"Sub-parsers" in pipes-attoparsec - parsing

I'm trying to parse binary data using pipes-attoparsec in Haskell. The reason pipes (proxies) are involved is to interleave reading with parsing to avoid high memory use for large files. Many binary formats are based on blocks (or chunks), and their sizes are often described by a field in the file. I'm not sure what a parser for such a block is called, but that's what i mean by "sub-parser" in the title. The problem I have is to implement them in a concise way without a potentially large memory footprint. I've come up with two alternatives that each fail in some regard.
Alternative 1 is to read the block into a separate bytestring and start a separate parser for it. While concise, a large block will cause high memory use.
Alternative 2 is to keep parsing in the same context and track the number of bytes consumed. This tracking is error-prone and seems to infest all the parsers that compose into the final blockParser. For a malformed input file it could also waste time by parsing further than indicated by the size field before the tracked size can be compared.
import Control.Proxy.Attoparsec
import Control.Proxy.Trans.Either
import Data.Attoparsec as P
import Data.Attoparsec.Binary
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
parser = do
size <- fromIntegral <$> anyWord32le
-- alternative 1 (ignore the Either for simplicity):
Right result <- parseOnly blockParser <$> P.take size
return result
-- alternative 2
(result, trackedSize) <- blockparser
when (size /= trackedSize) $ fail "size mismatch"
return result
blockParser = undefined
main = withBinaryFile "bin" ReadMode go where
go h = fmap print . runProxy . runEitherK $ session h
session h = printD <-< parserD parser <-< throwParsingErrors <-< parserInputD <-< readChunk h 128
readChunk h n () = runIdentityP go where
go = do
c <- lift $ BS.hGet h n
unless (BS.null c) $ respond c *> go

I like to call this a "fixed-input" parser.
I can tell you how pipes-parse will do it. You can see a preview of what I'm about to describe in pipes-parse in the parseN and parseWhile functions of the library. Those are actually for generic inputs, but I wrote similar ones for example String parsers as well here and here.
The trick is really simple, you insert a fake end of input marker where you want the parser to stop, run the parser (which will fail if it hits the fake end of input marker), then remove the end of input marker.
Obviously, that's not as easy as I make it sound, but it's the general principle. The tricky parts are:
Doing it in such a way that it still streams. The one I linked doesn't do that, yet, but the way you do this in a streaming way is to insert a pipe upstream that counts bytes flowing through it and then inserts the end-of-input marker at the correct spot.
Not interfering with existing end of input markers
This trick can be adapted for pipes-attoparsec, but I think the best solution would be for attoparsec to directly include this feature. However, if that solution is not available, then we can restrict the input that is fed to the attoparsec parser.

Ok, so I finally figured out how to do this and I've codified this pattern in the pipes-parse library. The pipes-parse tutorial explains how to do this, specifically in the "Nesting" section.
The tutorial only explains this for datatype-agnostic parsing (i.e. a generic stream of elements), but you can extend it to work with ByteStrings to work, too.
The two key tricks that make this work are:
Fixing StateP to be global (in pipes-3.3.0)
Embedding the sub-parser in a transient StateP layer so that it uses a fresh leftovers context
The pipes-attoparsec is going to release an update soon that builds on pipes-parse so that you can use these tricks in your own code.


Extracting values from a deeply nested data structure in haskell

I've been trying to work out how to use the language-bash package to parse some simple bash scripts, and I've come across the following structure
Right (List [Statement (Last (Pipeline {timed = False, timedPosix = False, inverted = False, commands = [Command (SimpleCommand [Assign (Parameter "x" Nothing) Equals (RValue [Char '3'])] []) []]})) Sequential])
as a result of running
import Language.Bash.Parse
parse "" "x=3"
I could theoretically just pattern match the whole thing away, though I was wondering if there was a cleaner way of accessing the values of the Assign datatype ('x', (Char '3').
Is there anyway to cleanly access those values (or generally access values in a complex datastructure) without obsessive pattern matching ?
Not really.
Here's the problem. You probably want to either handle an extremely limited set of possible Bash statements, in which case just writing out the patterns for specific List values will be faster than anything else you could possibly do.
Or, you want to handle a wide variety of Bash statements, in which case you can't really avoid the functional infrastructure to handle general List values. The same way you'd write an interpreter or compiler for any complex abstract syntax tree, you'll end up more or less writing a function for every (major) type and a case for every constructor.
The main Haskell tools for dealing with big, complex data structures are:
The "functional infrastructure" described above. That is, plain old functions defined using pattern matching, that process recursive data structures in a manner that mirrors the structures themselves. Don't underestimate this approach! It may seem like a lot of work, but it's likely to lead you to a correct program that handles all well-formed inputs, in a way that ad hoc approaches won't. Start with:
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
data M = ... some monad ...
data Result = ... representation of what you want to extract from the script ...
processList :: List -> M Result
processStatement :: Statement -> M Result
and go from there. The -Wall is important to get the -Wincomplete-patterns warning so you don't miss any constructors.
Lenses, which provide a more ergonomic hierarchical syntax for referring to parts of deeply nested data structures. Since bash-language doesn't provide lenses for these structures, you'd need to write them yourself. They might allow you to write something along the lines of:
lst ^. _Right.statements._head.andOr.pipeline.commands.
to extract the "x" from "x=3". Obviously, that doesn't help much, but lenses complement the "functional infrastructure" approach. The code to actually process all those types is often more easily expressed with lenses than pattern matching.
Generics, which allow you to generically access certain patterns within recursive data structures, while ignoring the "rest" of the data structure that you don't care about. The bash-language library includes deriving clauses for both Data and Generic generics. If it didn't, you could use StandaloneDeriving clauses to derive them. As an example, you can use Data generics to extract all Parameters from a List, regardless of where those Parameters appear, with something like:
import Language.Bash.Parse
import Language.Bash.Word
import Data.Data
import Data.Generics.Schemes
import Data.Generics.Aliases
parameters :: (Data a) => a -> [Parameter]
parameters = everything (++) (mkQ [] (\p -> [p]))
main = do
let Right lst = parse "" "x=3; y=4; LANG=C echo $x $y"
print $ parameters lst
Here, this prints out a list of all parameters appearing in this shell "script", whether for purposes of assignment or substitution, so it includes: "x", "y", "LANG", and "x" and "y" again.
This is a powerful tool, but it's likely to be applicable to only a few specific use-cases.
Ultimately, you'll probably have to take the view that you are writing a Bash interpreter (even if your interpreter does something besides "executing" the Bash script). Someone's been nice enough to supply a Bash parser to get the input source code into an AST, but the other half of the interpreter -- the actual interpretation itself -- still needs to be written by you.

How to parse an input piece by piece with ANTLR?

I am parsing an input that is unknown, so the parser might fail, but I want to parse it as much as possible.
Also, the input can be very big (> 1 Go).
Let's say the parser parses items (represented by letters) and this is the input :
I want to parse this input piece by piece. I can't give it the entire input because :
it can be too big
a failure at an item could provoke failures on the item(s) following.
I don't want to cut the input arbitrarily because :
If I cut at the wrong place, it will create errors (cutting in the middle of B for example).
If I try to not cut at the wrong place, I end up "preparsing" the input. (preparsing means that I will have the same issues for the preparsing as I have for the parsing, and the grammar is complex, items can be nested, so preparsing is complicated)
My current solution is to setup my grammar this way :
: blind_statement swallow_to_eof
: ~(EOF)*
The parser parses ONE item and swallows the rest in the rule swallow_to_eof.
I give the parser a partial input and complete it, piece by piece.
I don't like this solution :
the items can vary greatly (thousands to millions of characters), so I give the parser big pieces to make sure I don't accidentally cut the biggest items in two.
the performances are poor :
the size of the parsing inputs are big (previous point)
we keep parsing the same elements, dumping them in the swallow_to_eof rule (the example above is parsed in 5 times if everything goes well, and that sounds very inefficient :
Maybe there is an obvious solution to this issue and I missed it.
How do you solve this problem ?
Thank you :)
This is known as incremental parsing and no, ANTLR4 does not support this out of the box. In the past there were a number of discussions about this matter, but I don't remember having seen a reliable solution yet.

Searching/predicting next terminal/non-terminal by CFG/Tree?

I'm looking for algorithm to help me predict next token given a string/prefix and Context free grammar.
First question is what is the exact structure representing CFG. It seems it is a tree, but what type of tree ? I'm asking because the leaves are always ordered , is there a ordered-tree ?
May be if i know the correct structure I can find algorithm for bottom-up search !
If it is not exactly a Search problem, then the next closest thing it looks like Parsing the prefix-string and then Generating the next-token ? How do I do that ?
any ideas
my current generated grammar is simple it has no OR rules (except when i decide to reuse the grammar for new sequences, i will be). It is generated by Sequitur algo and is so called SLG(single line grammar) .. but if I generate it using many seq's the TOP rule will be Ex:>
S : S1 z S3 | u S2 .. S5 S1 | S4 S2 .. |... | Sn
S1 : a b
S2 : h u y
..i.e. top-heavy SLG, except the top rule all others do not have OR |
As a side note I'm thinking of a ways to convert it to Prolog and/or DCG program, where may be there is easier way to do what I want easily ?! what do you think ?
TL;DR: In abstract, this is a hard problem. But it can be pretty simple for given grammars. Everything depends on the nature of the grammar.
The basic algorithm indeed starts by using some parsing algorithm on the prefix. A rough prediction can then be made by attempting to continue the parse with each possible token, retaining only those which do not produce immediate errors.
That will certainly give you a list which includes all of the possible continuations. But the list may also include tokens which cannot appear in a correct input. Indeed, it is possible that the correct list is empty (because the given prefix is not the prefix of any correct input); this will happen if the parsing algorithm is unable to correctly verify whether a token sequence is a possible prefix.
In part, this will depend on the grammar itself. If the grammar is LR(1), for example, then the LR(1) parsing algorithm can precisely identify the continuation set. If the grammar is LR(k) for some k>1, then it is theoretically possible to produce an LR(1) grammar for the same language, but the resulting grammar might be impractically large. Otherwise, you might have to settle for "false positives". That might be acceptable if your goal is to provide tab-completion, but in other circumstances it might not be so useful.
The precise datastructure used to perform the internal parse and exploration of alternatives will depend on the parsing algorithm used. Many parsing algorithms, including the standard LR parsing algorithm whose internal data structure is a simple stack, feature a mutable internal state which is not really suitable for the exploration step; you could adapt such an algorithm by making a copy of the entire internal data structure (that is, the stack) before proceeding with each trial token. Alternatively, you could implement a copy-on-write stack. But the parser stack is not usually very big, so copying it each time is generally feasible. (That's what Bison does to produce expanded error messages with an "expected token" list, and it doesn't seem to trigger unacceptable runtime overhead in practice.)
Alternatively, you could use some variant of CYK chart parsing (or a GLR algorithm like the Earley algorithm), whose internal data structures can be implemented in a way which doesn't involve destructive modification. Such algorithms are generally used for grammars which are not LR(1), since they can cope with any CFG although highly ambiguous grammars can take a long time to parse (proportional to the cube of the input length). As mentioned above, though, you will get false positives from such algorithms.
If false positives are unacceptable, then you could use some kind of heuristic search to attempt to find an input sequence which completes the trial prefix. This can in theory take quite a long time, but for many grammars a breadth-first search can find a completion within a reasonable time, so you could terminate the search after a given maximum time. This will not produce false positives, but the time limit might prevent it from finding the complete set of possible continuations.

Is there an established way to write parsers that can reconstruct their exact input?

Say I want to parse a file in language X. Really, I'm only interested in a small part of the information within. It's easy enough to write a parser in one of Haskell's many eDSLs for that purpose (e.g. Megaparsec).
data Foo = Foo Int -- the information I'm after.
parseFoo :: Parsec Text Foo
parseFoo = ...
That readily gives rise to a function getFoo :: Text -> Maybe Foo.
But now I would also like to modify the source of the Foo information, i.e. basically I want to implement
changeFoo :: (Foo -> Foo) -> Text -> Text
with the properties
changeFoo id ≡ id
getFoo . changeFoo f ≡ fmap f . getFoo
It's possible to do that by changing the result of the parser to something like a lens
parseFoo :: Parsec Text (Foo, Foo -> Text)
parseFoo = ...
but that makes the definition a lot more cumbersome – I can't just gloss over irrelevant information anymore, but need to store the match of every string subparse and manually reassemble it.
This could be somewhat automated by keeping the string-reassembage in a StateT layer around the parser monad, but I couldn't just use the existing primitive parsers.
Is there an existing solution for this problem?
Is this a case of "bidirectional transformation"? E.g., http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1571/
In particular, "Invertible Syntax Descriptions: Unifying Parsing and Pretty Printing" by Rendel and Osterman
http://dblp.org/rec/conf/haskell/RendelO10 , Haskell Symposium 2010 (cf. http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/4191 )
A solution implemented in Haskell? I don't know of one; they may exist.
In general, though, one can store enough information to regenerate a legal version of the program that resembles the original to an arbitrary degree, by storing "formatting" information with collected tokens. In the limit, the format information is the original string for the token; any approximation of that will give successively less accurate answers.
If you keep whitespace as explicit tokens in the parse tree, in the limit you can even regenerate that. Whether that is useful likely depends on the application. In general, I think this is overkill.
Details on what/how to capture and how to regenerate can be found in my SO answer: Compiling an AST back to source code

Using ANTLR to analyze and modify source code; am I doing it wrong?

I'm writing a program where I need to parse a JavaScript source file, extract some facts, and insert/replace portions of the code. A simplified description of the sorts of things I'd need to do is, given this code:
foo(['a', 'b', 'c']);
Extract 'a', 'b', and 'c' and rewrite the code as:
foo('bar', [0, 1, 2]);
I am using ANTLR for my parsing needs, producing C# 3 code. Somebody else had already contributed a JavaScript grammar. The parsing of the source code is working.
The problem I'm encountering is figuring out how to actually properly analyze and modify the source file. Each approach that I try to take in actually solving the problem leads me to a dead end. I can't help but think that I'm not using the tool as it's intended or am just too much of a novice when it comes to dealing with ASTs.
My first approach was to parse using a TokenRewriteStream and implement the EnterRule_* partial methods for the rules I'm interested in. While this seems to make modifying the token stream pretty easy, there is not enough contextual information for my analysis. It seems that all I have access to is a flat stream of tokens, which doesn't tell me enough about the entire structure of code. For example, to detect whether the foo function is being called, simply looking at the first token wouldn't work because that would also falsely match:
To allow me to do more sophisticated code analysis, my second approach was to modify the grammar with rewrite rules to produce more of a tree. Now, the first sample code block produces this:
This is working great for analyzing the code. However, now I am unable to easily rewrite the code. Sure, I could modify the tree structure to represent the code I want, but I can't use this to output source code. I had hoped that the token associated with each node would at least give me enough information to know where in the original text I would need to make the modifications, but all I get are token indexes or line/column numbers. To use the line and column numbers, I would have to make an awkward second pass through the source code.
I suspect I'm missing something in understanding how to properly use ANTLR to do what I need. Is there a more proper way for me to solve this problem?
What you are trying to do is called program transformation, that is, the automated generation of one program from another. What you are doing "wrong" is assuming is parser is all you need, and discovering that it isn't and that you have to fill in the gap.
Tools that do that this well have parsers (to build ASTs), means to modify the ASTs (both procedural and pattern directed), and prettyprinters which convert the (modified) AST back into legal source code. You seem to be struggling with the the fact that ANTLR doesn't come with prettyprinters; that's not part of its philosophy; ANTLR is a (fine) parser-generator. Other answers have suggested using ANTLR's "string templates", which are not by themselves prettyprinters, but can be used to implement one, at the price of implementing one. This harder to do than it looks; see my SO answer on compiling an AST back to source code.
The real issue here is the widely made but false assumption that "if I have a parser, I'm well on my way to building complex program analysis and transformation tools." See my essay on Life After Parsing for a long discussion of this; basically, you need a lot more tooling that "just" a parser to do this, unless you want to rebuild a significant fraction of the infrastructure by yourself instead of getting on with your task. Other useful features of practical program transformation systems include typically source-to-source transformations, which considerably simplify the problem of finding and replacing complex patterns in trees.
For instance, if you had source-to-source transformation capabilities (of our tool, the DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit, you'd be able to write parts of your example code changes using these DMS transforms:
domain ECMAScript.
tag replace; -- says this is a special kind of temporary tree
rule barize(function_name:IDENTIFIER,list:expression_list,b:body):
= " \function_name ( '[' \list ']' ) "
-> "\function_name( \firstarg\(\function_name\), \replace\(\list\))";
rule replace_unit_list(s:character_literal):
expression_list -> expression_list
replace(s) -> compute_index_for(s);
rule replace_long_list(s:character_list, list:expression_list):
expression_list -> expression_list
"\replace\(\s\,\list)-> "compute_index_for\(\s\),\list";
with rule-external "meta" procedures "first_arg" (which knows how to compute "bar" given the identifier "foo" [I'm guessing you want to do this), and "compute_index_for" which given a string literals, knows what integer to replace it with.
Individual rewrite rules have parameter lists "(....)" in which slots representing subtrees are named, a left-hand side acting as a pattern to match, and an right hand side acting as replacement, both usually quoted in metaquotes " which seperates rewrite-rule language text from target-language (e.g. JavaScript) text. There's lots of meta-escapes ** found inside the metaquotes which indicate a special rewrite-rule-language item. Typically these are parameter names, and represent whatever type of name tree the parameter represents, or represent an external meta procedure call (such as first_arg; you'll note the its argument list ( , ) is metaquoted!), or finally, a "tag" such as "replace", which is a peculiar kind of tree that represent future intent to do more transformations.
This particular set of rules works by replacing a candidate function call by the barized version, with the additional intent "replace" to transform the list. The other two transformations realize the intent by transforming "replace" away by processing elements of the list one at a time, and pushing the replace further down the list until it finally falls off the end and the replacement is done. (This is the transformational equivalent of a loop).
Your specific example may vary somewhat since you really weren't precise about the details.
Having applied these rules to modify the parsed tree, DMS can then trivially prettyprint the result (the default behavior in some configurations is "parse to AST, apply rules until exhaustion, prettyprint AST" because this is handy).
You can see a complete process of "define language", "define rewrite rules", "apply rules and prettyprint" at (High School) Algebra as a DMS domain.
Other program transformation systems include TXL and Stratego. We imagine DMS as the industrial strength version of these, in which we have built all that infrastructure including many standard language parsers and prettyprinters.
So it's turning out that I can actually use a rewriting tree grammar and insert/replace tokens using a TokenRewriteStream. Plus, it's actually really easy to do. My code resembles the following:
var charStream = new ANTLRInputStream(stream);
var lexer = new JavaScriptLexer(charStream);
var tokenStream = new TokenRewriteStream(lexer);
var parser = new JavaScriptParser(tokenStream);
var program = parser.program().Tree as Program;
var dependencies = new List<IModule>();
var functionCall = (
from callExpression in program.Children.OfType<CallExpression>()
where callExpression.Children[0].Text == "foo"
select callExpression
var argList = functionCall.Children[1] as ArgumentList;
var array = argList.Children[0] as ArrayLiteral;
tokenStream.InsertAfter(argList.Token.TokenIndex, "'bar', ");
for (var i = 0; i < array.Children.Count(); i++)
(array.Children[i] as StringLiteral).Token.TokenIndex,
var rewrittenCode = tokenStream.ToString();
Have you looked at the string template library. It is by the same person who wrote ANTLR and they are intended to work together. It sounds like it would suit do what your looking for ie. output matched grammar rules as formatted text.
Here is an article on translation via ANTLR
