Aforge Canny Edge Detection and how i get the pixel value - aforge

Does canny edge detection only work with 8bppIndexed?
i want to get the value at a given pixel ex. (x,y). How can i do it

Yes it only works with 8bpp indexed images. See here.
The filter accepts 8 bpp grayscale images for processing.
You may want to keep the original around and pass a grayscale copy to the filter. This way you can retrieve the filtered value based on original location, or original value based on filtered location.


How do I convert matrix of RAW values to matrix of RGB values in code?

I have a bunch of values that seem to be 12-bit numbers. If I put them in a matrix and scale each one to a value 0-255 and then show them as an image, I get something that looks like a photo, but it's quite bland.
I think that they might be direct reading off of a camera sensor. They have a sort of stippled pattern, kind of like plaid, that makes me think that they might be a sort of Bayer filter.
I want to convert these number into RGB values. What do I need to do? For each 2x2 in the Bayer pattern, do I convert the red to R, blue to B, and then average the green values? Do I need a gamma correction?
I noticed that the max value is much lower than the full 0xfff. Do I need to scale the values?
The procedure is well-described here:
Looks like I was getting it mostly right by the problem was grey balance. There is a transformation that needs to be made on the sensor values to map it to the 0-255 RGB component and the transform that needs to be made depends on the color. The best way is to take a photo of a perfect grey and calibrate.

Blurring image with RGB values without convolving it with a kernel

I'm using an app for face redaction that doesn't allow access to the source code but only allows me to pass pixel values for red, green and blue channel upon which it creates a matrix with the same average RGB values for every ROI pixel value. For eg. if I give Red=32,Blue=123 and Green=233 it will assign these RGB values for every pixel of the ROI and then draws a colored patch on the face.
So I was wondering is there a general combination of RGB values of a pixel to distort it and make it look like it's blurred. I can also set the opacity value in the app.

OpenCV - Dynamically find HSV ranges for color

When given an image such as this:
And not knowing the color of the object in the image, I would like to be able to automatically find the best H, S and V ranges to threshold the object itself, in order to get a result such as this:
In this example, I manually found the values and thresholded the image using cv::inRange.The output I'm looking for, are the best H, S and V ranges (min and max value each, total of 6 integer values) to threshold the given object in the image, without knowing in advance what color the object is. I need to use these values later on in my code.
Keypoints to remember:
- All given images will be of the same size.
- All given images will have the same dark background.
- All the objects I'll put in the images will be of full color.
I can brute force over all possible permutations of the 6 HSV ranges values, threshold each one and find a clever way to figure out when the best blob was found (blob size maybe?). That seems like a very cumbersome, long and highly ineffective solution though.
What would be good way to approach this? I did some research, and found that OpenCV has some machine learning capabilities, but I need to have the actual 6 values at the end of the process, and not just a thresholded image.
You could create a small 2 layer neural network for the task of dynamic HSV masking.
create/generate ground truth annotations for image and its HSV range for the required object
design a small neural network with at least 1 conv layer and 1 fcn layer.
Input : Mask of the image after applying the HSV range from ground truth( mxn)
Output : mxn mask of the image in binary
post processing : multiply the mask with the original image to get the required object highligted

GPUImage: How to determine average pixel value for given rectangle in processed image

I am using GPUImage to process incoming video and I would like to then consider a given square subregion of the image and determine the average pixel value of the pixels in that region. Can anyone advise me on how to accomplish this? Even information on how to acquire pixel data for a pixel at coordinate(x,y) in the image would be useful.
Apologies if this is a simple question, but I am new to computer vision and the way to do this was not clear to me from the available documentation. Thank you.
First, use a GPUImageCropFilter to extract the rectangular region of your original image. This uses normalized coordinates (0.0 - 1.0), so you'll have to translate from the pixel location and size to these normalized coordinates.
Next, feed the output from the crop filter into a GPUImageAverageColor operation. This will average the pixel color within that region and use the colorAverageProcessingFinishedBlock that you set as a callback. The block will return to you the average red, green, blue, and alpha channel values for the pixels in that region.
For an example of both of these operations in action, see the FilterShowcase example that comes with the framework.

Generating Filter for Spacial Filtering

I read on Wikipedia and see that if we need to perform spatial filtering on an image, we have to have a filter, for example 3x3, what I don't understand here is how can we choose the value for the filter? Let say that the original image is grey scale so its intensity goes from 0 to 255 (8 bits).
Another question is that if the image is 9x9, how can we apply the filter to boundary pixels of that image? If we choose to pad the image so the filter can work with all boundary pixels, what would be the value for new padded pixels?
Thank you very much
The value of the filter depends on what you want to achieve by filtering. There are a lot of filter design to perform a specific task. For example the simplest filter f=[-1 1 -1] kind of perform image derivation by performing first degree differencing on each pixel in horizontal direction (x-derivative) while f' perform the same thing in the vertical (y-derivative). The values -1,1,-1 are choose for such purpose. The same goes for 3*3 filters. In general the choose of the values come from a 2D(bi directional) designing of finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) filters.
You should keep in mind that the value of filter operation on the boarders are not that much accurate. Filtering operation for boarder pixel are done interpolating out-of range pixel by a process called boarder interpolation.In OpenCV and similar image processing/computer vision libraries there are ways to do it. For example as the following in opencv
Various border types, image boundaries are denoted with '|'
BORDER_REPLICATE: aaaaaa|abcdefgh|hhhhhhh
BORDER_REFLECT: fedcba|abcdefgh|hgfedcb
BORDER_REFLECT_101: gfedcb|abcdefgh|gfedcba
BORDER_WRAP: cdefgh|abcdefgh|abcdefg
BORDER_CONSTANT: iiiiii|abcdefgh|iiiiiii with some specified 'i'
Thus according to you choose you pad the boarder pixels.
