Highcharts combine pie chart with a scatter chart - highcharts

Is it possible to combine a pie chart with scatter points in each slice?
for example to display 5 groups of animals in the pie, and plot the individual animal point in the slice ordered by the age of the animal.
I know you could use a donut chart to get close. (http://www.highcharts.com/demo/pie-donut)

I would recommend a polar or wind rose chart for that type of data. The reason for that is because a pie chart's radius (the yAxis, if you will) is not actually a measure. Only the percentage of the circumference is of importance in a pie chart.


Is there a way to get the length of a softened curve with HighCharts?

I wonder if HighCharts provides a way to get the length of a curve plotted along the serie of points in a x,y chart.

Highcharts x-axis parallel to y-axis

Question 1: Can we create a bubble chart with x-axis aligned vertically and opposite to y-axis as in below image.
Question 2: Dual y-axes are possible in highcharts but a series data can be associated to just one y-axis, is it possible to associate a data series with both y-axis? In other words, data points plotting will be in respect to 3 axis: x-axis and dual y-axes.

Show swatches in yAxis

I have a chart with multiple axes. The same axis can be used for multiple curves.
I would like to draw colored swatches next to the y axes to make it easier to identify which curve belongs to which axis.
I don't find any API setting or sample. Is it possible? If yes, how?

highcharts pie charts to have rounded corner in the path

I am using pie chart type to build something like a speed meter type of chart like the example. Im looking for a way to make the path to have rounded corner instead of sharp 90 degree angle kinda.
am I using the right chart type or is there a better one that suits my application?

Own spline calculation within highcharts possible?

Is there a way in Highcharts to add an own spline calculation or do I have to caluclation several points and add that to the regular spline calculation as values?
You have to first calculate your points, then add them to the chart.
