SharePoint: Field value different when editing than when displayed - sharepoint-2007

When I look at a certain field, either via DispForm (individual item) or any view of the list, I see a certain value. But when I choose to edit that field, the value shown to be in effect is different from what I see in any view.
This happens sometimes--too often to be comfortable.
I cannot even imagine how this can happen. Any ideas?
Here is a row from, say, AllItems:
And here is that row in edit mode:

Here's how the situation described in my original posting has worked out.
As Ondreij asked, the field in question is a Choice field. A status field is provided in the email sent to SharePoint, and I use that value to populate the field in question.
What appears to have happened is that sometimes the string got written to some part of the list. When you checked the value of field after that writing (using the Edit facility), I found that the "real" value had not changed from the default "0".
There were a couple problems. In one case, someone had listed one of the Choice values as "...BC..." where the original status string uses "...Bureau Coordinator..." That one was easy. Another case has "...To..." in the Choice strings where the status value is passed as "" That was sneakier.
But the big surprise was status 4, where none of us can tell any difference between the status value and the Choice value. But there must be a difference, because as the following code shows, replacing the status string with the Choice string allows everything to complete as designed.
if(status.indexOf("2 - Sent") > -1) status = "2 - Sent To BC";
if(status.indexOf("3 - Sent") > -1) status = "3 - Sent To GFSS";
if(status.indexOf("4 - Accepted") > -1) status = "4 - Accepted by GFSS";
Thanks, Ondreij, for some thoughts that led to a solution.


Looking to fill out most or all of the Fed Ex "Create Label" page using URL query string

Looking to create a shipment on
But fill out most of the fields using a query string at the end of a URL.
Seems like this might not be possible, but need help figuring out how to know whether it is or not.
My "Create Labels" page has a URL ending in -- ?method=doInitialize&utype=null ,
or else sometimes ...
-- ?method=doEntry&link=1&locale=en_US&urlparams=us&sType=F
so it seems promising. Just not sure how to access the names of the required fields (Contact name, Address 1 and 2, etc ) besides guess and check.
--------- Destination Section Parameters Found
The query string parameters for the destination contact field are, at the time this answer was written :
Of course, they need to be appended to the original URL using valid query string syntax and URL encoding.
--------- How Were These Found ?
These were each found using the page inspector. I found that it is important to cut through the noise by zeroing in on the exact field where the data needs to be entered, and opening up the page inspector to that location.
Right click (Win) or control click (Mac) > "inspect"
This will bring up the following text in the inspector. By trial and error, I discovered that the "name" fields correspond to the working query string parameters.
The part we are looking for :
This corresponds to the query string parameter ...
... originally listed above.
--------- Unsolved Parameters
It's a mystery why this same rule doesn't apply in the same way to other values in the page, like service type (e.g. "Priority Overnight") or package type (e.g. "FedEx Box"). The following, for example, do not fill as expected, even when using the exact same "name" field from the page inspector.
Maybe it's a URL encoding issue? Anyway, hope this helps.

iOS: Accessibility support for dynamic labels / validation errors?

I want to enable accessibility support in my app where i have In-line validation message (e.g As per below screenshot) when user enters something invalid data. My app doesn't show any error message.
What can be best and intuitive way to inform visual impaired/blind user about wrong data entries. e.g. Username & password mismatch, invalid.
First off, there is no "correct" way to do this. There are just a bunch of ways that work. The "best" way to do this, would be for iOS to have a "required" trait (IMO). But this is not supported, so we have to work with what iOS has given us... hints and labels.
Step 1:
Tell the user what is required. I would do this by adding the information to the hint. I like to add information to the hint that only non-familiar users need. "Power users" of your application will get use to what fields are required (assuming you're going to have return users, some views are just "hit and run" types). But, point being, don't flood users with unnecessary information. Users who visit a particular view frequently will get use to what is required, so keep non-crucial information in the hint. What you want is voiceover to read out the text input fields like this: "Email(accessibilityLabel) text field (the type of object), (pause) This field is required.(hint)" Don't wait until after a failure to provide this information to VoiceOver users. It should just always be set this way. If the type of failure changes, change the hint to adapt to this particular type of failure. If you'd like to keep the hint in sync with the Red highlighted labels, you can consider overriding the functions from the UIAccessibilityProtocol to pull out this information EX:
- (NSString*)accessibilityHint {
return myUILabel.text;
This should cause to keep the hint of the object, and the text of your UILabel in sync.
Step 2:
Mark all elements that are not the text input fields, as not accessibility elements. All of the information a user needs about those fields is either stored in the type of the field (a text input field), the label (email/password), or the hint (whether or not it is required). Therefore, we don't want VoiceOver to look at the other elements, because this would be duplicate information.
Step 3:
Use the following line of code:
UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification, anAccessibilityElement);
In your login action. On a failed login action, you should shift voiceover focus to the element that caused the failure. This informs the user that their action was attempted, and that it failed. It also allows them to easily know which element caused the failure, and that it needs fixed. In the event of multiple failures, make sure you shift focus to the first failure!

run SPD workflow on changes to any field EXCEPT one?

I have a custom list. Each item in the list has 39 fields/columns that need to be filled out and a 40th field that gets filled out by a separate workflow.
I have another workflow that I need to trigger if any of the fields change EXCEPT for one.
Why? Because that field has a custom ID# in it and that field gets populated AFTER the form is submitted. Therefore, there will ALWAYS be a change in the list item. Thus, I need a workflow to trigger when any fields change EXCEPT the one w/ the custom ID#.
Any ideas? Thank you.
No one has been able to answer this but I figured it out myself.
I'm including the answer here in case anyone else ever comes across this and finds it helpful:
Create a new field that you will hide from the your SP list and from NewForm.aspx, EditForm.aspx, and DispForm.aspx.
Using jQuery, populate that hidden field as such: $(":input[Title='fieldName']").val("1");
The using an SPD workflow, check to see if that field = 1. If so, run the workflow. AND at the end of that workflow set the field to 0 - that's important.

Can someone explain Rails behavior for multiple fields with identical names and ids?

I needed to create a input mask for a jQuery datepicker in my Rails app, where the first form field uses m/d/yy format and the datepicker populates a hidden input with the proper database format.
I was using SimpleForm, and so I extended my own input so that the input is preceded by the mask.
I got everything set up and when checking out the browser, it all just worked well before I thought I would be done.
The form ends up with two inputs for the same attribute, each with the same id and name. I never thought this would work. Checking the development log I only see one date getting submitted, the second of the two which is the one that has the proper format for the database.
Is this all okay? Should I take some extra steps even though this appears to work fine, and more importantly, can someone explain what's going on under the hood that results in this behavior?
Rails uses the Hash params to store fields submitted. When you declare two or more inputs using the same name, it happens the same as if you do something like
Result is bar because the foo was overwritten. So the "winner" is always the field value which the browser last appended to postdata.
But if I where you, I would not rely on the browser that the second field gets appended at last.

Grails 'scale' dropping decimal digits

Question using Grails 1.3.4 - the 'scale' constraint does not seem to keep my decimals.
I have a field defined as: Float latitude
I have a constraint: latitude(blank: false, range:-360.0f..360.0f, scale:6)
The Oracle 10g field is defined as: NUMBER(10,6)
When I enter a value in Create or Edit, the correct value gets to the database. However, it never displays correctly in Show. If I enter 10.1234567 and update, 10.123457 is in the database but 10.123 displays in Show.
If I Edit, the value shows as 10.123, and if I update without modifying it, 10.123 will be stored in the database, replacing 10.123457 even though I never touched that field.
If I edit the value to 10.456789, but leave another required field blank, the resulting Edit screen with the error message displays the value as 10.457.
Why is Grails continually rounding the value to 3 digits? I tried the field as a Double as well, but same results. I thought maybe it was Oracle, but I tried it with the default dev database, and same result. I thought maybe it was the 'range', but I took that off with the same result.
Hmm - are you sure it's displaying correctly in your database viewer? Also - check your use of tags: See
Wasted too much time trying to figure this out, ended up using the solution suggested by snowmanjack.
The default data binding that occurs with the fieldValue call is truncating it. You can write a new data binder that handles conversion the way you want as described here
Or you can do the lazy, probably less safe method that I used and access the property directly.
I replaced.
${fieldValue(bean: countryInstance, field: "latitude")}
