load a menu partial view on my layout - asp.net-mvc

i need/want to load a partial view that contains my menu, the menu is generated according to the user Roles in menuController, the result is a string that contains a <ul> <li> menu type.
i know that using html.raw() and pass the string using the viewbag it works. but how can i insert the menu on the layout? should i use a partial view? and how?
i also know that i can use ajax but i will like a sync approach
im using mvc4 and razor.

murphy's law at his finest, search for 1 hour, ask on stackoverflow, next link = answer lol
i use #html.action


Pass URL to new View as a parameter

I've spent a couple of hours trying to work out a way to do this. It's such a simple requirement that I can't believe I need to create view models or anything so grandiose.
Very simply, using MVC5, I have a View, let's call it Page1, on which there is a hyperlink. When the user clicks that hyperlink, I want them to be taken to a new View, Page2. On Page2 is an iframe. I want to set the src attribute of that iframe to the URL of Page1, the View that the user was redirected from.
So, if I could maybe use the ViewBag (which people on here don't seem to recommend), to pass the URL of Page1 from that View to the Controller for Page2, and then use Razor in my markup on Page2 to define the src attribute of the iframe, I imagine that'd work fine. Unfortunately, people don't seem to like using ViewBag, and also, I can't find an end-to-end description of how to actually achieve this in code.
Can somebody give me an appropriately straightforward solution to this problem?
A ViewModel for a View can simply be a string - so if you only need to pass a single value in to the view (the URL to use as the src), then in Page2.cshtml, you just define the model at the top like so:
#model string
To use that as the src attribute, you just do e.g.
<iframe src="#Model" .... >
And from the controller, you pass the url string as the model to the view like so:
return View("Page2", myUrlStringVariable);
So, to recap, a ViewModel doesn't necessarily have to be a new class you create - for the most basic scenarios like this, you can just use e.g. a string as the ViewModel. As soon as you start having multiple bits of data to pass in to a View, that's typically when you'd look to create a specific ViewModel class.
Another option may be a JavaScript solution. Something like...
document.getElementById('myIframe').src = document.referrer;

.Net MVC 4 View Engine WebForm

This is a quite interesting question, in my opinion.
I have a strongly typed view using the WebForm view Engine, I don't know if changing to razor would solve my problem.
I have one view with a list of cars, so of type IList <Car>.
And I have a button "Create a new Car" that popups, the popup is a form that is hidded and you call a jQuery UI command $('formName').dialog() to popup it, this form has the attributes of the possible new car, so probably a new view with a strongly typed Car. After fill in the form the database should be populated with the new car, and the list of cars should be refreshed using Ajax.
The main problem is that I can't use HTML Helpers to IList <Car> and for Car at the same time.
Briefly: What is the strongly type for that view ? Is it possible to define two views and the other one call using pop-up? Changing it to Razor would solve my problem?
Best regards,
Tito Morais
Don't mix the views for listing the cars and creating a new car together.
For instance, you can make a popup that dynamically loads a "_CreateCar" partial view, using jQuery dialog or similar component. Then when the partial view is completed, reload the list view using another Ajax call.
Maybe not so much an elegant solution is to create a complex view model like:
class ListAndCreate
public IList<Car> AllCars {get;set;}
public Car NewCar {get;set;}
IMO this is correct since that one view is responsible for listing all cars and creating a new one. Now, I'm assuming that your NewCar has values coming from your controller or something, where you need to pass a model to your view.
The other approach, that #Jonas mentions is also correct and more unitized. You could create a partial view _CreateCar with type Car, render it with Jquery/Ajax to load it into a dialog/popup and have the form POST to a Create(Car c) method in your controller.

Get partial value control value in controller action

I m working on asp.net mvc application.
i have one partial view in that one submit form and click on submit button than data will stored in database.
but when i get data from form collection than that form collection come null so how can i get partial view control's value in action method?
thanks in advance..
note : partial view is not strongly type.
I think you encounter the same issue that is discussed here:
ASP.NET MVC partial views: input name prefixes
To quickly investigate the issue, look at the source code of your page: do your controls from partials have the names you expect? If not, the article above will be helpful.

Can a controller influence the _layout.cshtml file?

I'm stuck! I'm under the impression that the _layout.cshtml file is used for MasterPage-like content. Everything there is rendered on every page. Naturally, I want to write the code for rendering my sidebar menu in that file.
I want to dynamically display a list of Categories from my DB, but I'm having a problem with passing the actual model of categories to Layout.cshtml since it seems no controller actually touches it.
Any suggestions?
Otherwise please tell me how to approach this problem. I've been wracking my brain for the past three days and still no elegant solution.
I need to:
Dynamically fetch a list of Categories from the DB.
Display this list of Categories on every single view. (Hence the use of _layout.cshtml)
Elegantly handle each different categories click.
I'm at my wits end. :P How would you solve this?
<div id="sidebar">
#RenderSection("Categories", required: false )
#section Categories {
<li>Category One</li>
<li>Category Two</li>
<li>Category Three</li>
see this : http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/12/30/asp-net-mvc-3-layouts-and-sections-with-razor.aspx
Any viewmodel that you pass to your view is automatically available within your master page. If you do not use RenderAction/Action which is the best approach, then you must create the necessary master page data in every action and add it to viewdata - either by having a common base class for your strongly typed viewmodel that contains all master page data or by using the viewdata dictionary.
I would strongly recommend that you go down the html.action approach though. In this way, you have a totally separate controller action for dealing with your list of categories. This action can retrieve the neccesary category data and return the categorylist usercontrol as a partialview and you will not have to worry about polluting all your other actions with this data.
As I see it, ViewData (and its relatives like ViewBag, Model, etc.) is meant for the specific current view. Your _Layout.cshtml is not specific to the current view; and it would be awkward if EVERY controller would have to pass the categories data in addition to whatever else data it needs to pass for the view.
Instead, what I do, is provide a static method in one of my helper classes that retrieves the categories from the DB. I also do some caching there, so that I do not have to hit the DB on every single request. The _Layout.cshtml then simply calls this static method. Simple and elegant.
If you wish, you can bring this out to a partial view, make it a helper method, whatever.
One note of caution though - my custom error view also uses the same _Layout.cshtml, and if the DB goes down, you get an exception trying to display the exception. ASP.NET MVC is smart enough to detect this and abort processing, but you're left with a nondescript default error page. What I did was to place try...catch statements around these dangerous calls, which quietly ignore the exception if the current page is the error view.
I've achieved something similar by having my ViewModels implement an Interface which has members that contain the menu data. In my action method I set that data. Then in my view I check to see if my view-model implements that inteface, pull the menu data out and render the menu (in a partial view actually)

JavaScript/jQuery insert ASP.NET MVC ViewUserControl into form

I have existing ASP.NET MVC View pages and View user controls which I currently use in normal straightforward ASP.NET MVC fashion, sometimes I use RenderPartialView or RenderAction, etc.
By themselves they include tag. I would like to dynamically load either Views or ViewUserControl based on the selection in a dropdown list.
I'm having trouble deciding should I remove from Views and controls and put it just into the one View that will do dynamic rendering or to leave it there and leave outside of the .
What do you think and how would you go about it?
I would probably try to load the contents of a div after doing an AJAX call to get the contents. See the AJAX get call in the jQuery docs.
Or are the possibilities of what control to load so small you could just hide/show div's that are already in the page?
You can use JQuery to get the HTML from your Partial views and substitute it in the div. It could be something like this:
I did it this way and it works. /Controller/Action can be a partial view which returns HTML.
