UIButton Differences between iOS 5.1 and 6.1 - ios

I placed 3 buttons into my view, set up background image and sometimes I need to disable one of them. I find out that they appear different in iOS 5.1 and 6.1. I like the 6.1 version. What should I do to make the design in 5.1 will be the same as in 6.1?
1) look at the white strip at the bottom of picture
2) third button is disabled and is quite lighter than in 6.1
<-- iOS5.1
<-- iOS6.1
PS: thank you for reputation points :)

The white artifact seems to be a default white rounded rect frame. Did you set button type to UIButtonTypeCustom?

Usually when there's a UI difference between two major versions of an OS, the right thing to do is to go with the flow and use the appearance that comes with each version. Having newer UI elements show up in an older version of the OS looks odd -- like your app doesn't quite fit in. Also, it's a lot of work to try to mimic the new look in the old OS.
Try to design your app so that it looks great with either variety of button, and your app will fit right in with the other apps on the user's device no matter what version they're using.


iOS app missing splash screen, new black borders and ui glitching after visualstudio 8.10.10 and xcode 13 update

Just updated to Xcode 13 and Visualstudio Mac to 8.10.10. Since then my app:
Wont display the splash screen.
The app is cropped at top and bottom.
Ui is acting generally weird.
Now I have read old threads on similar problems and adding the Launch screen interface file base name. in the info.plist file does make the app cover the whole screen.
I have tried switching splash screens and change location. But it's just black. I don't use a storyboard for the splash and instead provide several different resolutions, which have worked fine for several years.
The UI is glitching like the loader picture, and several different ui elements where colors are provided are "cut" in the middle showing two colors when it should switch.
I have read the release notes for xcode13 but haven't found anything related that would break the whole UI.
The interface glitching and no splash screen I can't seem to find a solution for. Everything worked fine before the update.
What could be the problem? Some setting in the info.plist, a checkbox in the storyboard?
I'm still new to Xamarin and iOS development and greatly accept suggestions.
Let me know if I can clarify anything.
iOS load glitch picture
According to your statement, you are not using a storyboard, so you need to replace the Launch Screen with a LaunchImage, then check the LaunchImage file (if it does not exist, you need to create it yourself) and add all strictly standardized pictures inside.

Unity Canvas scale issue on iOS

I've got a weird issue with Unity, where the height of the screen doesn't match the layout built in the editor, but only on iOS. It does work in the editor, in a Windows standalone and in the Android app, but not on iOS (im testing on an iPhone 5).
So the menu layout can be broken down to just a couple of full width images with different y-positions. These images are set to stretch in height, so no matter how I change the play-preview in the editor, they always fill the screen as intended.
As soon as I test it on the iPhone however, it looks like there was height added to the screen after calculating all the image heights or something. Every image seems to be about 10% too short.
This all did work some weeks ago, when I was on an older iOS version, xcode version and Unity version, but I updated them all in the meantime, so I can't say which one could be the cause for this.
Some weeks ago, the minimum iOS version in Unity was set to 7.0, now it has to be at least 8.0 to not get the "update project settings" warning in xcode.
The roughly 10% could be the iOS status bar, which could be taken into account for the height calculations, but then turned off and the game can span over the whole height.
The iOS "Resolution and Presentation" settings are set to require fullscreen and hide status bar.
Here's what it looks like in the editor and on iOS.
The 4 different canvas have just different settings for the canvas scaler. The images in all of them have their RectTransform set to stretch in both directions.
It turned out to be caused by the generation of mipmaps.
I don't know why this is the cause and I don't know, why it's only a problem on iOS, but not on any other common platform, but once I used an image that had mipmaps disabled, it worked.
It then also worked on the original images, once I deactivated the mipmaps there.
I guess it has someting to do with the gradient images being 1x1920, so mipmaps make little sense. I'm wondering, why this is making the height buggy and not the width.

iOS6 vs iOS7 Appearance Interface Builder

I'm a bit confused by how the UI compatibility model is setup in iOS.
It seems you can force iOS6 look & feel while running the app in iOS7 by changing the storyboard/interface builder settings. But when you set it for iOS7 UI, iOS6 devices are unable to install the app.
Is it possible for the app to be rendered with the new flat look in iOS7 and still maintain compatible w/ iOS6 devices rendering the old glossy UI ?
have you tried one of the following?
setting the min version of iOS that will run your app
changing the build for tab under the IB section
For the first one, just go to your project settings, and find
then you can just change the 7.0 to whatever version you're running..
For the second one, just open the right panel in IB, and do
and see if that helps you any.
Hope this helps!

iOS Base SDK to Support iOS 7

I have just submitted my iOS 7 compatible app using the Xcode 5 GM and iOS 7 SDK GM. My base SDK is set at iOS 7 GM and my Deployment Target is set at 6.0, I am wanting my app to support iOS versions 6.0 and up. I know that those settings are correct, however I am wondering if there is anything extra I need to do so that when the app goes live it says "Optimized for iOS 7" or whatever phrasing Apple is going to use for this. Just like they did with the iPhone 5 "This app is optimized for the iPhone 5". Anybody have an idea on this?
There is nothing else you have to, or can, do. I don't know if the App Store will display something like "Optimized for iOS 7". If it does show that once iOS 7 is released to the general public, then having built against the 7.0 SDK will probably be how Apple determines whether it's optimized or not.
App icons:
- For iPhone, iOS 7 app icons have grown to 120×120 pixels, compared to 114×114 pixels in iOS 6.
- For iPad, iOS 7 app icons should measure in at 152×152 pixels, instead of the 144×144 pixels in iOS 6.
Notes: IOS 7 & 6 UI are different. You still need to support iOS 6.
All details are in iOS 7 UI Transition Guide
Things Every App Should Do
Make sure that app content is discernible through translucent UI elements—such as bars and keyboards—and the transparent status bar. In iOS 7, view controllers use full-screen layout (to learn more, see Using View Controllers).
Redesign custom bar button icons. In iOS 7, bar button icons are lighter in weight and have a different style. For some design guidance, see “Bar Button Icons”.
Prepare for borderless buttons by reassessing the utility of button background images and bezels in your layout.
Examine your app for hard-coded UI values—such as sizes and positions—and replace them with those you derive dynamically from system-provided values. Use Auto Layout to help your app respond when layout changes are required. (If you’re new to Auto Layout, learn about it by reading Auto Layout Guide.)
Examine your app for places where the metrics and style changes of UIKit controls and views affect the layout and appearance. For example, switches are wider, grouped tables are no longer inset, and progress views are thinner. For more information on specific UI elements, see Bars and Bar Buttons, Content Views, Controls, and Temporary Views.
Adopt Dynamic Type. In iOS 7, users can adjust the text size they see in apps. When you adopt Dynamic Type, you get text that responds appropriately to user-specified size changes. For more information, see Using Fonts.
Expect users to swipe up from the bottom of the screen to reveal Control Center. If iOS determines that a touch that begins at the bottom of the screen should reveal Control Center, it doesn’t deliver the gesture to the currently running app. If iOS determines that the touch should not reveal Control Center, the touch may be slightly delayed before it reaches the app.
Revisit the use of drop shadows, gradients, and bezels. Because the iOS 7 aesthetic is smooth and layered—with much less emphasis on using visual effects to make UI elements look physical—you may want to rethink these effects.
If necessary, update your app to best practices for iOS 6—such as Auto Layout and storyboards—and ensure that the app doesn’t use deprecated APIs.

iOS XCode Storyboard controls moved and now look strange in simulator

I am following the course on iOS through iTunes university and working on the calculator project. I moved the controls on the storyboard to make room for another control at the top. Everything looks fine on the storyboard but when run in the simulator, controls are bunch up, on top of each other, and some are clearly off the top of the simulator screen. This leads to the following very related questions.
How does one move controls around on the storyboard? I went to the size inspector of each control (buttons in my case) and changed the 'Y' value (increased it by 10). I did this for each control. I didn't think about it as I was doing it because as I said, all looks fine on the storyboard. Is there a better way to move controls around? I could not figure out how to grab more than one control at a time and move them. Grabbing all and moving or all but one and moving would have been ideal.
I anticipate someone is going to say, "We need more info. " How do I show the storyboard? Is there a xml file somewhere? How is the storyboard saved? How should I show the results of the simulator?
In general, what the heck is going on? Why would things look so different in the simulator?
Is there a better forum/group to ask newbie questions about iOS programming?
My specs are these:
XCode 4.5.2
Ios simulator versions set to 6.0 and iPhone
Any other info needed? Thanks in advance,
Try setting your simulated device size to 'freeform' instead of 'inferred'. This screen is a bit smaller so the controls are no longer overlapping. The latest xcode sets it by default to ios6 (screen size of iPhone 5)
edit For a better insight in xcode IDE, please refer to the documentation provided by apple (includes screenshots for clarity)
