F# integer file directive - f#

I've been using fslex and fsyacc, and the F# source files (.fs they generate from the lexer (.fsl) and parser (.fsp) rules refer to the original .fsl (and sometimes to the same .fs source file) all over the place with statement such as this (numbers are line numbers):
1 # 1 "/[PROJECT-PATH-HERE]/lex.fsp
16 # 16 "/PROJECT-PATH-HERE]/lex.fs
17 // This is the type of tokens accepted by the parser
18 type token =
19 | EOF
Also, the .fs files generated by pars.fsp do the same kind of thing, but additionaly reference to the F# signature file (.fsi) generated alongside it. What does any of this do/mean?

The annotations you see in the generated code are F# Compiler Directives (specifically, the 'line' directive).
The 'line' directive makes it so that when the F# compiler needs to emit a warning/error message for some part of the generated code, it has a way to determine which part of the original file corresponds to that part of the generated code. In other words, the F# compiler can generate a warning/error message referencing the original code which is the basis of the generated code causing the error.


problems using the declaration of char

My codes and the errors that I got
I got this problem with the turbo c++ that every time I'm compiling my codes it just pull some errors which I already tested to online compiler (gdb online compiler).
The first error is "Declaration is not allowed here".
The file is .C, not .CPP, so it is probably compiled as C and not as C++. Variable definitions in the middle of the code are only allowed in C++. Just move the definition to the beginning of the function.
The following warnings are "Function should return a value".
If a function is not defined as void (eg. int) it should have a return statement which returns a value of the type of the function.

Lua Compiling Error 'do' expected near '['

I have a Lua file that I decompiled using unluac. When I try to recompile the files without any changes I get the following error:
lua: main.lua:647: 'do' expected near '['
I really do not know the problem here, as the while do statement follows the correct format.
The error is on line 647 as stated above.
Source is here:
Full Pastebin Source
Expressions like while {}[1] do and if {}[1].parentFolderName then are invalid because of {}[1] reference. It needs to be ({})[1]. It's probably a result of some sort of automated processing, but you should be able to fix it manually.

What is the use of # symbol in c language

The symbol # was seen in one the program ,But i could not find why it is used .
The syntax is
const unsigned char Array_name[] #(INFO_Array+1) = {................};
The meaning of # operator can be different for the particular compiler in which the code is compiled.
For example, in IAR Embedded Workbench's C/C++ compiler the # operator can be used for placing global and static variables at absolute addresses.
If you are using IAR C/C++ compiler, the compiler will place Array_name in the address (INFO_Array+1).
# operator can also be used to place a variable or object in a particular section of the object file:
uint32_t CTRL_OFFSET_x86 # "MY_RAM_SECTION";
The above line will place CTRL_OFFSET_x86 in the object file section MY_RAM_SECTION.
#pragma location can also be used for this purpose.
To me, it looks like a compiler flag to disable interpreting the string "INFO_Array+1" as an expression. In C# for example, you can use the #-Operator to tell the compiler to use the following expression as String without trying to evaluate it.
A quick googling showed:
For example, this line will fail to compile:
int new = 1776; // 'new' is a keyword
However, this line compiles without error:
int #new = 1776;

Compile with standalone flag gives compilation errors in client code

I'm attempting to compile Zero29 with the --standalone compiler flag. The project itself compiles fine, but I have a unit test project that exercises some code in the Zero29 project, even though it's an executable program (.exe).
Everything works fine without the --standalone compilation flag.
However, when I add the --standalone compilation flag to the Zero29 project, the Zero29 project compiles fine, but in the unit test project, the compiler complains about this Discriminated Union defined in the Zero29 project:
namespace Ploeh.ZeroToNine
open System
open Ploeh.ZeroToNine.Versioning
type Arg =
| Assign of Version
| AssignRank of Rank * int
| Increment of Rank
| ListVersions
| ShowHelp
| Unknown of string list
The unit test project directly references the Zero29 project:
Zero29.UnitTests --references--> Zero29 (where --standalone is added)
When I attempt to compile the entire solution, the Zero29 project compiles with the --standalone flag, but then compilation of Zero29.UnitTests fails. There are several errors, but they are all the same, so here's a single example:
error FS0039: The value or constructor 'Assign' is not defined
Which points to the third line of this code:
let ParseAssignVersionReturnsCorrectResult(version : string) =
let actual = [| "-a"; version |] |> Args.Parse
verify <# [Assign(Version version)] = (actual |> Seq.toList) #>
The strange thing is that while the compiler complains about Assign in the third line of this code snippet, it doesn't complain about the use of Args.Parse, even though it's defined in the same code file as the Arg Discriminated Union.
Why does it do that, and how can I resolve this issue?
(I've attempted to distil the problem here, but the links I've provided point to the actual code files on GitHub, if more information is required.)
Libraries compiled with the --standalone switch cannot expose any F# datatypes. This is, for one, expressly stated in Pickering (2007), p. 210. In your case, a discriminated union is one of these prohibited types. The fact that the file is an executable changes nothing here: it becomes a library the moment you attempt to use it as one.
There have been also multiple reports (for example, here and here) that even libraries compiled with --standalone behave, quoting one of these sources, “funky.” It would be safe to say that the use of this switch should perhaps be limited to stand-alone executables only (and they cannot pretend to be a library even when under unit tests).
Pickering R. (2007). Foundations of F#. Apress.

Defining Modules VS.NET vs F# Interactive

I have written this code which compiles and works perfectly in VS.NET 2010
module ConfigHandler
open System
open System.Xml
open System.Configuration
let GetConnectionString (key : string) =
however when I do a control + A and Alt + Enter to send this to FSI I get an error
ConfigHandler.fs(2,1): error FS0010: Unexpected start of structured construct in definition. Expected '=' or other token.
So I change my code to
module ConfigHandler =
open System
open System.Xml
open System.Configuration
let GetConnectionString (key : string) =
Now Control + A, Alt + Enter is successful and I FSI nicely tells me
module ConfigHandler = begin
val GetConnectionString : string -> string
However now If I try to compile my code in VS.NET 2010, I get an error message
Files in libraries or multiple-file applications must begin with a namespace or module declaration, e.g. 'namespace SomeNamespace.SubNamespace' or 'module SomeNamespace.SomeModule'
How can I have both? Ability to compile in VS.NET and the ability to send modules to FSI?
There is a tiny -- but crucial -- difference between your two snippets of code which is to blame here.
F# has two ways to declare a module. The first, a "top-level module", is declared like this:
module MyModule
// ... code goes here
The other way to declare a module is as a "local module", like so:
module MyModule =
// ... code goes here
The main differences between the "top-level" and "local" declarations are that the local declaration is followed by an = sign and the code within a "local" module must be indented.
The reason you get the ConfigHandler.fs(2,1): error FS0010: Unexpected start of structured construct in definition. Expected '=' or other token. message for the first snippet is that you can't declare top-level modules in fsi.
When you added the = sign to your module definition, it changed from a top-level module to a local module. From there, you got the error Files in libraries or multiple-file applications must begin with a namespace or module declaration, e.g. 'namespace SomeNamespace.SubNamespace' or 'module SomeNamespace.SomeModule' because local modules must be nested within a top-level module or a namespace. fsi doesn't allow you to define namespaces (or top-level modules), so if you want to copy-paste the entire file into fsi the only way it'll work is if you use the compilation directives as #pad mentioned. Otherwise, you can simply copy-paste the local module definitions (without the containing namespace) into fsi and they should work as expected.
Modules (F#) on MSDN
The common solution is to keep the first example and create a fsx file which references the module:
#load "ConfigHandler.fs"
You have advantage of loading multiple modules and writing plumbing code for experiment.
If you really want to load ConfigHandler.fs directly to F# Interactive, you can use INTERACTIVE symbol and compiler directives:
module ConfigHandler
which works for both fsi and fsc.
