how to resize iphone tab bar in xcode? - ios

I'm developing an iOS app that has 5 items in the tab bar. But they are not evenly distributed. I want the right-most one to be larger and obviously it takes more spaces. and other 4 tab items can evenly distribute.
I've done some research but cannot find a good solution. Where can i customize the tab bars?

You can't do this with the standard iOS tab bar. You need to create a custom one or use one of the numerous open source libraries that do it already.

You can use UISegmentedControl. It is highly customizable and allows to modify width of each item in it.


Changing the height and design of the tab bar below an ios app

i am designing an app, ios based. i am doing this with the guidelines of apple. but i have a question about the tab bar below the app. Apps like spotify, facebook ,whatsapp and twitter are using a tab bar below the screen.
Is it possible in de 'code' to change the height of this? I am asking this because of the target audience. also the font-size.
sorry if the question does not belong here in the community.
You can't change the height of an UITabBar or the font size of the bar button labels.
If you need this, you must either build your own TabBar or see if someone has already done it. (Search for UITabBar or UITabBarController replacement)

iOS 11: `UIBarButtonItem`s having placement and usage issues

We have an app that has been around since before the days of storyboards. Prior to iOS 11 everything was fine after we updated it to be 64 bit. We have found two issues when running under iOS 11:
On iPhones the single UIBarButtonItem in the navigation bar's RightBarButtonItems isn't being placed all the way to the right as usual (the left side buttons is in the proper position).
On iPads we have what looks much like a segmented control (but made of individual buttons). It works fine when it is not in any kind of bar, but when it is in a bar it doesn't get touches.
In both cases I have used the UI navigator in Xcode to see that iOS 11 has added a couple extra views between bars and buttons. One of the added views is a bar content view (specific class depends on wether it is a toolbar or navigation bar; _UIToolbarContentView or _UINavigationBarContentView). The other added view is consistent among all kinds of bars, _UIButtonBarStackView.
In issue 1 above the added stack view is adding a very wide zero height view after the right bar button that is pushing the button way to the left (like it is trying to fit on an iPhone 4's screen far). Since the class has an underscore in front of it and isn't listed in the docs it must be a private class so even if I did dig into it and figure out how to keep the extra padding from getting added to the end it would get rejected by Apple for using private API.
I can't be sure what of the new views is intercepting the touches for the second issue but given that they are the only real differences I see between iOS 10 & 11 they seem the most likely culprits.
As I mentioned this was built before storyboards so the UI is built in xib files.
Has anyone run into issues with these new views and found a way to solve them? Or should I just rip out the whole UI and rebuild it?

Where do I get the iOS toolbar icons for up/down arrow?

I'm looking for these button icons,
, that I found in the Apple developer's guide for working with toolbars (almost half way down the page, but I can't find them in the storyboard.
I found a bunch of other icons in the storyboard for images, as shown here on the right, and I expected they would be there but they weren't.
Where do I get all these icons that Apple suggests I use? I would really like to use the up/down arrows for casting votes in my app.
Specifically, where can I get all of the images found in this guide
They are not available. They're just a list of icons they have developed for iOS as a showcase. You should look into making them yourself and applying them as a UIButtonTypeCustom. Small drawback is that if the iOS style changes (like iOS6 -> iOS7) you need to manually update your custom buttons while the rest is automatically upgraded.

Does xcode support tab controls?

I am developing a dashboard system which I need to split the app's screen into 4 blocks. Each block needs to have a page/tab control with different tabs such as day, month, week, etc
Is this not supported in xcode? I can only see references to a tab control where the tabs are at the bottom of the app's screen
Can you please try one of the control here in
I strongly recommend sticking with the tabs at the bottom. If you want them at the top you will have to implement your own solution or find one by someone else.

More than one tab bar in an app?

I have developed an app that has work successfully for the last 4 months using iOS 4.3 and under. Since iOS 5 however the tightening of view hierarchy has left my app dead in the water. The app starts with a tab bar as its main view with 5 tabs. When the user selects a row on a tableview on the first tab it pushes onto another tabbar with 3 tabs which gives specific information about that selection. This structure worked fine but obviously broke when testing on iOS 5.
My question is: Is it bad design to utilize 2 or more tab bars in one application? I don't mean "bad design" in the grand scheme of things because that is subjective. I mean in a practical sense where it is specifically forbidden or not recommended.
have a look at this:
iOs Human Interface Guideline
Yes, I think that it's not recommended.
For example:
Use a tab bar to give users access to different perspectives on the same set of data or different subtasks related to the overall function of your app. When you use a tab bar, follow these guidelines:
Don’t use a tab bar to give users controls that act on elements in the current mode or screen. If you need to provide controls for your users, use a toolbar instead (for usage guidelines, see “Toolbar”).
In general, use a tab bar to organize information at the application level. A tab bar is well-suited for use in the main app view because it’s a good way to flatten your information hierarchy and provide access to several peer information categories or modes at one time.
