Building WebRtc on iOS - ios

I was successfully able to build WebRTC on MAC following these instructions:
Has anyone successfully built it on iOS? I understand that someone (arik) has successfully built it on iOS:!msg/discuss-webrtc/VJg-fk2-i_0/dtG200DOzsgJ But the steps are not clear.
Can someone (who built on ios) summarize the steps so that it will be useful for everyone trying it in the future?

I wrote a detailed blog post with all of the instructions on how to build the WebRTC example iOS application, as well as how to run it on the iOS simulator or an actual iOS device. You can take a look here to read the details, it's a pretty lengthy process.

Yes, compiling for iOS was a very painful task... especially getting it work in Xcode.
Here's my attempt to get AppRTC Demo for ios
After getting the repo, then open the xcode project within the ios directory. Set the target to WebRTC Dance, then execute. At this point the scripts will update depot_tools and do all the dirty work (pull, modify, build) so that your target for AppRTCDemo will able to resolve the missing files and execute.
Once that completes, you can change the target to AppRTC Demo with a simulator or a real device, click run and it should execute. There's more detailed information in the guide linked in there and updates in the readme.
If you are wondering what gets ran under the hood, check out the file in the ios directory of the git repo. The dance function is what's actually getting executed for you when you select WebRTC Dance.
Its not really easy to describe the build process (way too much going on) but the build scripts repo should definitely point you in the right direction and help you get AppRTCDemo on ios 'just work'
There's also a google developers video posted here, where they try and break down the build process so you can build for ios (the youtube title is misleading).
Also, I just added cocoapods support for ios webrtc, add this to your Podfile,
pod "libjingle_peerconnection"
# Add this to the bottom so it won't have issues with active architecture
post_install do |installer_representation|
installer_representation.project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH'] = 'NO'
config.build_settings['VALID_ARCHS'] = ['armv7', 'i386']
Not all the revisions are built, so check out the the cocoadocs for which revisions are available

I have been working in this space for the past few months now - webrtc on iOS is not easy. To help this problem I have added a github repo with a working example of and iOS app using webrtc.
The site references the google code site as well, so it should be a helpful starting point.

Well, it's been a long time to answer this post. But, I hope someone might
get better intuition from it.
I have been dealing with webrtc compilation processes for iOS and Android platforms. This process is really simple if you follow each step efficiently. To compile the library for iOS, follow the below-given commands and make sure you're using the same(only-1) tab of Mac terminal for WebRTC Native Compilation Setup as follows:
Link Xcode with Command line
Setup depot_tools
Fetch Code for Development
Selection of Branch
Compile Library (iOS Framework)
1. Prerequisites:
First of all, make sure of the following things that you have already installed, if not then use these commands to do that:
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
- sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
- sudo apt-get install pkg-config
- sudo apt-get update
Please also install python==2.7, if it's not already installed.
2. Link Xcode with Command line:
- sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
- sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
3. Setup the Depot_tools:
- git clone
- export PATH="$PATH:${HOME}/depot_tools"
After that, start the following steps one by one. Every step takes its own time based on the machine specs and internet speed, so make sure every step is completed without interruption.
4. Fetch Code:
- mkdir webrtc_ios
- cd webrtc_ios
- fetch --nohooks webrtc_ios
- gclient sync
5. Select Branch-head:
- cd src
- ./build/
- git checkout origin/master
- git branch
6. To compile every time:
Make sure you are in the webrtc_ios/src/ directory, then simply run this command:
- ./tools_webrtc/ios/
It turns out that you will end up with the compilation and building of WebRtc Framework holding Webrtc Header Files. You can simply drag and drop this framework into your Xcode production environment or simply import it.
As you have set up your compilation environment, now every time you make changes into your native stack, you can simply run this command ./tools_webrtc/ios/ to generate an updated framework.
If you end up with an issue regarding the compilation of webrtc framework. Please follow these steps. Make sure you're in this directory webrtc_ios/src/:
- git checkout origin/master
# To make sure you're using origin/master
- git branch
- gclient revert
- gclient sync
- ./tools_webrtc/ios/
And hopefully, you will have your issues sorted. I always recommend you guys that You can check out a branch that would be behind the origin/master and doesn't have all dependencies and modules over there which are necessary to build webrtc framework for iOS. So, Please always checkout to branch/head of webrtc native stack
Now, if you tried with these both procedures to build the WebRTC such as:
1- Using Bash Build Tools (./tools_webrtc/ios/
2- Using Manual Compilation
$ # debug build for 64-bit iOS
$ gn gen out/ios_64 --args='target_os="ios" target_cpu="arm64"'
$ # debug build for simulator
$ gn gen out/ios_sim --args='target_os="ios" target_cpu="x64"'
2.1- Compiling (ninja -C out/Debug)
Both procedures will work.

This seems to build some of the modules:


Swift Package Manager Dependency Mirroring

I have a project and:
the company I'm working with is self-hosting their git
the CI can communicate only with company's network
That being said, if I want to install any dependency, I have to ask their dev ops to mirror the target repository and only then I can use it.
The problem arises when I want to implement Crashlytics which has a lot of dependencies. When I import the Firebase, it's fetched from the mirrored repo correctly, but it's dependencies are still being fetched from the original URLs (which makes perfect sense).
The question is - How do I tell Swift Package Manager to swap each URL with mirrors? I have all the dependencies mirrored. I only need to tell SPM to use it.
I have found this proposal which was implemented in Swift 5, but when I go to root of my project and run:
$ swift package config set-mirror --package-url <original URL> --mirror-url <mirror URL>
I get this error:
error: root manifest not found
Any ideas how to do this correctly? Thank you
As Florian correctly pointed out, the proposal works from the package's repository, not my projects! So:
I do clone mirrored repo in my project's root
I run set of commands to set mirror url for each dependency:
swift package config set-mirror \
--original-url \
--mirror-url <company's url>/mirrors/githubcom-google-GoogleAppMeasurement
I go back to projects root and run:
xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies -project MyProject.xcodeproj -scheme MyAppScheme
But it's still fetching from original urls, not the mirrors!
Having an Xcode project makes this task basically impossible (at the time of writing). Xcode's integration with SPM works fine for most things, but is not (yet?) at par with what SPM can do in pure SPM packages.
The problem is, that swift package config is always only local to the package and does not have any effect on projects / packages that depend on the package. And with Xcode currently having no counterpart to swift package config, it's not possible to do this at the moment.
What you could do, however, is to clone all your dependencies locally and then reference them as local packages from Xcode (simply dragging the package folder into the open Xcode project will do so). Xcode will be smart enough to take the dependencies from the local local checkout (or at least it was smart enough last time I tried this).
Let's hope for a future Xcode version with full SPM support!

How to verify information in Carthage.resolved?

Cocoapods embed a step in the build phase to check if the Pods folder is in sync with the versions in Podfile.lock. This blocks the developer to work with the stale versions of the Pod with the following error:
error: The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock. Run 'pod
install' or update your CocoaPods installation.
Carthage has Cartfile.resolved, but how is it used to check if the Carthage Builds are fresh vs stale? Is it something that has to be manually enforced via some script?
Afaik the Carthage guides do not mention this topic at all. Usually you will be informed via failing compilation that a certain framework is not found, e.g. if you switched to a new branch where a new feature is implemented that needs framework XYZ. Then you know you have to run carthage bootstrap.
We have a script that runs so fast that you could even place it into the git hooks so it runs automatically after switching branches. The carthage part just cann the following command:
carthage bootstrap --use-ssh --use-xcframeworks --cache-builds
It makes sure carthage is up to date and it is fast since it uses cached builds. Runs fine for several years now.

Build flutter app for desktops

I saw a few peoples managed to build flutter apps for other OS than the usual Android/IOS
My question here is simple : How ? What is the current process to build a flutter app for mac/windows ? There's no need for it to be production ready. Something experimental is enough
For those wondering how to :
There's an example using openGL to render a flutter app
Run a Flutter project in Desktop
Step 1:
For Flutter to run on Desktop, we must be on the master channel, with the latest release. So run from cmd,
flutter channel master
flutter upgrade
Step 2:
Then we have to enable flutter desktop support.
Step 3:
Then clone this repo and cd example directory.
Step 4:
Then replace the lib folder inside the example directory with our existing code, and replace the pubspec.yaml file, with our existing one.
Step 5:
Then run from terminal
flutter packages get
flutter run
You can find more info here.
You can check this link out
Still not stable but does a good job of rendering flutter apps on desktop
Here's something I found useful, it is currently in alpha version but does the job by enabling us to develop Mac and Windows apps in Flutter :
For those who want to know the current state(2021), here is the startup project to help you test It for MacOS, Linux, Windows. The project heavily modified from official ci to build cross-platform easily. You might want to check the ci.yml If you want to build on certain platform without github-action.
In additional, go-flutter is also a valid option, that used go-lang and openGL to achieve cross-platform features.
If you want to know the difference between official and go-flutter, here is the issue about the details.

How to install a development Framework in MacOS for commandline build

I have an iOS application that needs to be integrated into CI/CD pipeline in CircleCI. Most of my dependencies have been added using CocoPods. There is one particular dependency of OpenCV2 that is manually compiled and used. On the local development machine, It is simple to use with drag & drop in Xcode. But, while running the build on a CI server. We don't have access to GUI and need to link dependency from the command line. I have not found much of the resources dealing with this issue.
I have tried few options from this link
The framework that I am trying to use is compiled and zipped in an archive ( and uploaded on Amazon S3. It is because the compiled framework is about 300 MB in size. So, I can't push it to the source repository. So, I download it using curl and unzip on CI machine. I have tried unzipping it to
gym --scheme "project" --workspace "project.xcworkspace"
None of them really worked.I would like a way to register this framework in the system so that linker can find it while linking.
Suggest a way to extract framework into a location which linker can automatically look into.
Suggest a way where I can link framework manually from command line build
I have never used OpenCV but a quick pod search gives this result, so looks like they are already supporting cocoapods.....
pod search opencv
-> OpenCV2 (3.2.0)
OpenCV (Computer Vision) for iOS.
pod 'OpenCV2', '~> 3.2.0'
- Homepage:
- Source:
- Versions: 3.2.0 [master repo]
You can use Carthage
You can use both Cocoapods and Carthage at the same time as long as they are not downloading the same dependencies.
Create a private repo, follow the carthage tutorial for uploading frameworks
then put opencv2 to your repo.
Then add your repo to your cartfile
Then before or after you install cocoapods, install carthage frameworks too.
It is a bit work but can solve your problem.
Looks like they also support Carthage
Look at the last couple of comments..

How to obfuscate code using Polidea's iOS Class Guard?

Can any one tell me the steps to implement Polidea's iOS Class Guard in iOS project. I have gone through the following github link:
I also gone through sample project. I only find a obfuscate_project file in it. How can I test after implementing this? Installation
Execute this simple bash script in Terminal. When asked for the password, enter your account. It's needed because the utility is installed in /usr/local/bin.
$ brew install
To install bleeding edge version:
$ brew install --HEAD How to use it?
A few steps are required to integrate iOS Class Guard in a project.
Download obfuscate_project into your project root path.
$ chmod +x obfuscate_project
Update the project file, scheme and configuration name in shell script .
$ ./obfuscate_project
every time when you want to obfuscate your project. It should be done every release. Store the json file containing symbol mapping so you can get the original symbol names in case of a crash. **Rename stored json file with release version number. **
Build, test and archive your project using Xcode or other tools.
The presented way is the simplest one. You can also add an additional target that will automatically regenerate the symbols map during compilation.
ios-class-guard will be called by shell script obfuscate_project.
============Unfortunately =============
In XCode 7.0 enviorment, we can't finish obfuscating without errors.
