How long can we use DeprecatedHeaders in Facebook SDK 3.1? - ios

I need to send an invitation from my iOS app to friends. I know that I can do it with "apprequests" and dialog, but this option is good only when we use "DeprecatedHeaders".
How long can we use DeprecatedHeaders in Facebook API? Are they going to support it in the future?
Is there any option to send invitation to friends from iOS app?
I prefer using SDK 3.1 than older one.

Version 3.2 of the Facebook SDK was released on 2/24 and this addresses the deprecated issue.
And the upgrade guide if you need it:


iOS Evernote SDK with Evernote App 8.x

We have recently noticed that our app's Evernote integration has stopped working. I've pinpointed it to the new Evernote app update released on January 19th that brings the app to version 8.0.1. Specifically the "IsEvernoteInstalled()" function no longer works, and neither do any ENSession calls that open notes in the Evernote app itself (viewNoteInEvernote for example). I made sure I have the latest version of the Evernote Cloud SDK here:
but I'm still not having any luck. One oddity I've noticed is that the only required LSApplicationQueriesSchemes item mentioned in the documentation is "en" yet the source code for the app is trying to open "evernote://" urls. Also the "IsEvernoteInstalled" function checks "en://". The current version of the Evernote iOS app appears to only have "evernote://" as a registered scheme so I'm confused. I tried adding "evernote" as another application query scheme, but that did not help. It appears that the Evernote Cloud SDK has not been updated to remain functional with the new version of the app, but maybe I'm missing something?
Thank you.
I think the change of URL scheme is unintentional and will be fixed on the Evernote side.

How to get facebook user information in API version 2.6 in ios?

Is it possible to change the Facebook API version from 2.6 to 2.2 in iOS. I am not able to get all user information in version 2.6. I used current SDK version and also FacebookSDKs-iOS-20150813. Both SDKs are not giving me user information excluding id and username.
You can´t downgrade an App to a lower App, you can only upgrade it to a newer one. Downgrading would not make any sense anyway, it´s better not to use stuff that is deprecated.
Upgrade Tool:
You do not neet to downgrade anyway, you only need to use the fields parameter: /me?fields=name,first_name,...
It´s called "Declarative Fields" and came with v2.4 of the Graph API:

How to cancel AWS 1.4.6 AmazonServiceRequest in iOS

I have an async upload process working with Amazon S3 but I am having trouble when I try to cancel it.
I'm trying to call cancel on the request but I get an unrecognised selector crash. I think this is due to the cancel method not existing in the 1.4.6 version of the AWS iOS SDK but I could be wrong, I know it definitely exists in 1.6 but unfortunately I cannot use the latest version.
Is there a different way to cancel a request in 1.4.6?
I am one of the maintainers of the AWS SDK for iOS. The cancel method has been available on AmazonServiceRequest since version 1.4.4 as seen in GitHub. You may want to verify that you don't have an older version of the SDK in your Framework search path. You can verify the version of the SDK you are using with the code metioned on the AWS Mobile Developer Blog.
Can you let us know why you are unable to use the latest version of the SDK? Is there something we can change to help make it possible for you to upgrade?

Facebook iOS SDK & backwards compatibility

I'm trying to wrap my head around this and figure out what would be the best approach:
I want to take advantage of all the new features that iOS 6.0 introduced in terms of interacting with facebook - this includes the built-in social framework that allows fast facebook SSO and native post dialogs. This is done fairly easily using the new Facebook iOS SDK v3.1.1.
The problem is that I also want my applications to be available for any non-iOS 6.0 adopters. This made me face a very ugly situation in which I need to create an elaborate social wrapper that would have to be compiled differently (with different FB SDKs) and to run separate code in order to support earlier iOS versions. Because a lot of the Facebook SDK already includes fallbacks and handles a lot of old, deprecated calls to the feed and dialog APIs, I figured that there must be a better way, while taking this in account, to create such a social wrapper.
I guess what I'm asking for here is any clue as to where to proceed from here. If anyone has ever tackled this issue (even in earlier versions of the SDK) I would be glad to know.
Thanks in advance
Weak linking is definitely the way to go here.
The 3.1.1 SDK can handle running on either iOS 5 or iOS 6, all you need to do is weak link the relevant frameworks in your build settings, and change the deployment traget to 5.0 (leaving the base sdk as 6.0).
Of course, you still need to handle the case when the native post dialog isn't available (You can use FBNAtiveDialogs' canPresentShareDialogWithSession: method) and use the SDK dialog instead.

Good example of how to build an iphone app that integrates with facebook

I have experience building iPhone applications, however I'm new to the facebook API for iOS. Does anyone know of a good example of an iOS app that will post to user's facebook wall? I'm trying to integrate this functionality into an existing app that I'm working on. Thanks!
Check out the following open-source project:
It's an open-source library to let you post to Facebook from your own iOS app.
They have posted code for a sample ViewController here as well. Unfortunately this doesn't do an explicit wall update, but it does read the users' status and request them to log in. And underneath this you can retrieve the source for the entire demo application:
You can check our documentation for iOS SDK 3.0.8 here at
Download the SDK package here at
Then try the samples/ folder for the existing samples.
Specially you can look at Scrumptuous and Hackbook for latest examples.
