IFrame Like Button gives Suspicious URL error - url

I created a Google Sites site and added a Like button using the IFrame option.
The button looks fine but when a user clicks Like, they receive the following error:
"Sorry, this post contains a suspicious URL: Unknown error".
It looks like a Facebook like issue, since the error message is displayed in a Facebook branded pop-up window.
My site: https://sites.google.com/site/wheresthezbfairlane/
How do I fix this ?

If you copy pasted the code from the facebook plugin site you might have to remove the 'amp;'s that separate the query strings right after the href attribute.
<iframe src="//www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?
scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:80px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
So, in the code above just replace '& amp;' with '&'


Embed Twitter Percent-encoding

I was trying to copy the same method to my website by using the below code, but when I implement other twitter user or account, it is not working. Can anyone check if the code format is still working in other Twiiter account?
<iframe border=0 frameborder=0 height=250 width=550 src="https://twitframe.com/show?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fjack%2Fstatus%2F20"></iframe>
I created a JSFiddle and looks like the code is working fine! Tested with two other users and both are loading fine. You have to check if your URL is properly encoded and if you have any adblockers that blocks social media features.
Link: https://jsfiddle.net/ftcz6pdu/4/
Sample code:
<iframe border=0 frameborder=0 height=250 width=550 src="https://twitframe.com/show?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FItsSkyLOL%2Fstatus%2F1011166507257270273"></iframe>
<iframe border=0 frameborder=0 height=250 width=550 src="https://twitframe.com/show?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FPoppyHarlowCNN%2Fstatus%2F1010899818955333632"></iframe>
The online URL encoder that I used: https://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/dencoder/

like button suspicious url error

I created a website on google sites, using my own domain name. Clicking the like button (steegle.com generated) gives the error: "Sorry, this post contains a suspicious URL: Unknown error". Any ideas on how to fix this or better code to use?
This is the code generated/used:
<img src="https://www.google.com/chart?chc=sites&cht=d&chdp=sites&chl=%5B%5BGoogle+Gadget'%3D20'f%5Cv'a%5C%3D0'10'%3D199'0'dim'%5Cbox1'b%5CF6F6F6'fC%5CF6F6F6'eC%5C0'sk'%5C%5B%22Steeglecom+-+Google+Sites+Like+Button%22'%5D'a%5CV%5C%3D12'f%5C%5DV%5Cta%5C%3D10'%3D0'%3D200'%3D32'dim'%5C%3D10'%3D10'%3D200'%3D32'vdim'%5Cbox1'b%5Cva%5CF6F6F6'fC%5CC8C8C8'eC%5C'a%5C%5Do%5CLauto'f%5C&sig=adcK6vIIXtgjrIIlMyRBX2yiuVI" data-igsrc="http://86.gmodules.com/ig/ifr?mid=86&synd=trogedit&url=http%3A%2F%2Fhosting.gmodules.com%2Fig%2Fgadgets%2Ffile%2F110509162544058635853%2Fsteegle-google-sites-facebook-like-button.xml&up_url=www.freeeducationleague.org&up_layout=standard&up_width=&up_showfaces=false&up_action=like&up_font=arial&up_colorscheme=light&h=35&w=200" data-type="ggs-gadget" data-props="screenshot:http#58//www.steegle.com/images/facebook-like-120x60.png;url:http#58//hosting.gmodules.com/ig/gadgets/file/110509162544058635853/steegle-google-sites-facebook-like-button.xml;params:up_url=www.freeeducationleague.org&up_layout=standard&up_width=&up_showfaces=false&up_action=like&up_font=arial&up_colorscheme=light;align:;borderTitle:Steegle.com - Google Sites Like Button;height:35;igsrc:http#58//95.gmodules.com/ig/ifr?mid=95&synd=trogedit&url=http%3A%2F%2Fhosting.gmodules.com%2Fig%2Fgadgets%2Ffile%2F110509162544058635853%2Fsteegle-google-sites-facebook-like-button.xml&up_url=www.freeeducationleague.org;mid:95;scrolling:no;showBorder:false;showBorderTitle:null;spec:http#58//hosting.gmodules.com/ig/gadgets/file/110509162544058635853/steegle-google-sites-facebook-like-button.xml;up_url:www.freeeducationleague.org;width:200;wrap:true;title:Steegle.com - Google Sites Like Button" width="200" height="35" style="display:inline;float:right;margin:5px 0 5px 20px;" class="igm">

Redirection url provoc a lost of information in my url

I'm trying to do a redirection from my host : http://www.carthera.com to http://www.carthera.eu,
Everything looks fine, but when i try to go on another page with carthera.eu I have this :
But with carthera.com I just have the
Does anyone know where it comes from and how can i fix this ?
Thanks a lot!
For information, the problem was that the host used an Iframe to display carthera.com. So basically when I went on carthera.com, I would have an iframe with carthera.eu. So the information for the get are not displayed in carthera.com but in the iframe carthera.eu ...

Display fb and twitter share page on a lightbox

I need some help, is it possible to display fb or twitter share page on the lightbox instead of new popup window ?
I would like to open the url something like this on the lightbox:
Currently, when its opened on the lightbox, its display white box.
I think it's because twitter or fb doesn't allow to open in an iframe.
Any workaround would be nice ?
Thanks all
You can use this lightbox with this code :
<a title="This is an Inception ! zoombox inside a zoombox inside a zoombox" href="http://grafikart.fr/zoombox" class="zoombox">Iframe</a>
The final code would give this:
<a title="Twitter" href="https://twitter.com/share?text=Check%20out%20Trinity%20Web%20Tech%20-%20http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FzwYo0C%20via%20#bwg%20http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2Fz6Rc0b" class="zoombox">Twitter</a>
<a title="Facebook" href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fstaging.creativisite.com%2Fbwg%2F2012%2F03%2F05%2Ftrinity-web-tech%2F&t=Trinity%20Web%20Tech" class="zoombox">Facebook</a>

Yii framework CHtml::link error jump to a named anchor in another page

I'm use Yii Framework.
I have a named anchor <a name="projet">projet</a> in about.php page.
I've created a link in the index page to the named anchor in the about page like that :
<?php echo CHtml::link('MyLink',array('site/page','view'=>'about#projet')); ?>
But when I click on the link "MyLink", I have an error 404 response with this message :
The requested view "about#projet" was not found.
And in the url I have:
I checked default charset application is UTF-8. So I don't understand why my link isn't well encoded.
Someone can help me please?
try this:
echo CHtml::link('MyLink',array('site/page','view'=>'about', '#'=>'projet'));
