how to get PayPal client ID - ios

I am developing an iphone app, i want to integrate it with PayPal which will use rest API.
I downloaded SDK 1.0.4 for iOS from this.
There is a sample code given by PayPal.
But in this app i need to change PayPal client id and email address.
define kPayPalClientId #"YOUR CLIENT ID HERE"
define kPayPalReceiverEmail #""
how to get PayPal client id?
and how can i test it if money is transfered or not with the single PayPal account?

You can obtain your PayPal API credentials, including Client ID, by visiting the Applications page on the PayPal Developer site and logging in with your PayPal account.
Once logged in on this page, you will be assigned a sandbox Client ID, which will let you test your iOS integration against the PayPal sandbox. In your code, set the receiver email to a business sandbox account email address, then use a personal sandbox account email and password to log in to PayPal in the UI of your app. You can create business and personal sandbox accounts on the Sandbox accounts page.
To obtain your live Client ID, you will need to have a business account. If you don't yet have a business account, there is a link at the bottom of that same Applications page that will get you started. For live transactions, use your PayPal email address as the receiver email.

Log in to and click the Applications tab.
On the click Create App.
On the Create New App page, provide an app name.
Click Create App, and then review the information displayed about your app (as described below)
now you will get client id


How to make live ios app with paypal MPL

I am using paypal MPL library in my application that is working fine in sandbox mode and I am using Application-id APP-80W284485P519543T for testing mode .
From the application the customer can make payment to one reciepient that is static and payment will go to my client account .
Now i want to make my app live and i need live AppId for Paypal MPL .
Acccording to developer docs i need to create App in paypal developer site which i already did but i only get client id and secret id there which i don't need because i have used MPL library.
So , I just want to know that from where i can get Appid for paypal MPL.
should i need to create App again from client account.
I didn't upload any app using paypal.
any help or suggestion will be helpfull.
MPL uses Classic App ID, you need to create Classic App instead of Rest App.
Log in to the PayPal Developer website using the credentials of the PayPal account registered to the application owner.
Note that the PayPal account associated with the application must be a verified Premier or verified Business account.
Click Applications on the nav bar to access the My Applications page.
Click Create and Manage Classic API Apps link at the bottom of the page to access the My Applications page.
(Alternately, you can go directly to the My Applications page by navigating to the My Apps page on the Developer Portal.)
Click New App on the left nav bar to access the App Information form.
Complete the form and click the Submit App button.To ensure the fastest possible application review, supply as much information as possible when completing the submittal form.

PayPal AppID for Mobile Payment Library

I am using PayPal MPL in iOS because I need chained and parallel payments (split the fee between the seller and me). It seems that I can't find where the PayPal AppID's are located to complete this in the app delegate:
[PayPal initializeWithAppID:#"APP-80W284485P519543T" forEnvironment:ENV_SANDBOX];
//[PayPal initializeWithAppID:#"your live app id" forEnvironment:ENV_LIVE];
//[PayPal initializeWithAppID:#"anything" forEnvironment:ENV_NONE];
I registered my App on the PayPal developer website and I am given for sandbox a ClientID and a Secret, which are two separate numbers and cannot replace APP-8... I suppose that these are for the iOS SDK, however the SDK currently does not support parallel and chained payments, so the only alternative I would have would be to use HTTP requests. Furthermore when I open up the PayPal dialogue in iOS in Sandbox mode and enter my email and password it says that they are not valid.
For Adaptive Payments (aka "classic") applications you'll need to go to
The login should be the PayPal account for your actual merchant account.

PayPal Rest API for

I am creating paypal rest api by the following steps
1. created login id by
2. clicked My apps
3. clicked button "Create app" created testapp
4. By clicking testapp I have gotted two api credentials (i) Test Credentials (ii) Live credentials (By click on show)
I am having problem by above api (Client ID and Secret ) in my code
the code giving error no 401 or some time 400
I have checked "Account eligibility"
PayPal payments and
Log In with PayPal is showing right sign
Features that are not enabled for live transactions
Direct credit cards
showing :
Note: Live credentials are disabled for direct credit card processing in your app. We are processing your information and will email you when live API credentials are enabled.
and same
Future Payments
Note: Live credentials are disabled for future payment processing in your app. We are processing your information and will email you when live API credentials are enabled.
But If I am using other Client ID and Secret then my code is working fine.
What am I doing wrong ?
Please help me .....
The REST API supports a number of countries and currencies. To check REST API support for direct credit card payments for a US account, see the Account eligibility page. Direct credit card support in the REST API is available in the UK if you sign up for a UK Website Payments Pro account.
If you are in the US, please visit the Account eligibility page to apply for permissions for Direct Credit cards and Future Payments. These applications are required to be reviewed and approved.

app with paypal ios sdk. sandbox and live credentials?

am doing my sandbox testing with developer credentials. when i want to go live, should I (developer) get business account and thereby live credentials? if i develop an app for someone, why can't i have other person who has a business create paypal account (on and get live credentials? then use those credentials in app. as a developer i can submit the app to paypal and manage it. but i don't want to create premier business account.
above doc says:
"All calls to PayPal operations are made through the application account, which is a PayPal account that is controlled by the application owner. ...To obtain live PayPal credentials, you must have a verified Premier or verified Business PayPal account."
Log in to the PayPal Developer website using the credentials of the PayPal account registered to the application owner.
Note that the PayPal account associated with the application must be a verified Premier or verified Business account."
could someone clarify?
You can develop/test a couple different ways....
You can have your merchant that you are developing for login to dev portal, create the app, and then provide you with their test credentials. This way when you go Live, they just need to enable their Live credentials, provide them to you, and then you can swap the test credentials out for the Live ones.
You can develop/test with your app you created in your developer portal and your test credentials. When you want to go Live then you would need the merchant to go into their dev portal, create an app, enable their Live credentials, and then have them provide those credentials to you.
The first way is going to be less of a headache for you (in my opinion) because then you will be testing with the same App from development to Live. Also, this way you know that the App has been created and the merchant can enable their Live credentials while you are developing/testing versus waiting for them to do all of that when you are ready to go Live.

iOS App store submission - Can I submit a facebook test user account information to apple

I just submitted my first iOS app to the apple app store.
My app is facebook login only, so I am assuming the reviewers will ask for a test account.
Can I create a facebook test user account and provide apple with the username and password, so that they can login? I am not sure if facebook has a policy against giving out the username and password to other companies (in this case, Apple).
For FB login, you do not need to supply any test user credentials to Apple. They will use their test accounts for same. I have submitted lot of applications with Fb login on app store and it has never been any issue with Review team.
In my case, I also had facebook only log in, and I created a new facebook account for the testers to use. I'm not sure if this agrees with facebook's policy, but with a test account, they'd need a way to login which means they'd need access to your facebook developer account.
Just submit the email and password for the account you created.
Source: Personal experience -- It passed.
