Long action and waiting for a new view in ASP.NET MVC 3 - asp.net-mvc

I'm using ASP.NET MVC3. In the view, I have a link in view that initiates a new request:
#Html.ActionLink ("Link", "LongAction", "Home")
The action "LongAction" takes a long time, and while waiting for the new view I want show an image that simulates loading a whole new view:
public ActionResult LongAction()
return View();

You can do something like this:
User Clicks button
Show a loading GIF
POST/GET to a server endpoint
Server endpoint kicks of the long running task.
On the complete event of the ajax request hide the loader.
Notify user
You can look into binding it together with Jquery, or if you want to use something in the mvc framework you can look at the Ajax ActionLink. Either way you can hide/show the loader with javascript.
JQuery Example:
return false;
function longRunningTask()
url: 'http://serverendpointaddress.co.uk'
//notify the user
}).always(function() {


How to receive Open/Save file dialog after ajax-form post with ASP.NET MVC and jQuery

I want to be able to receive open/save dialog for a pdf file being returned from controller without using 'Html.Beginform' in ASP.NET MVC. I´m using 'Ajax.Beginform' since I can register events to fire OnBegin and OnComplete (which I think I can´t do when using Html.Beginform, or is it?).
I want to state that the problem is not creating and receiving the file from the server when using 'Html.Beginform' because that works fine, but without the events I want to use. I´m using 'Ajax.Beginform' and the file is being returned from the controller but nothing happens after that client side.
My cshtml
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("CreatePdf", "Print", null, new AjaxOptions() { LoadingElementId = "printLoading", OnSuccess = "printPageComplete"}, new { id = "exportForm" }))
//Stuff abbreviated
<input type="button" onclick="onPrint()" />
My jQuery
function onPrint()
//Stuff abbreviated
function printPageComplete(result)
//this 'result' variable is obviously holding the file from the controller
//stuff abbreviated
//TODO: I need to open file dialog here
My Controller
public ActionResult CreatePdf(FormCollection collection)
//Stuff abbreviated
return File(thePdf, _mimeTypes[ExportFormat.Pdf], "thePdf.pdf")
As you can see I´ve managed to get this far as in the printPageComplete function but I´m not sure where to go from here. Should I continue using the ajax form or should I stick with the html form and try to find other way to fire the events I so sorely need to use?
Perhaps I´m going about this all wrong and your help would be very well appreciated.
You can post a form without using Ajax.BeginForm. It is more work, but gives you more flexibility:
$('#exportForm').submit(function (e){
//Do any validation or anything custom
//set ajax settings
success: function(){
// Handle the success event

MVC - Identify Page Form Authentication time out

we are developing MVC3 application such that most of our action methods are called via ajax calls and return partialviews. we come across a situation where we need to identify if the action method is called from Form Authentication time out.
public ActionResult LogOn()
// I want to return View("LogOn"); if the call is coming from
// Form Authentication time out
return PartialView(Model);
here is my web.config looks like:
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Home/LogOn" timeout="20" />
Appreciate your input.
Your action will never be hit if the authentication cookie has timed out. The forms authentication module directly redirects to the logon page. One possibility for you to detect this happening from client scripting is to set a custom HTTP header in the controller action serving this logon page:
public ActionResult LogOn()
var model = ...
Response.AppendHeader("X-LOGON", "true");
return View(model);
and then when performing your AJAX request you could use the getResponseHeader method on the XHR object in order to verify if the X-LOGON header was set meaning that the server redirected to the logon page. In this case in your success AJAX handler instead of simply injecting the server response into the DOM or relying on the returned JSON you could show some alert message informing the user that his authentication session has timed out and he needs to login again. Another possibility is to automatically redirect him to the logon page using the window.location.href method:
url: '/home/some_protected_action',
success: function (data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
if (XMLHttpRequest.getResponseHeader('X-LOGON') === 'true') {
// the LogOn page was displayed as a result of this request
// probably timeout => act accordingly
There is no way from the server to distinguish between the user loading the page normally versus performing a page refresh.
There are ways to tell the difference between a regular request and an AJAX request, but it doesn't sound like that's what you're asking for.
There is no easy way but if you apply Post-Redirect-Get, I am not sure you will have that problem.

ASP.NET MVC multiple forms, staying on same page

I have forms located in multiple areas in my layout page (not nested).
I have a partial view which performs a post to controller action.
What action result do I return in that post to keep the user on the current page?
Is jquery/ajax my only option? I would rather a solution that didn't depend on javascript, maybe even a solution that degrades nicely.
You can use the Request.Referrer property to see what page the user has come from and then just use that to redirect them back there.
This does introduce other issues, e.g. losing ModelState, so you'll have to design for that. Also note that some users can block sending referrer information in their requests to the server - so the Referrer property can be null.
I would recommend using AJAX and then falling back on this.
You just need to do a RedirectToAction("") back to your main view.
To post a form without submitting the whole page, which refreshes the browser, you need to use Ajax/jQuery. The degraded solution is to submit the whole page like you would with a normal form.
Here's how I do it with jQuery.
<div id="RequestButtonDiv">
<button id="RequestButton" name="Request" type="button">Request</button>
This calls AddToCart on my Request controller when the RequestButton button is clicked. The response is placed inside the RequestButtonDiv element.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#RequestButton').click(function (event) {
$('#RequestButton').attr('disabled', true);
function submitRequest() {
url: '<%: Url.Action("AddToCart", "Request", new { id = Model.RowId, randomId = new Random().Next(1, 999999) } ) %>',
success: function (response) {
// update status element
Controller action:
public ActionResult AddToCart(int id)
var user = AccountController.GetUserFromSession();
return View("~/Views/Assets/Details_AddToCart.ascx");
The controller returns a partial view. You could also return Content("some stuff") instead.
Holler if you have questions or need more detail.

Redirect to an ASP.NET MVC page problem after POST request from Silverlight

In an ASP.NET MVC application I have a CartController with this AddToCart action:
public RedirectToRouteResult AddToCart(Cart cart, decimal productId,
string returnUrl)
Product product = productsRepository.Products
.FirstOrDefault(p => p.prodID == productId);
return RedirectToAction("Index", new { returnUrl });
When a user submits a POST request ("Add to Cart" button) to this action from a plain ASP.NET MVC view, everything goes well: the Product is added to the Cart and the user is automatically redirected to a Cart/Index page.
If the product is submitted from a Silverlight app (which is inside an ASP.NET MVC view) it is successfully added to the Cart as well, but the there is no redirection in this case.
What is the problem? Maybe it is due to the fact that all requests from a Silverlight are asynchronous (if I'm not mistaken), and the request from a general ASP.NET MVC view is synchronous by nature? How it can affect the redirection?
In any case, how this problem could be solved?
Edited (added):
My code for sending a post request from a Silverlight app:
//first build a "paramstring" in the format "productId=126504" and then post it using this
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
wc.Headers["Content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
wc.UploadStringAsync(new Uri("http://localhost:10930/Cart/AddToCart"), "POST", paramstring, "http://localhost:10930/Products");
The WebClient you are using to send the POST request will automatically follow the redirects performed on the server and return the HTML and everything ends in the success callback. If you want to redirect the user browser to this page you shouldn't use WebClient. You need javascript to submit a <form>. Silverlight allows you to execute javascript, so you could use it to dynamically generate and submit a form, or if the form already exists in the DOM set the values of the input fields and submit it.
Here's an example of how you could do this. Add the following javascript function to the same page hosting the Silverlight application:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function addToCart(productId, returnUrl) {
var form = $(document.createElement('form'))
.attr('action', '/products/addtocart')
.attr('method', 'post')
.attr('type', 'hidden')
.attr('name', 'productId')
.attr('type', 'hidden')
.attr('name', 'returnUrl')
And then inside your Silverlight application whenever you decide to invoke the POST action:
HtmlPage.Window.Invoke("addToCart", "123", "http://example.com/someReturnUrl");
You may add other parameters if necessary.

Loading Page for ASP.Net MVC

I'm using ASP.Net MVC to create a web site which needs to do some processing (5 - 10 seconds) before it can return a view to the user. Rather than leaving the user staring at the glacial progress bar I'd like to show some sort of "Please Wait/We'll be right back" animated gif to keep them interested.
Does anyone know a good approach to achieving this?
(I found this answer but its not quite what I need, this uses jQuery to fetch data once the view has been returned. I'd like to display the "Please Wait" while they're waiting for the view to appear)
I think the solution you referenced will work for you. You just need to have your initial controller action return right away with the "please wait message", then have the AJAX call do the actual retrieval of the contents based on your processing. If the request really takes 5-10 seconds you may also need to adjust the timeout value on the AJAX request so that it is able to complete. I don't know what the default timeout is but is may be less than what you need.
EDIT Example:
View code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready( function() {
type: "POST",
url: '<$= Url.Action("GetSlowData","Controller") %>',
data: 'id=<%= ViewData["modelID"] %>',
timeout: 15000, // wait upto 15 secs
success: function(content){
<div id="#container">
Please wait while I retrieve the data.
public ActionResult ViewMyData( int id )
ViewData["modelID"] = id;
return View();
[AcceptVerbs( HttpVerbs.Post )]
public ActionResult GetSlowData( int id )
var model = ... do what you need to do to get the model...
return PartialView(model);
You'll also need a partial view (ViewUserControl) that takes your model and renders the view of the model. Note that this isn't complete -- you'll need to add error handling, you may want to consider what happens if javascript isn't enabled, ...
