Rails will_paginate custom renderer manual page number - ruby-on-rails

What i want to do is to create a custom renderer for will_paginate which renders first, previous, next and last page and a input field where the user can type in the page number manually. I already have the links for first, last etc. but i stuck at the input field. I could create a form in the view but the input field has to be rendered between the previous and next links.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Thanks for your help

You can do this as a separate form (make sure it is a GET). All you
need is the one input element named page. Something as simple as this
should work (not all browsers may like the #). I dropped it into a
site I'm playing with now and it worked. Put it anywhere on your page.
You might have to make something more complicated if you need to
incorporate search terms.
<form action="#" method="get">
Go to page: <input type="text" name="page" value="" size="2"
maxlength="4" />
<input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" />


Is ASP.NET MVC's Checkbox Implementation Accessible / Screen Reader-Friendly?

If you've ever looked at what ASP.NET MVC actually renders when you use #Html.CheckBoxFor, then you've seen that each checkbox you request to be rendered actually results in the emission of not one but two input tags. One is the "true" value checkbox, and the other is for "false." The latter input is of type "hidden".
Generally this doesn't cause problems if you're using ASP.NET MVC correctly. You wouldn't notice the input doubling unless you tried to, for example, do something directly with Request.Form(e.g. Why does ASP.NET MVC Html.CheckBox output two INPUTs with the same name?)
My question, though, is how screen readers deal with this. For example, can they be relied upon to correctly report only the visible checkbox to the site user?
Screen readers will ignore hidden inputs.
Given the example you cite in your comment, it returns this code:
<div class="col pure-u-xl-1-3 pure-u-lg-1-3 pure-u-md-1 pure-u-sm-1 pure-u-xs-1">
<label>Home Club Newsletter</label>
<input checked="checked" … id="newsletter" name="JoinHomeClub" type="checkbox" value="true">
<input name="JoinHomeClub" type="hidden" value="false">
<span class="checkbox-label">Yes, please sign me Up!</span>
Right off the bat there is a problem here because the <label> is not associated with the control, and the visible text that is next to the checkbox is not associated with the field.
When I access the field in NVDA, all it says is "checkbox checked". There is no accessible name at all.
But to your question…
Your question was related to the <input type="hidden">. As #SLaks said, screen readers ignore <input type="hidden">. The fact that they have the same name value is no problem. If they had the same id value, then you would have a problem (how it would manifest in a screen reader depends on things and stuff).

Finding the index of HTML element Capybara

I am trying to write the step definition, using Capybara, for a Cucumber scenario that is meant to confirm that checkboxes on the home page appear before the options.
Mechanically, I am trying to find the index of a specific html checkbox using its HTML ID and compare it with the index of a specific text on the home page. However, I have spent hours on this issue and have not been able to implement the step definition.
Would I for example be able to somehow convert the page into text and just search for words?
For this web application I am using Ruby on Rails.
Let: checkbox id = environment_Cool
Let: text on the page = Cool
I would greatly appreciate your help.
Suppose you have a checkbox like this:
<form action="demo_form.asp">
<input type="checkbox" name="coolness" value="Cool" id="environment_Cool" checked> Cool</span>
<input type="checkbox" name="coolness" value="Cool"> Not So Cool</span><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
Mechanically, I am trying to find the index of a specific html
checkbox using its HTML ID
page.find('[#id=environment_Cool ]')
and compare it with the index of a specific text on the home page.
Then it should return the text at the parent of the checklist, which is "Cool".
puts page.find('[#id=environment_Cool ]').find(:xpath,".//..").text

Ruby - Set of inputs to array

I'm trying to have a dynamic set of inputs in a form, that start with just one, where you can add or remove them with add/delete buttons. Then upon submission of a form, it turns the values of the inputs into a hash then that hash into a string for storing. I really have no idea where to start. So any tips will be helpful.
If using javascript would help, I can go that route, but i'm not sure how to make the javascript and ruby talk.
Depending on your use-case, there are a few options you might want to use. Since you've tagged this with rails, I'm assuming you have access to JQuery. Here's one (very simple) example of how you might go about adding fields to the page dynamically using it:
If you plan on storing these fields in one of your models, you may want to take a look at implementing nested attributes.
As pretty much a common web thing (not Rails-specific), you would make the name value look like some_name[].
So instead of having multiple inputs with different names like this:
<input type='text' id='my_input_1' name='my_input_1' value='string_1' />
<input type='text' id='my_input_2' name='my_input_2' value='string_2' />
<input type='text' id='my_input_3' name='my_input_3' value='string_3' />
...where on the server you get:
params :my_input_1 # 'string_1'
params :my_input_2 # 'string_2'
params :my_input_3 # 'string_3'
You would have:
<input type='text' id='my_input_1' name='my_inputs[]' value='string_1' />
<input type='text' id='my_input_2' name='my_inputs[]' value='string_2' />
<input type='text' id='my_input_3' name='my_inputs[]' value='string_3' />
...where on the server you get:
params :my_inputs # ['string_1','string_2',string_3']

How do I change the records being displayed on the page with buttons on the page (RoR)

I have a rails app that shows statistics based on an employee's daily production. currently my page shows ALL records.
I know how to show various different combinations such as records made between two dates etc... but what I really would like to do is make it so that single page (say the index page) has 3 controls that allow for it to switch between daily statistic records, weekly statistic records and a custom date constraint of statistic records (such as from date xx/xx/2009 to date xx/xx/2010). I have been searching for a while to attempt to figure this out but I am obviously missing something as I cannot find anyone else who has run into the same issues.
If this is too difficult to do this way, the other - mostly easy way I can see to do this is to create a page for each view, however it still leaves a question on how I set up the control to choose the custom date constraints.
I aplogise in advance for my newbyness but if someone could explain this to me, I think it is going to really increase my understanding of rails. Thanks in advance
Your control can easily append some information to the query string. Like this form does:
<form action="" method="get">
<button type="submit" name="show" value="daily">Daily stats</button>
<button type="submit" name="show" value="weekly">Weekly stats</button>
From <input type="text" name="interval-start" value="" /> till
<input type="text" name="interval-end" value="" />
<button type="submit" name="show" value="interval">Stats for the specified interval</button>
When user clicks on some button, browser sends all form fields to the server-side. On the server-side, in your action, you can check for the show property of the params array. Like this:
#reports = case params["show"]
when "daily"
#Just an example. Use ActiveRecord's query interface or Arel in Rails 3, not plain queries
Report.find_by_sql "SELECT * FROM reports WHERE DATE(report_date) = DATE(NOW())"
when "weekly"
Report.find_by_sql "SELECT * FROM reports WHERE WEEK(report_date) = WEEK(NOW())"
when "interval"
Report.find_by_sql "..."
#Some other possible values, filters, so on
And in your view just output the #report variable as usual.
You could also create a new route for that filtering, maybe /reports/:name, and avoid using forms. In this case, you only create some links that point to the right filter (/reports/daily, /reports/weekly, etc). On the server-side you need to check reports[:name] for the appropriate value.

asp.net mvc post to different views in same form

I have form area in my view. If I click button A, I want to submit to /Books/1 and if I click button B, I want to submit to /Books/2
How do I achieve this with MVC?
<form id="form1" name="form1" action="/Books/" method="get">
<input type="text" name="search" value="">
<input type="submit" name="id" value="1">
<input type="submit" name="id" value="2">
It sounds like what you want to do is call the Books Controller, with, say, the Search action. So for instance you might want to call /Books/Search/<search expression>/1, or /Books/Search/<search expression>/2, etc. (There's a few different ways you could be formatting these URLs, but it's mostly a matter of personal preference I think) If you want the URLs to appear as you've got them above (without the action in the URL), that can be accomplished with routing, something like this:
new { controller = "Books", action = "Search", searchExpr = "", pageId = 1 }
I think the main problem is that you're trying to use the WebForms PostBack everything paradigm in a situation where you're probably better off sending the information to the server in the URL or query string. The only time you're actually going to be posting form data here is when the user actually types something into the search box and clicks the Search button - at that point, the controller will pass the search expression to the appropriate View by stuffing it in ViewData, and from there, the View can pull it out and repopulate that textbox on the results page.
MVC Views can have multiple forms on a 'page', so just create separate sections and give each one their own form action.
<form id="form1" name="form1" action="/Books/1" method="get">
<!--...form fields-->
<form id="form2" name="form2" action="/Books/2" method="get">
<!--...form fields-->
I have never seen the ability to have a form field attached to two forms, seems like it wouldn't work. What you can do is put a hidden field in the second form which, on submission, grabs the information from the textbox in the first form.
