Own spline calculation within highcharts possible? - highcharts

Is there a way in Highcharts to add an own spline calculation or do I have to caluclation several points and add that to the regular spline calculation as values?

You have to first calculate your points, then add them to the chart.


Is there a way to get the length of a softened curve with HighCharts?

I wonder if HighCharts provides a way to get the length of a curve plotted along the serie of points in a x,y chart.

Highcharts x-axis parallel to y-axis

Question 1: Can we create a bubble chart with x-axis aligned vertically and opposite to y-axis as in below image.
Question 2: Dual y-axes are possible in highcharts but a series data can be associated to just one y-axis, is it possible to associate a data series with both y-axis? In other words, data points plotting will be in respect to 3 axis: x-axis and dual y-axes.

Show swatches in yAxis

I have a chart with multiple axes. The same axis can be used for multiple curves.
I would like to draw colored swatches next to the y axes to make it easier to identify which curve belongs to which axis.
I don't find any API setting or sample. Is it possible? If yes, how?

Highcharts combine pie chart with a scatter chart

Is it possible to combine a pie chart with scatter points in each slice?
for example to display 5 groups of animals in the pie, and plot the individual animal point in the slice ordered by the age of the animal.
I know you could use a donut chart to get close. (http://www.highcharts.com/demo/pie-donut)
I would recommend a polar or wind rose chart for that type of data. The reason for that is because a pie chart's radius (the yAxis, if you will) is not actually a measure. Only the percentage of the circumference is of importance in a pie chart.

How do I transform between datetimes and chart coordinates in Highcharts Renderer?

I have a Highcharts scatter plot with a datetime x axis. The x values are all in the past. The y coordinates are positive integers, typically in the range 100..10k. I want to draw lines from the imaginary point (tomorrow, 0) back to some of the data points.
The Renderer's path command looks to take absolute coordinates in chart space. How do I transform the point (tomorrow,0) into those absolute coordinates?
Also, assume the data was from 1995..2005. The default auto-scaling of Highcharts would make tomorrow be off the chart to the right. What will happen when drawing the path? Will the chart remain the same scale and the line be clipped at the right-hand edge? (That would be OK). Would the chart be redrawn with a new scale so that the x axis covered the whole span from 1995 to tomorrow? Something else?
Thanks in advance...
Found it. There is a translate() function to do the conversion. See the Highcharts support forum thread for info on the function.
Use Axis.toPixels() and Axis.toValue()
