Fingeprint thinning code preserving continuity of ridges - opencv

I am trying to develop a project that involves fingerprint matching. Now, I am stuck at the stage of Fingerprint thinning. I am coding my project using OpenCV and c++ Visual Studio 2010.
I tried erode() function, but it doesn't preserve the continuity of ridge lines. I also tried the following algorithm of Zhang-Suen thinning,
but, this shows an exception at memory location. I don't know how to proceed and i am stuck with this step.
Kindly help me with the code for fingerprint thinning + also preserving continuity of ridges.

If you're just looking for a code example of extraction, SourceAFIS (BSD License) goes from full greyscale to binarized and thinned with some artifact trimming as well and then identifies minutia. It's written in c# but it might give you some bright ideas.


Using OpenCV in Android to find an image match

I am trying to build an Android application that compares a photo taken by the device camera to find a match in a set of images.
I have configured OpenCV on Android Studio, but that is quite it.
Could someone please help by linking to resources or suggesting tutorials?
The OpenCV documentation does not have anything on Android Studio and the sample codes seem to be in C++.
My idea is to do the same things... I've searched some samples on GitHub but I've not found almost anything useful... These are some links:
we have almost the same project. this links might help
in OpenCV there are plenty algorithm that we can use to find image match such as BRISK, ORB, FREAK, SIFT and SURF (SIFT and SURF available only in nonfree version since those algorithm patented).
I hope this will help

opencv not able to run some advanced image processing code

i am using visual studio 15
some basic blurring and filters are running perfectly but on some codes such as blending and dct techniques are not running
Can anyone please help me
At this point its probably best to create your own compiled library tools for MicroSoft Visual Studio 15. Here's a how to guide. That guide covers all the steps and starts with the most current code on Github.
Also note there are many tutorials out there on OpenCV. Many parts of the OpenCV library have been update, or replaced. You have to be careful that the commands you are using are valid in OpenCV 3.x
Compile your own, run a few simple programs.
If you want specific help here, you MUST post your code, and the errors you are seeing.

Distorted 3D reconstruction OPENCV + PCL (Martin Peris code)

I am using Martin Peris code for 3D reconstruction using OpenCV and PCL (link below):
Trouble point:
I am having trouble with the final step in viewing the 3D reconstruction in the "3D viewer" window. I am getting a perfect disparity image as shown in the blog but my final reconstruction image looks like this:
You can compare this with the one which is shown in the video link given in that blog.
Things that I have tried:
Checked if all the required libraries are installed. I believe otherwise the code wouldn't compile and give me any results.
Checked if I have a graphics support on my machine:
$lspci | grep VGA
09:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation G71GL [Quadro FX 3500] (rev a1)
My doubts:
If there is some library missing for OpenGL or OpenCV or PCL which is making the 3D reconstruction window suffer.
The controversial reprojectImageTo3D() function in OpenCV which is also used in the code by Martin Peris.
Some other reason that one of you could help me with ;-)
Other details:
Ubuntu Version : 12.04
OpenCV Version : 2.3.1-7
Any suggestions would really be helpful!
It was actually a driver issue with my graphics card. To solve it I wiped off the currently installed driver and then re-installed an updated one and that worked like a charm.
Details of this solution I have posted on the PCL mailing list as I didn't wanted to repeat myself here.
enter link description here
I hope this helps.

openCV from window to ios

I want to train openCV from a server and send the xml generated by openCV to an ios device where an app will recognize the face using the xml trainned by the server. I will use openCV in both app but the server has window (trainning) and the device has ios (recognition).
So my main question is very simple:
The xml generated in openCV window version can be used an openCV IOS version without any trouble? Somebody made something similar who can give me some tips?
In window I will use .Net.
I think they won't have trouble because they are same libraries (openCV), so I suppose they have same internal algorithms but I want to be sure before start the project.
Best Regards and thanks for your time
There is no problem, but you must train with images taken from your devices. It is normal to have multiple xml sets depending on your different cameras. Normally you release these with the binary, and not as a download but still...

Affine-SIFT(ASIFT) Feature Detector

I am working on a project where I have to detect the features of an object (in a Video Frame) and match it with other objects (inside some other frame) to recognize the same object for tracking. I have googled many Feature detector algorithms. I also did some comparisons between them (SIFT,SURF & ASIFT).
ASIFT is computationally a bit expensive but the results are more accurate when compared to SIFT & SURF.
I have googled a lot about ASIFT but did not get any success regarding my project.
Can someone please help me with using ASIFT in my project?
ASIFT reference:
Which files should I include in my project? I'm working on OPENCV 2.1 , IDE VS 2010.
Its my first post on this platform. Hope some one will help me.
The important functions are in the files compute_asift_keypoints.{c,h} and compute_asift_matches.{c,h}. They will inform you about which functions are mandatory. From there you have the choice:
Quick-and-dirty way:
you need to include and compile everything, except the executable part (file demo_*.cpp). You can either compile the files as a library (by modifying the CMakeLists.txt) or add them to your project in your IDE. Note that you will not use the functions from io_png for example, but you need to compile them if you don't want to be annoyed by compiler errors about missing functions.
Clean (but longer) way:
you have to ignore / remove all the files that also contain the I/O part, since OpenCV can take care of them. Then you can also look for functions that are already implemented in OpenCV, such as applying an affine transform, SVD... and progressively replace them by their OpenCV counterpart.
