In the following working example , I'm trying to retrieve the matched models, in this case there are two satisfying models:
t1= cl7 t2= cl4 t3= cl5
t1= cl4 t2= cl3 t3= cl9
The problem is repeating the matched models until time-out of the running solver.
How can I retrieve the satisfied models without repetition.
Many thanks,
S, (cl1, cl2, cl3, cl4, cl5, cl6, cl7,cl8,cl9) = EnumSort('S', ['cl1', 'cl2', 'cl3', 'cl4', 'cl5','cl6' ,'cl7', 'cl8', 'cl9'])
s = Solver()
x = Const('x', S)
def fun1(x):
return Or(x == cl1, x == cl2, x == cl3, x == cl4, x == cl5, x == cl6, x == cl7, x == cl8, x == cl9)
y1, y2 = Consts('y1 y2', S)
def fun2(y1, y2):
return Or(And(y1 == cl7, y2 == cl4), And(y1 == cl4, y2 == cl3), And(y1 == cl3, y2 == cl2),And(y1 == cl8, y2 == cl9))
q1,q2 = Consts('q1 q2', S)
def fun3(q1,q2):
return Or(And(q1 == cl7, q2 == cl5), And(q1 == cl4, q2 == cl9))
t1, t2 ,t3 = Consts('t1 t2 t3', S)
while s.check() == sat:
s.add(Or(t1 != s.model()[t1], t2 != s.model()[t2],t3 != s.model()[t2]))
print s.model()
You appear to have a small typo in the part that prevents the same models from being used again in new satisfiability checks, particularly the second to last line should have t3 != s.model()[t3] instead of t3 != s.model()[t2].
Here's the updated example that generates the two models you put at the beginning (z3py link: ):
S, (cl1, cl2, cl3, cl4, cl5, cl6, cl7,cl8,cl9) = EnumSort('S', ['cl1', 'cl2', 'cl3', 'cl4', 'cl5','cl6' ,'cl7', 'cl8', 'cl9'])
s = Solver()
x = Const('x', S)
def fun1(x):
return Or(x == cl1, x == cl2, x == cl3, x == cl4, x == cl5, x == cl6, x == cl7, x == cl8, x == cl9)
y1, y2 = Consts('y1 y2', S)
def fun2(y1, y2):
return Or(And(y1 == cl7, y2 == cl4), And(y1 == cl4, y2 == cl3), And(y1 == cl3, y2 == cl2),And(y1 == cl8, y2 == cl9))
q1,q2 = Consts('q1 q2', S)
def fun3(q1,q2):
return Or(And(q1 == cl7, q2 == cl5), And(q1 == cl4, q2 == cl9))
t1, t2 ,t3 = Consts('t1 t2 t3', S)
while s.check() == sat:
s.add(Or(t1 != s.model()[t1], t2 != s.model()[t2], t3 != s.model()[t3]))
print s.model()
Trying to setup a few functions for a quicksort implementation I got stuck on the following lemmas, filterLemmaExtra and filterLemmaSizes.
function filter<T(==)>(xs: seq<T>, p: (T) -> bool): seq<T>
ensures forall x: T :: x in xs && p(x) ==> x in filter(xs, p)
ensures forall x: T :: x !in xs && p(x) ==> x !in filter(xs, p)
ensures forall x: T :: x in filter(xs, p) ==> p(x)
ensures forall x: T :: x in filter(xs, p) ==> x in xs[0..|xs|]
ensures forall x: T :: x in filter(xs, p) ==> x in xs
ensures forall x: T :: x in xs && !p(x) ==> x !in filter(xs, p)
ensures forall i: nat :: i < |filter(xs, p)| ==> filter(xs, p)[i] in xs
if xs == [] then [] else if p(xs[0]) then [xs[0]] + filter(xs[1..], p) else filter(xs[1..], p)
lemma filterLemmaSizes<T(==)>(xs: seq<T>, fxs: seq<T>, p: (T) -> bool)
requires fxs == filter(xs, p)
ensures forall x: T :: x in xs && p(x) ==> multiset(xs)[x] == multiset(fxs)[x]
ensures multiset(filter(xs,p)) <= multiset(xs)
lemma filterLemmaExtra<T(==)>(xs: seq<T>, p: (T) -> bool, i: nat)
requires 0 <= i <= |xs|
ensures filter(xs, p) == filter(xs[0..i], p) + filter(xs[i..], p)
predicate isNegatedBooleanFn<T(==)>(xs: seq<T>, p: (T) -> bool, q: (T) -> bool) {
forall x: T :: x in xs && p(x) ==> !q(x)
function filter_mset<T(==)>(ms: multiset<T>, p: (T) -> bool): multiset<T>
ensures forall x :: x in ms && p(x) ==> x in filter_mset(ms, p) && ms[x] == filter_mset(ms, p)[x]
ensures forall x :: x in filter_mset(ms, p) ==> p(x)
ensures forall x :: x in filter_mset(ms, p) ==> x in ms
if ms == multiset{} then multiset{} else
var x :| x in ms; if p(x) then var result := multiset{}; result[x := ms[x]] + filter_mset(ms[x := 0], p) else filter_mset(ms[x := 0], p)
lemma filterAndFilterMset<T(==)>(ms: seq<T>, p: (T) -> bool)
ensures multiset(filter(ms, p)) == filter_mset(multiset(ms), p)
assert forall x :: x in filter(ms, p) ==> x in multiset(filter(ms, p)) && p(x);
assert forall x :: x in filter(ms, p) ==> x in filter_mset(multiset(ms), p);
assert forall x :: x in filter_mset(multiset(ms), p) ==> x in filter(ms, p);
filterLemmaSizes(ms, filter(ms, p), p);
assert forall x :: x in filter(ms, p) ==> multiset(filter(ms, p))[x] == filter_mset(multiset(ms), p)[x];
lemma filterMS<T(==)>(xs: seq<T>, p: (T) -> bool)
ensures exists q: (T) -> bool :: isNegatedBooleanFn(xs, p, q)
var q: (T) -> bool := y => !p(y);
forall x | x in xs
ensures x in xs && p(x) ==> !q(x)
if p(x) {
assert !q(x);
assert isNegatedBooleanFn(xs, p, q);
// assert forall x: T :: x in xs && p(x) ==> !q(x);
lemma filterMsetAndSum<T(==)>(xs: seq<T>, ms: multiset<T>, p: (T) -> bool)
requires ms == multiset(xs)
ensures exists Q: (T) -> bool :: isNegatedBooleanFn(xs, p, Q) && (filter_mset(ms, p) + filter_mset(ms, Q)) == ms
filterMS(xs, p);
var Q :| isNegatedBooleanFn(xs, p, Q);
var sum_ms := filter_mset(ms, p) + filter_mset(ms, Q);
forall x | x in ms
ensures ms[x] == sum_ms[x]
if p(x) {
assert x in filter_mset(ms, p);
assert filter_mset(ms, p)[x] == ms[x];
assert x in sum_ms;
assert sum_ms[x] == ms[x];
}else {
assert x in filter_mset(ms, Q);
assert filter_mset(ms, Q)[x] == ms[x];
assert x in sum_ms;
assert sum_ms[x] == ms[x];
assert sum_ms == ms;
My initial implementation of filterLemmaExtra gets bogged down when I try to assert the indices of the concatenated sequences are equal to the filter.
lemma filterLemmaExtra<T(==)>(xs: seq<T>, p: (T) -> bool, i: nat)
requires 0 <= i <= |xs|
ensures filter(xs, p) == filter(xs[0..i], p) + filter(xs[i..], p)
assert xs == xs[0..i] + xs[i..];
var allxs := set x | x in xs && p(x);
var leftxs := set x | x in xs[0..i] && p(x);
var rightxs := set x | x in xs[i..] && p(x);
assert allxs == leftxs + rightxs;
forall x | x in filter(xs, p)
ensures x in filter(xs[0..i], p) || x in filter(xs[i..], p)
assert x in xs ==> x in xs[0..i] || x in xs[i..];
var all := filter(xs[0..i], p) + filter(xs[i..], p);
assert |filter(xs, p)| == |all|;
// forall i: nat | i < |filter(xs,p)| //explodes
// ensures filter(xs, p)[i] == (filter(xs[0..i], p) + filter(xs[i..], p))[i]
// {
// }
For the filterLemmaSizes I thought of two approaches. Initially trying to break down the seqences and the filtered sequence but apart from the case that the first element in both sequences match I can't see how to do induction on the rest of the cases.
Then I thought maybe that I could try to do a proof by negation on the multiset values but I'm not sure of how to write those statements. It seems you should be able to assert that that if multiset(xs)[x] == #non-zero number then there exist that many indices in the original array that satisfy p(x) and so they should also be in filter(xs, p);.
lemma filterLemmaSizes<T(==)>(xs: seq<T>, fxs: seq<T>, p: (T) -> bool)
requires fxs == filter(xs, p)
ensures forall x: T :: x in xs && p(x) ==> multiset(xs)[x] == multiset(fxs)[x]
ensures multiset(filter(xs,p)) <= multiset(xs)
forall x | x in xs && p(x)
ensures multiset(xs)[x] == multiset(fxs)[x]
assert x in multiset(xs);
assert x in xs[0..|xs|];
assert x in multiset(fxs);
assert x in fxs[0..|fxs|];
if multiset(xs)[x] != multiset(fxs)[x] && multiset(xs)[x] < multiset(filter(xs, p))[x] {
} else if multiset(xs)[x] != multiset(fxs)[x] && multiset(xs)[x] > multiset(filter(xs, p))[x] {
// if xs != [] && p(xs[0]) && x == xs[0] {
// assert xs == [xs[0]] + xs[1..];
// assert multiset(xs) == multiset{xs[0]} + multiset(xs[1..]);
// assert multiset(xs)[x] == multiset{xs[0]}[x] + multiset(xs[1..])[x];
// assert multiset(xs)[x] == multiset{xs[0]}[x] + multiset(xs[1..])[x];
// assert xs[0] == fxs[0];
// assert multiset(fxs) == multiset{xs[0]} + multiset(filter(xs[1..],p));
// assert x in xs;
// if x in xs[1..] {
// calc {
// multiset(xs)[x];
// ==
// multiset{x}[x] + multiset(xs[1..])[x];
// == {assert 1 == multiset{xs[0]}[x];}
// 1 + multiset(xs[1..])[x];
// == { filterLemmaSizes(xs[1..], filter(xs[1..],p), p); }
// 1 + multiset(filter(xs[1..], p))[x];
// ==
// multiset{xs[0]}[x] + multiset(filter(xs[1..],p))[x];
// ==
// multiset(fxs)[x];
// }
// } else{
// assert multiset(xs[1..])[x] == 0;
// assert multiset(filter(xs[1..], p))[x] == 0;
// }
// assert multiset(xs)[xs[0]] == multiset(fxs)[xs[0]];
// } else if xs != [] && x != xs[0] {
// assert xs[0] == fxs[0];
// } else{
// }
Proving both lemma need appeal to induction. See the code snippet below, I have n't proved first post condition in second lemma but it should be doable using induction too.
function filter<T>(s: seq<T>, p: T -> bool) : seq<T>
if s == [] then []
else if p(s[0]) then [s[0]] + filter(s[1..], p)
else filter(s[1..], p)
lemma filterSplit<T>(s: seq<T>, p: T -> bool, idx: nat)
requires 0 <= idx <= |s|
ensures filter(s, p) == filter(s[..idx], p) + filter(s[idx..], p)
if idx == 0 {
else {
filterSplit(s[1..], p, idx-1);
assert filter(s[1..], p) == filter(s[1..][..(idx-1)], p) + filter(s[1..][(idx-1)..], p);
if p(s[0]) {
calc {
filter(s, p);
[s[0]] + filter(s[1..], p);
[s[0]] + filter(s[1..][..(idx-1)], p) + filter(s[1..][(idx-1)..], p);
assert s[..idx] == [s[0]] + s[1..idx];
assert s[1..idx] == s[1..][..(idx-1)];
filter(s[..idx], p) + filter(s[1..][(idx-1)..], p);
assert s[1..][(idx-1)..] == s[idx..];
filter(s[..idx], p) + filter(s[idx..], p);
else {}
lemma filterMultiSet<T>(s: seq<T>, p: T -> bool)
ensures multiset(filter(s, p)) <= multiset(s)
if s == [] {
else {
filterMultiSet(s[1..], p);
calc <= {
multiset(filter(s, p));
multiset([s[0]]) + multiset(filter(s[1..], p));
multiset([s[0]]) + multiset(s[1..]);
assert s == [s[0]] + s[1..];
Update : See code snippet below for first postcondition of second lemma
function filter<T>(s: seq<T>, p: T -> bool) : seq<T>
ensures forall x :: x !in s ==> x !in filter(s, p)
if s == [] then []
else if p(s[0]) then [s[0]] + filter(s[1..], p)
else filter(s[1..], p)
lemma filterIncludeMultiSet<T>(s: seq<T>, p: T -> bool)
ensures forall x :: x in s && p(x) ==> multiset(s)[x] == multiset(filter(s, p))[x]
if s == [] {}
else {
var rs := s[1..];
filterIncludeMultiSet(rs, p);
assert forall x :: x in rs && p(x) ==> multiset(rs)[x] == multiset(filter(rs, p))[x];
forall x | x in s && p(x) ensures multiset(s)[x] == multiset(filter(s, p))[x] {
if x == s[0] {
if x in rs {
calc {
assert s == [s[0]] + rs;
assert multiset(s) == multiset([s[0]]) + multiset(rs);
multiset([s[0]])[x] + multiset(rs)[x];
1 + multiset(filter(rs, p))[x];
else {
calc {
assert s == [s[0]] + rs;
assert multiset(s) == multiset([s[0]]) + multiset(rs);
multiset([s[0]])[x] + multiset(rs)[x];
calc {
multiset(filter(s, p))[x];
multiset([s[0]] + filter(rs, p))[x];
multiset([s[0]])[x] + multiset(filter(rs, p))[x];
else {
calc {
assert s == [s[0]] + rs;
assert multiset(s) == multiset([s[0]]) + multiset(rs);
multiset([s[0]])[x] + multiset(rs)[x];
multiset(filter(rs, p))[x];
I found another way to verify the filterLemmaSizes.
lemma filterLemmaSizes<T(!new)>(xs: seq<T>, fxs: seq<T>, p: (T) -> bool)
requires fxs == filter(xs, p)
ensures forall x: T :: x in xs && p(x) ==> multiset(xs)[x] == multiset(fxs)[x]
if xs == [] {
} else {
assert xs == [xs[0]] + xs[1..];
filterLemmaSizes(xs[1..], filter(xs[1..], p), p);
if p(xs[0]) {
calc {
multiset(filter(xs[..1], p))[xs[0]] + multiset(filter(xs[1..], p))[xs[0]];
multiset(filter([xs[0]], p))[xs[0]] + multiset(filter(xs[1..], p))[xs[0]];
multiset([xs[0]])[xs[0]] + multiset(filter(xs[1..], p))[xs[0]];
1 + multiset(filter(xs[1..], p))[xs[0]];
multiset{xs[0]}[xs[0]] + multiset(xs[1..])[xs[0]];
} else{
assert xs[0] !in filter(xs, p);
I am trying z3 what can it do.
So far so good, but I noticed that z3 fails on very trivial expression:
from z3 import *
a = Int("a")
b = Int("b")
c = Int("c")
prove(((a == b) and (b == c)) == ((a == c) and (c == b)))
$ python
[c = 1, b = 0, a = 0]
Python's and is not symbolic-aware. Instead, use z3's And method:
from z3 import *
a = Int("a")
b = Int("b")
c = Int("c")
prove(And(a == b, b == c) == (And(a == c, c == b)))
This prints:
I want to verify a formula of the form:
Exists p . ForAll x != 0 . f(x, p) > 0
An implementation (that isn't working) is the following:
def f0(x0, x1, x, y):
return x1 ** 2 * y + x0 ** 2 * x
s = Solver()
x0, x1 = Reals('x0 x1')
p0, p1 = Reals('p0 p1')
s.add(Exists([p0, p1],
ForAll([x0, x1],
f0(x0, x1, p0, p1) > 0
#s.add(Or(x0 != 0, x1 != 0))
while s.check() == sat:
m = s.model()
m.evaluate(x0, model_completion=True)
m.evaluate(x1, model_completion=True)
m.evaluate(p0, model_completion=True)
m.evaluate(p1, model_completion=True)
print m
s.add(Or(x0 != m[x0], x1 != m[x1]))
The formula isn't satisfied.
With f0() >= 0, the only output is (0, 0).
I want to have f0() > 0 and constrain (x0, x1) != (0, 0).
Something I'd expect is: p0, p1 = 1, 1 or 2, 2 for instance, but I don't know how to remove 0, 0 from the possible values for x0, x1.
Following up on Levent's reply. During the first check, Z3 uses a custom decision procedure that works with the quantifiers. In incremental mode it falls back to something that isn't a decision procedure. To force the one-shot solver try the following:
from z3 import *
def f0(x0, x1, x, y):
return x1 * x1 * y + x0 * x0 * x
p0, p1 = Reals('p0 p1')
x0, x1 = Reals('x0 x1')
fmls = [ForAll([x0, x1], Implies(Or(x0 != 0, x1 != 0), f0(x0, x1, p0, p1) > 0))]
while True:
s = Solver()
res = s.check()
print res
if res == sat:
m = s.model()
print m
fmls += [Or(p0 != m[p0], p1 != m[p1])]
print "giving up"
You'd simply write that as an implication inside the quantification. I think you're also mixing up some of the variables in there. The following seems to capture your intent:
from z3 import *
def f0(x0, x1, x, y):
return x1 * x1 * y + x0 * x0 * x
s = Solver()
p0, p1 = Reals('p0 p1')
x0, x1 = Reals('x0 x1')
s.add(ForAll([x0, x1], Implies(Or(x0 != 0, x1 != 0), f0(x0, x1, p0, p1) > 0)))
while True:
res = s.check()
print res
if res == sat:
m = s.model()
print m
s.add(Or(p0 != m[p0], p1 != m[p1]))
print "giving up"
Of course, z3 isn't guaranteed to find you any solutions; though it seems to manage one:
$ python
[p1 = 1, p0 = 1]
giving up
Once you use quantifiers all bets are off, as the logic becomes semi-decidable. Z3 is doing a good job here and returning one solution, and then it's giving up. I don't think you can expect anything better, unless you use some custom decision procedures.
I would like to kindly ask , How can I convert the following Z3 constraints into Z3py (Python API).
(declare-datatypes () ((S a b c d e f g)))
(declare-fun fun1 ( S ) Bool)
(declare-fun fun2 ( S S ) Bool)
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (fun1 x)
(= x a)
(= x b)
(= x c)
(= x d)
(= x e)
(= x f)
(= x g)
(assert (forall ((y1 S) (y2 S)) (= (fun2 y1 y2)
(and (= y1 a) (= y2 b))
(and (= y1 c) (= y2 d))
(and (= y2 e) (= y2 f))
You can encode it in the following way:
from z3 import *
S, (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) = EnumSort('S', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'])
fun1 = Function('fun1', S, BoolSort())
fun2 = Function('fun2', S, S, BoolSort())
s = Solver()
x = Const('x', S)
s.add(ForAll([x], fun1(x) == Or(x == a, x == b, x == c, x == d, x == e, x == f, x == g, x == e)))
y1, y2 = Consts('y1 y2', S)
s.add(ForAll([y1, y2], fun2(y1, y2) == Or(And(y1 == a, y2 == b), And(y1 == c, y2 == d), And(y1 == e, y2 == f))))
Note that fun1 and fun2 are essentially macros. So, we can avoid the quantifiers and define them as:
def fun1(x):
return Or(x == a, x == b, x == c, x == d, x == e, x == f, x == g, x == e)
def fun2(y1, y2):
return Or(And(y1 == a, y2 == b), And(y1 == c, y2 == d), And(y1 == e, y2 == f))
I have two variables 'a' and 'b' of different size, see below. I have few questions:
(1) How can I copy value of 'a' to 'b'? (i.e extend operation)
(2) How can I copy value of 'b' to 'a'? (i.e trunc operation)
a = BitVec('a', 1)
b = BitVec('b', 32)
For extending, we use ZeroExt or SignExt. The ZeroExt will add "zeros", and SignExt will "copy" the sign bit (i.e., the most significant bit). For truncation we use Extract, it can extract any subsequence of bits. Here is a small example (also available online at rise4fun).
a = BitVec('a', 1)
b = BitVec('b', 32)
solve(ZeroExt(31, a) == b)
solve(b > 10, Extract(0,0,b) == a)
EDIT: we can use p == (x == 1) to 'assign' a Boolean variable p with the value of a Bit-vector x of size 1, and vice-versa. The formula p == (x == 1) is just stating that p is true if and only if x is 1. Here is an example (also available online here)
x = BitVec('x', 1)
p = Bool('p')
solve(p == (x == 1), x == 0)
solve(p == (x == 1), x == 1)
solve(p == (x == 1), Not(p))
solve(p == (x == 1), p)