Rails ActiveRecord, INSERT default field value in Postgres - ruby-on-rails

This should be an easy one, but I've googled a fair bit.
I am trying to create a database log for my rails app. The log is a postgres table which has a timestamp field, which I have given a DEFAULT of current_timestamp. This works perfectly in raw SQL, if I leave the timestamp field out of my INSERT query, it gets the current timestamp correctly.
In rails I have;
entry = LogTable.new :fieldA => 'valA', :fieldB => 'valB'
(LogTable extends ActiveRecord::Base)
Which results in an INSERT query that contains all fields, including the timestamp field set to NULL, which is not allowed by the database so it errors.
I have tried setting :timestamp => 'current_timestamp' and :timestamp => 'DEFAULT' but all end up trying to set it to NULL.

Is your current_timestamp just the current date/time? If so, you can stay simple and do something like:
entry = LogTable.new :fieldA => 'valA', :fieldB => 'valB', :timestamp => Time.now
If it's something more complex and you really want to use DB-side defaults, this page might help: http://drawohara.com/post/6677354/rails-activerecord-default-values.


Rename a certain key in a hash

I have a column car_details with 2000 entries, each of which is a hash of info that looks like this:
Some cars have more details, some have less. I want to rename the "fuel_consumption" key to "mpg" on every car that has that key.
Well, a previous answer will generate 2000 requests, but you can use the REPLACE function instead. Both MySQL and PostgreSQL have that, so it will be like:
Car.update_all("car_details = REPLACE(car_details, 'fuel_consumption', 'mpg')")
Take a look at the update_all method for the conditions.
See also PostgreSQL string functions and MySQL string functions.
Answer posted by #Ivan Shamatov works very well and is particular important to have good performances on huge databases.
I tried it with a PostgreSQL database, on a jsonb column.
To let it works we have to pay same attention to data type casting.
For example on a User model like this:
User < ActiveRecord::Base {
:id => :integer,
:created_at => :datetime,
:updated_at => :datetime,
:email => :string,
:first_name => :string,
:last_name => :string,
:custom_data => :jsonb
My goal was to rename a key, inside custom_data jsonb field.
For example custom_data hash content from:
"foo" => "bar",
"date" => "1980-07-10"
"new_foo" => "bar",
"date" => "1980-07-10"
For all users records present into my db.
We can execute this query:
old_key = 'foo'
new_key = 'new_foo'
User.update_all("custom_data = REPLACE(custom_data::text, '#{old_key}'::text, '#{new_key}'::text)::jsonb")
This will only replace the target key (old_key), inside our jsonb hash, without changing hash values or other hash keys.
Note ::text and ::jsonb type casting!
As far as I know, there is no easy way to update a serialized column in a data table en masse with raw SQL. The best way I can think of would be to do something like:
Car.find_each do |car|
mpg = car.car_details.delete("fuel_consumption")
car.car_details["mpg"] = mpg if mpg
This is assuming that you are using Active Record and your model is called "Car".

Is a ruby's Timestamp class equivalent to PostgreSQL's timestamp?

If I make a model and create a field like "name" along with a Timestamp, will it be equivalent to a timestamp created manually through a query like:
CREATE TABLE whatever (
name varchar(25)
In other words, if I'm dealing with a database that has the timestamp pre-created by hand, how do I create a model to match pre-existing records?
I imagine it's important so that I'm able to ActiveRecord queries without anything breaking on me.
ActiveRecord will understand the timestamp part of the schema so you should get an ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone out of the database just like you'd get with any other timestamp column. However, AR won't understand default current_timestamp so it will set your created column to NULL (or nil in Ruby land) and the default current_timestamp will never be triggered; I usually get around that with an after_initialize hook:
after_initialize :set_defaults, :if => :new_record?
def set_defaults
self.created = Time.now

How to add sequences to a migration and use them in a model?

I want to have a "Customer" Model with a normal primary key and another column to store a custom "Customer Number". In addition, I want the db to handle default Customer Numbers. I think, defining a sequence is the best way to do that. I use PostgreSQL. Have a look at my migration:
class CreateAccountsCustomers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
say "Creating sequenze for customer number starting at 1002"
execute 'CREATE SEQUENCE customer_no_seq START 1002;'
create_table :accounts_customers do |t|
t.string :type
t.integer :customer_no, :unique => true
t.integer :salutation, :limit => 1
t.string :cp_name_1
t.string :cp_name_2
t.string :cp_name_3
t.string :cp_name_4
t.string :name_first, :limit => 55
t.string :name_last, :limit => 55
say "Adding NEXTVAL('customer_no_seq') to column cust_id"
execute "ALTER TABLE accounts_customers ALTER COLUMN customer_no SET DEFAULT NEXTVAL('customer_no_seq');"
def down
drop_table :accounts_customers
execute 'DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS customer_no_seq;'
If you know a better "rails-like" approach to add sequences, would be awesome to let me know.
Now, if I do something like
cust = Accounts::Customer.new
the field customer_no is not pre filled with the next value of the sequence (should be 1002).
Do you know a good way to integrate sequences? Or is there a good plugin?
Cheers to all answers!
I have no suggestions for a more 'rails way' of handling custom sequences, but I can tell you why the customer_no field appears not to be being populated after a save.
When ActiveRecord saves a new record, the SQL statement will only return the ID of the new record, not all of its fields, you can see where this happens in the current rails source here https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/cf013a62686b5156336d57d57cb12e9e17b5d462/activerecord/lib/active_record/persistence.rb#L313
In order to see the value you will need to reload the object...
cust = Accounts::Customer.new
If you always want to do this, consider adding an after_create hook in to your model class...
class Accounts::Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
after_create :reload
I believe that roboles answer is not correct.
I tried to implement this on my application (exactly the same env: RoR+PostgreSQL), and I found out that when save is issued on RoR with the object having empty attributes, it tries to perform an INSERT on the database mentioning that all VALUES shall be set to NULL. The problem is the way PostgreSQL handles NULLs: in this case, the new row will be created but with all values empty, i.e. the DEFAULT will be ignored. If save only wrote on the INSERT statement attributes filled on RoR, this would work fine.
In other words, and focusing only on the type and customer_no attribute mentioned above, this is the way PostgreSQL behaves:
INSERT INTO accounts_customers (type, customer_no) VALUES (NULL, NULL);
(this is how Rails' save works)
Result: a new row with empty type and empty customer_no
INSERT INTO accounts_customers (type) VALUES (NULL);
Result: a new row with empty type and customer_no filled with the sequence's NEXTVAL
I have a thread going on about this, check it out at:
Ruby on Rails+PostgreSQL: usage of custom sequences
I faced a similar problem, but I also put :null => false on the field hopping that it will be auto-populated with nextval.
Well, in my case AR was still trying to insert NULL if no attribute was supplied in the request, and this resulted in an exception for not-null constraint violation.
Here's my workaround. I just deleted this attribute key from #attributes and #changed_attributes and in this case postgres correctly put the expected sequence nextval.
I've put this in the model:
before_save do
if (#attributes["customer_no"].nil? || #attributes["customer_no"].to_i == 0)
Rails 3.2 / Postgres 9.1
If you're using PostgreSQL, check out the gem I wrote, pg_sequencer:
It provides a DSL for creating, dropping and altering sequences in ActiveRecord migrations.

MongoDB ruby dates

I have a collection with an index on :created_at (which in this particular case should be a date)
From rails what is the proper way to save an entry and then retrieve it by the date?
I'm trying something like:
field :created_at, :type => Time
Col.create(:created_at => Time.parse(another_model.created_at).to_s
Col.find(:all, :conditions => { :created_at => Time.parse(same thing) })
and it's not returning anything
The Mongo driver and various ORMs handle Date, Time and DateTime objects just fine; there's no reason to cast them to strings.
Col.create(:created_at => another_model.created_at)
And finding:
Col.all(:created_at => another_model.created_at)
You don't want to be setting strings, because dates are stored internally as BSON Date objects, and are indexed and searched as such. If you save them as strings, you won't be able to do things like greater than/less than/range comparisons effectively.
Col.create(:created_at => Time.parse(another_model.created_at).to_s)
That line would pass your time object as a String, take off the to_s to send it to the type parsing layer in your ORM (MongoMapper or Mongoid) as a Time object. That's the only error I can see that would cause it to not work.

Getting types of the attributes in an ActiveRecord object

I would like to know if it is possible to get the types (as known by AR - eg in the migration script and database) programmatically (I know the data exists in there somewhere).
For example, I can deal with all the attribute names:
ar.attribute_names.each { |name| puts name }
.attributes just returns a mapping of the names to their current values (eg no type info if the field isn't set).
Some places I have seen it with the type information:
in script/console, type the name of an AR entity:
>> Driver
=> Driver(id: integer, name: string, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime)
So clearly it knows the types. Also, there is .column_for_attribute, which takes an attr name and returns a column object - which has the type buried in the underlying database column object, but it doesn't appear to be a clean way to get it.
I would also be interested in if there is a way that is friendly for the new "ActiveModel" that is coming (rails3) and is decoupled from database specifics (but perhaps type info will not be part of it, I can't seem to find out if it is).
In Rails 3, for your model "Driver", you want Driver.columns_hash.
Driver.columns_hash["name"].type #returns :string
If you want to iterate through them, you'd do something like this:
Driver.columns_hash.each {|k,v| puts "#{k} => #{v.type}"}
which will output the following:
id => integer
name => string
created_at => datetime
updated_at => datetime
In Rails 5, you can do this independently of the Database. That's important if you use the new Attributes API to define (additional) attributes.
Getting all attributes from a model class:
pry> User.attribute_names
=> ["id",
Getting the type:
pry> User.type_for_attribute('email')
=> #<ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractMysqlAdapter::MysqlString:0x007ffbab107698
That's sometimes more information than needed. There's a convenience function that maps all these types down to a core set (:integer, :string etc.)
> User.type_for_attribute('email').type
=> :string
You can also get all that data in one call with attribute_types which returns a 'name': type hash.
You can access the types of the columns by doing this:
Driver.columns.each {|c| puts c.type}
If you want to get a list of all column types in a particular Model, you could do:
Driver.columns.map(&:type) #gets them all
Driver.columns.map(&:type).uniq #gets the unique ones
In rails 5 this will give you a list of all field names along with their data type:
Model_Name.attribute_names.each do |k| puts "#{k} = #{Model_Name.type_for_attribute(k).type}" end
Rails 5+ (works with virtual attributes as well):
This snippet will give you all the attributes of a model with the associated database data types in a hash. Just replace Post with your Active Record Model.
Post.attribute_names.map {|n| [n.to_sym,Post.type_for_attribute(n).type]}.to_h
Will return a hash like this.
=> {:id=>:integer, :title=>:string, :body=>:text, :created_at=>:datetime, :updated_at=>:datetime, :topic_id=>:integer, :user_id=>:integer}
Assuming Foobar is your Active Record model. You can also do:
attributes = Foobar.attribute_names.each_with_object({}) do |attribute_name, hash|
hash[attribute_name.to_sym] = Foobar.type_for_attribute(attribute_name).type
Works on Rails 4 too
In Rails 4 You would use Model.column_types.
