The signature was invalid, contains disallowed entitlements -

This is specific to
When trying to upload my application through Application Loader, I am getting the error: "Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, contains disallowed entitlements, or it was not signed with an iPhone Distribution Certificate."
I'm very certain, I'm using the correct certificate (i.e. the distribution one, and not the development one). Actually, I'm 100% sure I'm using the right certificate.
That leaves me with signature was invalid or contains disallowed entitlements.
Has anyone encountered this while trying to upload an IPA created through
I have the latest Xcode & Xcode command line tools on my machine. I am getting this error when I create builds on both Windows and Mac OS.
Any help would be appreciated.
NOTE: While I love, I'm about ready to abandon it due to the hassles I'm running into trying to upload my app.

I think the root cause here was that I was using an incorrect version of XCode (and Application Loader), that had me trashing with provisioning profiles, App Ids, and certificates.
Via the iOS Provisioning Portal, I ensured that the distribution provisioning profile was active, I was using a non-wildcard App ID, and that the distribution certificate was active. Once I cleaned house, and recreated everything, it finally worked.
I do think that I only saw this problem because I was using the wrong version of XCode and Application Loader.

I got this issue when accidentally archiving using an iPhone Developer code signing identity, instead of using iPhone Distribution.
I.e. exactly as the message says, I did not use a distrib cert.


Xcode validation failure

Validation of an archive for uploading to the store is failing in the Xcode Organizer with this message: "Failed to locate or generate matching signing assets: Xcode attempted to locate or generate matching signing assets and failed to do so because of the following issues. Permissions failure - Your account does not have permission to create profiles."
This problem has been reported by several other people on StackOverflow and Apple Development Forums, with no resolution. Here I'll explain some things I've tried with the hopes that maybe someone can suggest a solution. This is a really important problem because it's preventing release of an app.
Does anyone know how to fix this? Does anyone know what the "permission to create profiles" is referring to? From my understanding, the Organizer should just be signing the app with an existing Provisioning Profile, not creating any new ones.
Background information: I have admin privileges in a company team and am able to build the project fine. My development certificate works ok for installing to a phone. There are no expired certificates in my Keychain and the certificates in the key chain look ok. I have rebuilt the Distribution certificate and downloaded it to my Mac successfully.
The problem occurs whether I select manual or automatic provisioning in Project Settings (though this shouldn’t affect archive validation anyway). I have the original distribution Certificate on my machine from importing a .p12 file from the original developers. I’ve tried rebooting my Mac, restarting Xcode.
Issues I can think of looking at next: (1) I am using a wildcard in the app bundle name in the Distribution Provisioning Profile. Is there any problem with this? The wildcard seems to match the app bundle ID in the build. The app has previously been released without an explicit app bundle name in the provisioning profile. (2) The distribution provisioning profile has no services enabled. The app Project Settings include one service: Remote Services under Background Modes. Is there a problem because of this mismatch? (3) Should I try using Application Loader instead of the Xcode Organizer?
The problem, it turns out, was a bad Distribution Certificate. The team I was working for turned out to have two Apple Developer accounts with the same name, but one was an Enterprise account and the other was not. I had been given the Distribution Cert for the Enterprise account. Once I deleted all my relevant certificates from my keychain and XCode Preferences/Accounts and read in the .p12 file for the correct Distribution Cert, everything worked.

ITMS - 90179 Invalid Code Signing / ITMS - 90209 Invalid Segment Alignment

ERROR ITMS - 90179 Invalid Code Signing. The Executable 'Payload/' must be signed with a certificate that is contained in the provisioning profile.
ERROR ITMS - 90209 Invalid Segment Alignment. The app binary at '' does not have a proper segment alignment. Try rebuilding the app with the latest Xcode version.
I've been getting these two errors no matter what I try. I've deleted all my profiles and certificates, remade them and even remade the App ID multiple times and nothing happened and still the same error. I've updated XCode too and still the same errors.
I used a Wildcard App to create my .ipa file in Flash Pro CC selecting the Apple App Store and tried to publish it through application loader.
Is there any solution to these two problems? Thanks.
There seem to be a conflict with both dev and prod certificates.
I was finally able to submit following these steps:
(1) go in keychain and delete both certificates (dev & distribution)
(2) go to apple site and download distribution certificate only
(3) install distribution cert only!
(4) export p12 from private key
(5) go to apple and regenerate/download distribution provisioning profile.
From there it worked fine, don't ask why...
Restart the Xcode, it should resolve before trying above suggestions. Its a classic trick which seem to work even today :P
my english is not so good but i will try to explain my self the best i can...
y just solve this error that i was also having "ERROR ITMS - 90179 Invalid Code Signing. The Executable 'Payload/' must be signed with a certificate that is contained in the provisioning profile".....
First of all my app is using push notifications so i created a push notification certificate and install it on my Keychain (aps_production), along with my app distribution certificate (ios_production.cer ), and i was exporting my app distribution certificate(ios_production.cer ) using the keychain to export it to the .p12 file....this way i was getting that error...what i did is that i erased everything on my keychain and just install the ios_distribution.cer without the aps_production.cer , this way i fix this seems that if you export to the .p21 with others files on your keychain related to your same app. your certificate gets and error...hope this helps you...
I had ITMS-90179 uploading an iPhone App made with Marmalade SDK. Solved it this way:
1.- Deleted all my distribution certificates at Apple dev portal
2.- Created a new Distribution certificate
3.- Deleted all my distribution provisioning profiles
4.- Created a new distribution provisioning profile
5.- Generated a new .ipa using the .mobileprovision from step 4
6.- Attempted to upload this one to App Store, this time it worked.
Hope it helps!
I was also faced with the "ERROR ITMS - 90179 Invalid Code Signing" issue. What I ended up doing, was:
Created a new macOS account with a completely empty Keychain
Imported our iOS Distribution Certificate and Private Key
Regenerated and downloaded Provisioning Profile from Apple Developer Portal
Resigned MyApp.ipa
Validated MyResignedApp.ipa using Appl. Loader (see below)
Uploaded to iTunes Connect
This worked, which tells me that resigning using my usual account probably messed up some of the certificates in my Keychain!?
/Applications/\ --validate-app -f MyResignedApp.ipa -t ios -u

Signing swift app with Enterpise provisioning profile

If I run the app via Xcode 6, using the development profile, everything is fine.
But if I deploy the app via Enterprise profile, it crashes on start.
Logs from the device say the following:
Dyld Error Message: Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftCore.dylib
Did anyone encounter the same problem?
Had the same problem here. The solution that finally worked for me was to
Revoke the certificate.
Generate a new certificate.
Generate a new distribution profile.
See here
Note: If you have apps in production which are signed with your "old" certificate and you revoke that one, those apps will eventually not work anymore. So I suggest you only revoke the certificate if you have "control" over the installed apps and you can easily redeploy your apps with the new certificate/provisioning profile.
Are you using frameworks that contain Swift code in your project? By default embedded content isn't expected to contain Swift. Change this in Build Settings:

Issues signing PhoneGap IPA for distribution

I've run into an issue signing an update on my PhoneGap generated IPA for distribution.
I have been following the same steps I typically use by clearing the PhoneGap signing, resigning using a distribution profile, attaching Entitlements.plist, then signing using my enterprise certificate but when I use the Application Uploader I get the following error.
ERROR ITMS-9000: "Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. Your application's signature
contains code signing entitlements that are not supported on iOS. Specifically,
value "[TEAMID]. [Bundle Identifier]" for key "application-identifier" in
"Payload/" is not supported. This value should
be string starting with your TEAMID, followed by a dot '.', followed by
the bundle identifier"
at SoftwareAssets/SoftwareAsset (MZItmspSoftwareAssetPackage)
Now the Bundle ID is identical to that of the App's distribution provisioning profile and the one on iTunes Connect. My TEAMID totally matches the one provided in the provisioning profile.
This app is already in the store, I am trying to release an update.
I have installed the new profile to Xcode 4.6.3 and my certificate is also installed there.
I am using Terminal on Mavericks to unsign->resign->zip the IPA for distribution.
I have looked around for a while and have found some other issues and after following their resolutions I am still stuck on this error, which it turn generates a couple other generic errors.
Thanks in advance for any pointers/reference!
I have spent all day fussing about with this issue :(
I've resolved this issue by reissuing my certs/profiles, reinstalling them, clearing my derived data, restarting my computer, and finally completing the resigning process.

iOS code signing trouble while archiving application

I trying to make a new version of my application to ad-hoc distribution.
But, unfortunately, I have a strange error:
Provisioning profile 'WL Moon' specifies the Application Identifier
'asap.WeatherApp' which doesn't match the current setting
I revoked profile, and created it again, but nothing changed.
With development profile I haven't any problems, and I can run application on my testing iPhone.
Can anybody help me?
I solved this problem myself.
I cleaned all provisioning profiles on my iPhone, from XCode Organizer. Also I restarted XCode.
I think, problem happened because I changed distribution certificate (we are added push notifications to application), and on my device was two different certificates with the same name.
