iOS6 Get List of Street by first symbols - ios

I just playing with MapKit and it's going well. If we looking at Native App (Maps) there are possible to find direction between two places. What is intresting for me - how they get list of Street when you type name? There are in SDK some possibility to get Streets list by couple of symbols?

I'm not a Map Kit expert but I recommend you review the Map Kit Framework and especially the MKLocalSearch Class Reference.
The MKLocalSearch class allows you to search for addresses in a region as an equivalent of a search in the Map app. I'm not aware of any API that allows you to retrieve ALL the streets in a region.

MKLocalSearch is the best and easiest way to do instant search of google maps,i have done it and its awesome and very simple


get country and city information from wikimapia Api

I need to know in which country (and hopefully some more info, like city or area or state and it would be great if I could get whether this is on land or sea) a coordinates set lies in.
I have tried the wikimapia api but it is extremely difficult to get around to it.
for example I have this call,37.96918,23.73094,37.9731&format=json
which brings some information about an area in Athens, Greece.
The problem is that not only this api call is depreciated, but when i try to get the country by adding &category=2977,37.96918,23.73094,37.9731&format=json&category=1176
this doesnt work(the category id i got it from this gist)
I would guess that this might have something to do with the method being depreciated, but when I change to the new method place.getbyarea it is not working at all.,37.96918,23.73094,37.9731&format=json
Any ideas? thanks in advance
Why do you want specifically the API of Wikimapia to get your information? To recover the city and country from GPS coordinates, some others API’s are much more appropriate I think, here some examples:
Google Maps (used here in a webpage)
Here Maps
Bing Maps
Apple Maps (Mapkit.js)
Algolia Places
OpenStreetMap Nominatim

Map with nearby point of interests like dat-trucker app

This might not looks like a real question, but I have a use-case for which I am not able to find the solutions. I have to show few point of interests like 'walmart','truck wash', 'rest-area' etc. My problem is Google Places map API doesn't give the filter option on the nearby searches and mapkit MKLocalSearch returns data beyound the bound region. My requirement is same like the Dat-trucker app. I am wondering, how they are showing "POI" on their maps. Seems like they are using MapKit, cause there is no attribution for google.Is there any alternative for Google Places API which can return the nearby places with filter functionality. I am attaching screenshot of the reference app.
You can give the Yep Fusion API a try. They provide nearby businesses which is what the Google Places API does.

Converting AppleMaps Coordinates to Google Place IDs

I'm afraid this is a general question, no code as such just yet.
I've built my app to date with Apple MapKit, and it is generating locations (strings & coordinates). I don't want to rebuild this with Google Maps SDK for iOS.
I'm looking to use Firebase as the back-end and they have some useful analytics when passing in Google Place IDs.
My question is therefore whether you can convert coordinates into Google Place IDs and therefore what my best option would be to achieve this?
It would obviously best if this did not involve using the SDK and I could somehow use an online API to convert the coordinates to place IDs...
Yes if you have address of coordinate then use in below api and you able to get the PlaceID,+Mountain+View,+CA&key=YOUR_API_KEY
check more detail in below link

Google Maps API - Custom Markers

Is it possible to have specific markers based on a user's search with Google Maps API? For example, I'd like to be able to create unique markers for different food cuisine types: american, asian, european, and indian. If the user types in american for example, can I add a special marker for this and if so, how can I achieve this?
Google has a great API that details how to do what you need pretty well. The Google Places API has some examples of how to search for places. The Maps API has an example on how to add custom marker symbols. Once you get the data back from the query posted, you can parse it to get details on the restaurant and associate an icon with that restaurants position
I think you are looking for the iOS SDK (I just looked at your tags):

MKLocalSearch with wildcard

Is there a way to get all places of an given region?
I would like to offer the user a list of all existing venues in a region when he taps the screen, but I only found ways to use MKLocalSearch with a specific search query string.
Is there a way to get all places of an given region?
There's nothing built into MapKit or Core Location that provides that kind of information. Your best bet would be to look for a suitable data source for the kinds of "venues" that you're interested in, such as Google, Yelp!, FourSquare, yellow pages, etc.
