like button suspicious url error - url

I created a website on google sites, using my own domain name. Clicking the like button ( generated) gives the error: "Sorry, this post contains a suspicious URL: Unknown error". Any ideas on how to fix this or better code to use?
This is the code generated/used:
<img src="'%3D20'f%5Cv'a%5C%3D0'10'%3D199'0'dim'%5Cbox1'b%5CF6F6F6'fC%5CF6F6F6'eC%5C0'sk'%5C%5B%22Steeglecom+-+Google+Sites+Like+Button%22'%5D'a%5CV%5C%3D12'f%5C%5DV%5Cta%5C%3D10'%3D0'%3D200'%3D32'dim'%5C%3D10'%3D10'%3D200'%3D32'vdim'%5Cbox1'b%5Cva%5CF6F6F6'fC%5CC8C8C8'eC%5C'a%5C%5Do%5CLauto'f%5C&sig=adcK6vIIXtgjrIIlMyRBX2yiuVI" data-igsrc="" data-type="ggs-gadget" data-props="screenshot:http#58//;url:http#58//;;align:; - Google Sites Like Button;height:35;igsrc:http#58//;mid:95;scrolling:no;showBorder:false;showBorderTitle:null;spec:http#58//;;width:200;wrap:true; - Google Sites Like Button" width="200" height="35" style="display:inline;float:right;margin:5px 0 5px 20px;" class="igm">


ScriptApp.getService().getUrl() doesn't return the correct url. Returns /dev instead of /exec

I have started to get a weird bug with Google Apps Script. ScriptApp.getService().getUrl() doesn't return the current url, but I am confident that a month ago when I created the project it worked perfectly.
In a page served by GAP, I have a header like so:
<div class="nav-wrapper teal lighten-1">
Project Database
<ul class="left hide-on-med-and-down">
<li class="active">Search</li>
<li>Add Entry</li>
When I go to the app through the link it works but when I click on the links in the header I get redirected like so
So first of all I get redirected to a dev url and the "/a/GSUITENAME/" is lost. Since this URL is wrong i get a "Page not found" error
I hope someone can give me some pointers on what is going on, because according to the documentation I should get the proper url:
EDIT: When I test the project with the dev link it works as intended.
EDIT2: I did as TheMaster suggested and logout of all other google accounts except the one for that project. This time I get a functional url but I still go from exec to dev which is not the desired behaviour.

Rails parameters error - Implementing Google Maps API

I'm currently building an Events app using Rails.I'm implementing the Google Maps Embed API for the Events show page and getting the following error -
"The Google Maps API server rejected your request. Invalid request. Missing the 'q' parameter."
I have the Geocoder gem installed, included latitude & longitude. For my address I'm using a 'location' column and use jquery.autocomplete for that purpose. This is my code for the showpage -
<p><%= #event.location %></p>
frameborder="0" style="border:0"
src="<%= ENV["google_maps_api_key"] %>=<%= #event.location %>" allowfullscreen>
Do I still need a specific method for the address in my events model to fix this? If so, how do I express that in order for this to work?
There's a small error in your google maps URI (as per the error message), try this as the src attribute:
src="<%= ENV["google_maps_api_key"] %>&q=<%= #event.location %>" allowfullscreen>

IFrame Like Button gives Suspicious URL error

I created a Google Sites site and added a Like button using the IFrame option.
The button looks fine but when a user clicks Like, they receive the following error:
"Sorry, this post contains a suspicious URL: Unknown error".
It looks like a Facebook like issue, since the error message is displayed in a Facebook branded pop-up window.
My site:
How do I fix this ?
If you copy pasted the code from the facebook plugin site you might have to remove the 'amp;'s that separate the query strings right after the href attribute.
<iframe src="//"
scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:80px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
So, in the code above just replace '& amp;' with '&'

Service Unavailable 503 error, request from Google App Engine app

I have been using YouTube Data API from Google App Engine app for 5 months, without getting Service Unavailable, 503 error response. But today, I got this:
YouTubeError: {
'status': 503,
'body': '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">\n<html>\n<head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><title></title></head>\n<body style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; background-color: #fff; color: #000; padding:20px; font-size:18px;" onload="e=document.getElementById(\'captcha\');if(e){e.focus();}">\n<div style="max-width:400px;">\n <hr noshade size="1" style="color:#ccc; background-color:#ccc;"><br>\n \n \n <div style="font-size:13px;">\n Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network. Please try your request again later. Why did this happen?<br><br>\n <div id="infoDiv0" style="display:none; background-color:#eee; padding:10px; margin:0 0 15px 0; line-height:1.4em;">\n This page appears when Google automatically detects requests coming from your computer network which appear to be in violation of the Terms of Service. The block will expire shortly after those requests stop.<br><br>This traffic may have been sent by malicious software, a browser plug-in, or a script that sends automated requests. If you share your network connection, ask your administrator for help — a different computer using the same IP address may be responsible. Learn more<br><br>Sometimes you may see this page if you are using advanced terms that robots are known to use, or sending requests very quickly.\n </div><br>\n \n IP address:<br>Time: 2012-10-09T17:48:20Z<br>URL:<br>\n </div>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n',
'reason': 'Service Unavailable'
I am using YouTube for uploading videos from users, and also for displaying existing videos (users only input the videos URL).
Does anybody know possible reasons why it isn't working?
I am using gdata python library.
I have yt_service property defined in my video model:
def yt_service(self):
return self._yt_service
except AttributeError:
yt_service =
yt_service.developer_key = settings.SYNCR_YT_DEVKEY = settings.SYNCR_YT_EMAIL
yt_service.password = settings.SYNCR_YT_PASS
self._yt_service = yt_service
return yt_service
Then when creating upload form, view call yt_service.GetFormUploadToken to retrieve upload token. It failed in here.

Twitter Timeline through Expression Engine

Can anyone help me integrate Twitter through Expression Engine. I am new to expression engine and I have tried to follow the example the Twitter Timeline developed by the EE team but couldn't get it working.
Can anyone help me with step by step process in EE2?
Using the example from the Twitter Timeline Plugin download page, insert the following code into one of your ExpressionEngine templates:
{exp:twitter_timeline screen_name="ladygaga" limit="3"}
<div class="tweet">
<div class="date">{created_at format="%m-%d %g:%i"}</div>
<div class="author">
<div class="icon">
<img src="{profile_image_url}" width="48" height="48" alt="" />
<div class="status">{text}</div>
Note: The plugin only works on public Twitter feeds, so make sure that the feed your trying to display is not private. For this example, I'm using Lady Gaga's twitter stream.
All error messages are logged in the Template Parsing Log.
Therefore if you have no output, or unexpected output, enable the Template Parsing Log in the Control Panel's Output and Debugging Preferences at: CP Home > Admin > System Administration > Output and Debugging.
Reload the page in your browser and look through the Template Parsing Log for information from the Twitter Timeline:
If you still can't get the Twitter Timeline plugin to work, post a description of your problem to the ExpressionEngine 2 Technical Support Forum — they'll be able to better help troubleshoot your issue.
