Does xcode support tab controls? - ios

I am developing a dashboard system which I need to split the app's screen into 4 blocks. Each block needs to have a page/tab control with different tabs such as day, month, week, etc
Is this not supported in xcode? I can only see references to a tab control where the tabs are at the bottom of the app's screen

Can you please try one of the control here in

I strongly recommend sticking with the tabs at the bottom. If you want them at the top you will have to implement your own solution or find one by someone else.


iOS design guidelines - tabcontrol versus list view for main/first selection screen

Since Apple developer account is down, I can take the chance of later submiting and getting rejected since I will then run out of time.
Suppose I have 9-11 menu items in main window navigation. It is a bit too much, but that is what customer explicitly requested.
The Android version uses a listview and it works and looks good. It does so on iOS. However, I can see most iOS apps use a tabcontrol at bottom with extra tabs at (...) Is that a strict requirement in all cases? (I can't really say one of the menu items are more important that the other.)
No, using a tab bar controller is not a requirement, that's a design choice. Whether to use a tab bar controller or a list view depends on how you navigate around in your app, and what you want the user experience to be. If you want the user to be able to switch easily and quickly between different modes of the app, or different views of the same data, then probably a tab bar controller would be appropriate. On the other hand, if the choices you're making initially, are not made often, and you have a large number of choices (like you do), then a table view is probably more appropriate.

how to resize iphone tab bar in xcode?

I'm developing an iOS app that has 5 items in the tab bar. But they are not evenly distributed. I want the right-most one to be larger and obviously it takes more spaces. and other 4 tab items can evenly distribute.
I've done some research but cannot find a good solution. Where can i customize the tab bars?
You can't do this with the standard iOS tab bar. You need to create a custom one or use one of the numerous open source libraries that do it already.
You can use UISegmentedControl. It is highly customizable and allows to modify width of each item in it.

Custom Tabgroup Appcelerator

I'm trying to make a custom tabgroup in appcelerator in which one (or two) of the tabs is bigger than the rest. I have attached an image of what I'm trying to pull off.
I am able to make a custom tabgroup, but it refreshes each time I change a tab, and I want my tabs to behave like a native tabgroup. Any help would be much appreciated
As you mentioned in a comment, on iOS the tab group it itself a view. You can add views to it, and they will persist regardless of which tab is active. Because you can programmatically change the active tab, you can overlay views on top of the normal tab group and use them to decide which tab should be active.
The following Gist demonstrates this:
I figured out this issue. For anyone that has this same issue in the future this should help: The tabgroup is its own view. If you want to add overlays to it, make a new view, and add it to the tabgroup, NOT to the window itself.
This also looks promising:
You can set a background image for active tab background. The advantage to this approach is that it uses the native iOS API. Actually, it will extend the Titanium tabgroup proxy and add some methods. No hacks required.

More than one tab bar in an app?

I have developed an app that has work successfully for the last 4 months using iOS 4.3 and under. Since iOS 5 however the tightening of view hierarchy has left my app dead in the water. The app starts with a tab bar as its main view with 5 tabs. When the user selects a row on a tableview on the first tab it pushes onto another tabbar with 3 tabs which gives specific information about that selection. This structure worked fine but obviously broke when testing on iOS 5.
My question is: Is it bad design to utilize 2 or more tab bars in one application? I don't mean "bad design" in the grand scheme of things because that is subjective. I mean in a practical sense where it is specifically forbidden or not recommended.
have a look at this:
iOs Human Interface Guideline
Yes, I think that it's not recommended.
For example:
Use a tab bar to give users access to different perspectives on the same set of data or different subtasks related to the overall function of your app. When you use a tab bar, follow these guidelines:
Don’t use a tab bar to give users controls that act on elements in the current mode or screen. If you need to provide controls for your users, use a toolbar instead (for usage guidelines, see “Toolbar”).
In general, use a tab bar to organize information at the application level. A tab bar is well-suited for use in the main app view because it’s a good way to flatten your information hierarchy and provide access to several peer information categories or modes at one time.

Beginner question: Which iOS Template for huge application?

I am now starting my first iOS application.
It has a login-sreeen at beginning.
After Login screen there should be around 4-5 items (Tab Bar?!) what you can do there (e.g.: write a PM).
What template should I use when beginning with this?
What is the exact difference?
There is the cunningly named Tab Bar Application template
But to be honest with you; if you are just starting your first iOS application - worrying about what template to use is of lower priority than other questions. The templates provide a starting point, but you still have to fill in a lot of the detail. Don't think that choosing the template means you only have to fill in a few details to flesh out your app.
Have you read any of the documentation? That is really what you should be doing and planning your application model rather than worrying about which template to use.
You could use a single view application and then go to editor->embed-> navigation controller. After that all you need to do to add another screen is drag a storyboard from the IBObjects and create a segue to it by pressing ctrl and dragging from a button to the newly created storyboard. That way when you hit this button it'll take you to the new screen and a back button is provided by default by the navigation controller.
Hope that helps!
