Zend\Form Custom HTML markup - zend-framework2

need a tutorial about how to create custom HTML markup (like form decorators on Zend 1).
I want to generate something like:
<label class="required"><span>*</span> Username</label>
<input id="username" name="username" type="text">
<label class="required"><span>*</span> Password</label>
<input id="password" name="password" type="password">

Assuming the form elements are named username and password, here's an example that would give the desired output
// attributes to apply to label(s)
$labelAttr = array('class' => 'required');
// extra label content (assumes Username and Password are already present in the given elements)
$labelSpan = '<span>*</span> ';
// set the label attributes
// use the formLabel helper, hand it the extra label content, and tell it to place the existing label after it
<?php echo $this->formLabel($form->get('username'), $labelSpan, 'append');
<?php echo $this->formInput($form->get('username');
<?php echo $this->formLabel($form->get('password'), $labelSpan, 'append');
<?php echo $this->formInput($form->get('password');


Grabbing Element in Twos from a List in Thymeleaf

i have a list that contains entity classes with two variables (id and categoryname). My entity looks like this:
String categoryName;
int categoryID;
//getters and setters
My controller class returns a List of all categories using
Normally an iteration over this kind of list is one element at a time. My question is I want to be able to get two elements at a tome from the list to enable me populate the UI, which has two columns. Or in more simpler terms, how can I iterate over two elements at once in a List?
<div class="flex items-center justify-between space-x-3">
<input type="checkbox" name="category" th:value="${category.id}"> <label th:text="${category.categoryName}">
<input type="checkbox" name="category" th:value="${category.id}"> <label th:text="${category.categoryName}">
This should probably work:
<th:block th:each="i: ${#numbers.sequence(0, list.size()-1, 2)}">
//Edit: I added -1 to list.size()
<div class="flex items-center justify-between space-x-3">
<input type="checkbox" name="category" th:value="${list[i].id}">
<label th:text="${list[i].categoryName}">
<input type="checkbox" name="category" th:value="${list[i+1].id}">
<label th:text="${list[i+1].categoryName}">
You will have to do something if the size of the list is not a multiple of 2, unless you know for sure this will always be the case.
PS: I wonder if maybe it is better to use a normal iteration and use CSS to choose how many columns you show depending on screen width for example.

Rails Capybara fill in angular form without id and name on fields

For a very specific use case, after a transaction I need to login into another system (build with Angular) to fill in a form. Login works OK, navigating to the correct link to create a new record showing the modal form works. Now there is a field I need to enter which autopopulates a list in style of
<li><a class="ng-scope ng-binding"><strong>AAA</strong></a></li>
<li><a class="ng-scope ng-binding"><strong>BBB</strong></a></li>
None of the UL, LI, or A elements have an id or a name. How can I select the first option from the LI?
rails 5.2
html snippet of the page
<form id="addedit-transfer_form" class="form-horizontal form-condensed ng-scope ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-dirty" ng-controller="RepeaterCtrl">
<!-- ngRepeat: line in repeaterLines --><table class="table table-striped table-condensed ng-scope" ng-repeat="line in repeaterLines">
<tr class="offset1">
<input name="model[0][Destinations][0][ShipmentLicenseType]" type="hidden" value="Licensed">
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label"><strong class="ng-binding">Destination 1</strong></label>
<div class="controls">
<div class="input-append">
<input autocomplete="off" class="js-validated-element validate[required] ng-dirty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" placeholder="Type part of the License Number..." required="" spellcheck="false" type="text" ng-model="destination.RecipientId" typeahead="facility.Id as facility.LicenseNumber + ' | ' + facility.FacilityName for facility in preload.repeaterData.DestinationFacilities | orderBy:'LicenseNumber' | filter:$viewValue | limitTo:10" typeahead-editable="true" ng-blur="globalMethods.typeaheadValidator(preload.repeaterData.DestinationFacilities, 'Id', destination, 'RecipientId');" typeahead-input-formatter="globalMethods.typeaheadFormatter(preload.repeaterData.DestinationFacilities, destination.RecipientId, 'Id', 'LicenseNumber');" typeahead-on-select="validateSelection(preload.repeaterData.DestinationFacilities, [[$parent.$index, 'Destinations', 'Transfer'], $index], ['Id', 'RecipientId'], 'LicenseNumber', false, false, preload.defaults.destinationLine);" id="form-validation-field-0">
<ul class="typeahead dropdown-menu ng-isolate-scope" ng-style="{display: isOpen()&&'block' || 'none', top: position.top+'px', left: position.left+'px'}" typeahead-popup="" matches="matches" active="activeIdx" select="select(activeIdx)" query="query" position="position" style="display: block; top: 57px; left: 182px;">
<!-- ngRepeat: match in matches --><li ng-repeat="match in matches" ng-class="{active: isActive($index) }" ng-mouseenter="selectActive($index)" ng-click="selectMatch($index)" class="ng-scope active">
<a tabindex="-1" bind-html-unsafe="match.label | typeaheadHighlight:query" class="ng-scope ng-binding"><strong>020-100815612A0</strong> | 12/12 INDO</a>
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: match in matches -->
<button class="js-destinationsearch-0-0 btn js-destinationsearch" data-id-field="Id,RecipientId" data-index="0" data-sublists="0,Destinations" data-sibling-validator="typeahead-on-select" data-popover-updater="" type="button" data-original-title="" title="">
<span class="icon-search"></span>
<input name="model[0][Destinations][0][RecipientId]" type="hidden" value="">
<button class="btn btn-info btn-mini" type="button" ng-click="removeLine($index, line.Destinations, true, preload.defaults.destinationLine); preload.methods.createNewControls();">
<span class="icon-minus-sign ng-hide" ng-hide="line.Destinations.length === 1"></span><span ng-show="line.Destinations.length === 1" class="">(clear)</span>
enter correct info in the field with placeholder placeholder="Type part of the License Number..." works then showing the ul/li part which requires a select to set the hidden field
You don't mention how you need to select from that list, but if you just need to click it you could do
If you need more specific than that you could do
find('li > a', text: 'AAA').click
This assumes you've already sent the relevant keystrokes to the input to make the list appear.

How to set the value of another <input> onfocusout of an <input>

I am using the following html for feeding user name and on losing the focus want the email input field to fill up with username + '#gmail.com'. But the Value setting is not giving the desired result.
HTML code is
<div class="form-group" >
<div class="input-group">
<span class="input-group-addon"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span></span>
<input type="text" name="name" onfocusout= "seteMail(this)" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter Personal Number as User Name" maxlength="7" value="<?php echo $name ?>" required/>
<span class="text-danger"><?php echo $nameError; ?></span>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="input-group">
<span class="input-group-addon"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-envelope"></span></span>
<input type="email" name="email" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter AFNET eMail ID" maxlength="40" value="<?php echo $email ?>" required/>
<span class="text-danger"><?php echo $emailError; ?></span>
javascript is
function seteMail(thisvalue) {
// window.alert(thisvalue.value);
var tempval = thisvalue.value.toString()+'#gmail.com';
<input> is an input field and can never be set externally as it takes input only from the Standard Input that is Keyboard.
I have realised this after lots of H&T Method (H&TM).

Accessing variables in layout.phtml in zf2

I have simple application in zf2, I have menu in layout which is for each page of application. e.g., provinces/index.phtml, districts/index.phtml, cities/index.phtml etc.
Menu is:
<li class="start active ">
<a href="admin">
<i class="fa fa-home"></i>
<span class="title">
<span class="selected">
<a href="provinces">
<i class="fa fa-globe"></i>
<span class="title">
<a href="districts">
<i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i>
<span class="title">
<a href="cities">
<i class="fa fa-tint"></i>
<span class="title">
I have code:
<div class="page-content-wrapper">
<?php echo $this->content; ?> <!--this print contents of index.phtml -->
which access each page in the same layout.
Now I want to make menu dynamically, i.e., when provinces is selected then provinces should highlighted, if districts is selected then districts in menu should be highlighted.
I tried the logic like below:
In provinces/index.phtml I write the code $selected_page="provinces", in districts/index.phtml I write the code $selected_page="districts" etc
Then in menu in layout:
I write class="start active" >
same is for districts and provinces etc.
But here variable $selected_page can not accessed, because
<?php echo $this->content; ?>
can only print and display content of index.phtml, and variable is not passed to layout.
So how should I do this? how should I pass variable $current_page to layout, or show me other logic about it.
Thanks in advance:
screenshot is given below with Dashboard highlighted:
If you want to pass variable from controller/action (for example provincesAction()) to view. Use layout() controller plugin:
public function provincesAction()
$this->layout()->setVariable('foo', 'bar');
return new ViewModel([]);
In layout.phtml
// html code
<?php echo $this->foo; ?> // It will display "bar"
// more html code
But for your example. I would suggest you to use navigation() view helper. Read more on https://framework.zend.com/manual/2.4/en/modules/zend.navigation.view.helper.menu.html. This plugin is made just for such things like you need.

Form data not posted to next page

I am using ZF2, few of my fields are created customarily due to design. While few are created via zend form. THe thing is that when i post data i get only those fields posted that are created via ZF2 form e.g my username field, gender, title. Rest of fields are not posted. Here is the snippet to my code
$form = $this->form;
echo $this->form()->openTag($form);
<div class="featureBox">
<div class="profile_address">
<div class="main">
<div class="address_head"><h4><?php echo $form->get('username')->getValue(); ?> > Account Detail</h4></div>
<div class="field_set">
<div class="field_input">
<label><?php echo $form->get('username')->getLabel(); ?></label>
<div class="field"><input type="text" readonly="readonly"value="<?php echo $form->get('username')->getValue(); ?>"></div>
<div class="field_input">
<label><?php echo $form->get('email')->getLabel(); ?></label>
<div class="field"><input type="text" value="<?php echo $form->get('email')->getValue(); ?>"></div>
<div class="field_set">
<div class="field_input">
<?php echo $this->formRow($form->get('gender')->setAttribute('class', 'stylish-select')); ?>
<div class="field_set">
<div class="field_input">
<?php echo $this->formRow($form->get('title')); ?>
<div class="free-btn">
<input type="submit" value="Save" onclick="return validatePassword();"/>
<input type="button" value="Back" class="button" onclick="window.location='<?php echo $this->url('admin_administrator'); ?>';return false;" />
Any idea on whats getting wrong i can over come this if i use
with all fields but if i use this it will ruin my design requirements.
Your inputs don't have a name attribute, for example
<input type="text" value="<?php echo $form->get('email')->getValue(); ?>">
Should be
<input type="text" name="email" value="<?php echo $form->get('email')->getValue(); ?>">
