show the specific message. Here are my questions:
What is the best way to handle a notification while the app is open? I get the alert in the appDelegate, should I show an alert box that's triggered from there and open the correct controller if they choose to view it? This seems like code that doesn't belong in the appDelegate, but I don't know how that would otherwise happen.
For the login, this is a very similar question. When they are logged in it logs them into the server, and they stay logged in for a period of time. When the app loads I want to fire off a check on the server to see if their login has timed out. If it has I want to push them to the login screen of the app. Would this also happen in the app delegate?
My third question is how to best handle getting the phone id. I have the method set up in my app delegate where I get the ID when they accept the push notifications. My plan is to check and see if they are logged in, and if they are check to see if I already have their id saved to the server. If not send it up to save. Is that the best way to do this?
Yes, you would want to show a notification (UIAlertView is perfect for this), so the app doesn't suddenly change views, or jump around when a notification comes in. You'll want the user to be in control of whether they want to view the content related to the notification, just like they can choose to ignore notifications from apps anyway.
Yes, or switch the view to whatever view controller handled the login (you could do this modally). Be sure to let the user know why they're seeing the login view: "Login is required to view [NOTIFICATION]" or something like that. But it depends on the rest of the flow of your app.*
Not entirely sure which ID you're referring to? You might want to store a unique token in the app which you communicate to your server. This token is generated on the first login, for example which enables you to match up the user's login with the token. A UUID might work, or you can roll your own.
*A note on your auto-logout, why do you have this? Most apps stay logged in at all times, and let's the user control when they want to logout (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. - unless it's a banking app or PayPal). Alternatively, you can let the user add a custom four-digit login code like the Dropbox app for example.

Send Facebook notification to user who registered on my site via facebook connect

Let me start by saying facebook's developer documentation sucks. Bad.
I'm using the facebooker plugin in rails to let users sign up through facebook connect. Now when certain things occur I want to send notifications to certain users through facebook. I heard some say that notifications must go from one user to another, but I've seen evidence otherwise. I signed up at the site through fb connect, and now they send me (annoyingly) daily notifications of new things on their site. Also, using the comments widget on my own site, when an anonymous user leaves a comment I get notified of that as well.
So uh, how do you do that? I've been googling all week long and can't seem to find anything. It seems like I should be able to send a notification from my app to one of it's users.
The api call you are looking for is called Notifications.send. The only thing is that they will be disabling it very soon so there is probably no point in implementing it into your application.
