PayPal AppID for Mobile Payment Library - ios

I am using PayPal MPL in iOS because I need chained and parallel payments (split the fee between the seller and me). It seems that I can't find where the PayPal AppID's are located to complete this in the app delegate:
[PayPal initializeWithAppID:#"APP-80W284485P519543T" forEnvironment:ENV_SANDBOX];
//[PayPal initializeWithAppID:#"your live app id" forEnvironment:ENV_LIVE];
//[PayPal initializeWithAppID:#"anything" forEnvironment:ENV_NONE];
I registered my App on the PayPal developer website and I am given for sandbox a ClientID and a Secret, which are two separate numbers and cannot replace APP-8... I suppose that these are for the iOS SDK, however the SDK currently does not support parallel and chained payments, so the only alternative I would have would be to use HTTP requests. Furthermore when I open up the PayPal dialogue in iOS in Sandbox mode and enter my email and password it says that they are not valid.

For Adaptive Payments (aka "classic") applications you'll need to go to
The login should be the PayPal account for your actual merchant account.


iOS Chained Payment without buyer needing Paypal account - MPL and PayPal iOS SDK

Using either MPL or PayPal iOS SDK - I need to implement chained payments in my iOS app without having a user needing to login with their Paypal account.
The github demo sample forces a user to login to make a chained payment.
Has anyone worked around this?
I assume this is not yet feasible with the new SDK
Unfortunately the MPL doesn't offer up guest checkout functionality so your customers would need to login to a PayPal account to make the Chained Payment. Also, you are correct that the new mSDK does not yet support Chained Payments.

Paypal - IOS SDK - Business account / sole trader

We are creating an IOS app and we'd like to use your IOS SDK for payments on behalf of our clients clients. We have implemented your SDK into our app and all works great and we are really happy with it but we just have a few things we'd like to clarify if possible?
Our app is for personal trainers and we want to be able to offer them the facility of charging their clients for services in app. So the Paypal account would need to be setup in the personal trainers name, they would need to create a client id and then enter their paypal email and account ID information into the apps CMS - which would then be fed securely into the app which is used by their clients to order services.
The SDK requires a client ID and registered email - which we were able to create in our business account via a rest api. Our question is whether this process would still work if the Personal Trainer registered their Paypal account as a sole trader - or would they need a business account to create a client ID?
It has to be Business account.
Just to understand your question is the same as ours.
We have an app for a client.
We want to integrate payment for them in the app.
With Paypal iOS SDK the parameters initWithClientId and receiverEmail need to be obtained by our client from paypal by registering for a developer api?
Why would a business register for a developer api?
payerId is our client's customers paypal/emailid?
With MPL this was not needed?

PayPal iOS SDK - Payment not available for apps with a Mobile SDK type of integration

I'm making and iPad app which uses the PayPal iOS SDK for payments. The problem is that I cannot Log in to PayPal from the app. I can only pay by credit card.
When you create an application on the PayPal developer page there is this message:
Important: Currently, Log in with PayPal is not available for apps with a Mobile SDK type of integration.
So my question are:
1.When will it be available?
2.If I publish my app now will it work when it will be available or I will need to update?
3.Why there is login button? It confuses the user. They have a button for login but they can only pay by credit card.
You can see the screen by clicking this link.
Thank you.
Josh from PayPal here. My apologies -- I think the messaging here could be improved.
Log In with PayPal is an oauth2 identity service, which you could use (say) to let users log in to your app using their PayPal account instead of having to create an account with your service.
The log in button you see in the PayPal Mobile SDKs, in contrast, is intended to let folks pay using their PayPal wallet, which does require that they log in. This does work, now, with a "Mobile SDK type of integration".
Hope that clears things up a bit.

Migration Questions from Paypal MPL to PaypalMobile iOS SDK

We are migrating from MPL to Paypal Mobile iOS SDK and we have what you call classic app. We could not find the migration guide and are having following questions.
The new sdk needs client id. Is the client id same as API Key?
According to the guide
"You need two credentials:
clientId: Available on the PayPal developer site.
receiverEmail: Your PayPal account email address
These are used to identify you as the recipient of payments. Both are public credentials; there is no need to attempt to obscure them or keep them private.
Important The receiverEmail should match the account used to get your client_id and secret."
We are not a receiver. We only facilitate payments between our users. Also we don't have a secret key. How do we let our users pay to other users?
In our app, user can pay their peers and also service providers. How do we make the distinction?
Your help is really appreciated!
Josh from PayPal here.
The PayPal iOS SDK does not currently have support for peer to peer payments.
The client_id is not the same as an API Key. You can get one from the PayPal developer website.
If you don't need support for direct credit card payments (sender has no PayPal account) you don't need the client_id. There is an option in the SDK to suppress direct credit card option. All you need to do is pass the payee's email address when initializing PaymentViewController. You can see the code snippet at

how to get PayPal client ID

I am developing an iphone app, i want to integrate it with PayPal which will use rest API.
I downloaded SDK 1.0.4 for iOS from this.
There is a sample code given by PayPal.
But in this app i need to change PayPal client id and email address.
define kPayPalClientId #"YOUR CLIENT ID HERE"
define kPayPalReceiverEmail #""
how to get PayPal client id?
and how can i test it if money is transfered or not with the single PayPal account?
You can obtain your PayPal API credentials, including Client ID, by visiting the Applications page on the PayPal Developer site and logging in with your PayPal account.
Once logged in on this page, you will be assigned a sandbox Client ID, which will let you test your iOS integration against the PayPal sandbox. In your code, set the receiver email to a business sandbox account email address, then use a personal sandbox account email and password to log in to PayPal in the UI of your app. You can create business and personal sandbox accounts on the Sandbox accounts page.
To obtain your live Client ID, you will need to have a business account. If you don't yet have a business account, there is a link at the bottom of that same Applications page that will get you started. For live transactions, use your PayPal email address as the receiver email.
Log in to and click the Applications tab.
On the click Create App.
On the Create New App page, provide an app name.
Click Create App, and then review the information displayed about your app (as described below)
now you will get client id
