RhoMobile - locally storage and Rhom API - rhomobile

I am fairly new to using Rhomobile, however I am not fully understanding how the local storing works and how to use the Rhom API.
I've set up the RhoStudio and run the configurations.
What I am trying to achieve is basically have two data models (with property bags as default): one for wards, and one for patients so I can create patient and ward objects.
Eventually I would like to list the wards, and the patients that are assigned to the ward objects.
Can someone explain how I use the Rhom API to be able to achieve this?
I have ran a simulation so once I have something like: /app/Patient/{131199009368684.14}/show in the web inspector, so I am assuming that I will need to create an association of some sort.. And then filter it out with a group Query.
In my personal opinion using the RhoMobile Doc's are not helpful enough.
Many thanks if someone can give me a typical example.

Rhodes auto generates unique ids for each instance of a Module, when it is created. This property is called "object". "131199009368684.14" what you got is the "object" of a particular patient that you created. What you can do to link the patients to the ward is:-
Add an additional property to the Patient Model that stores the "object" of the Ward instance you want to link that particular patient to. Thus you will be able to list all the patients in a particular ward by running a find query on column that stores the object of the Ward in the Patient table, by supplying it the particular Ward's object.
Hope this is useful.


Does ID belongs to view model

After working with MVC for a long time, I decided to go with MVVM. I understood the basics of the pattern and got through multiple articles that explain that MVVM is waaay better then MVC any day. And I am okay with that.
I decided to make my own app in order to set my mind correctly for logic behind MVVM. So I created basic app that does follow MVVM principles and after a while I found the problem that you see in the title.
So, basically, this is the problem. Let's say that I have one object, call it Person. Person have name and surname. But when I want to show details about that person, I will have address, phone numer etc. Because one person can have many phone numbers I will have something from API that link to the user ID.
So we came to my question. If I have some basic information about some model, and want to have detail information about that same model, where do I keep ID (or link) for that detail information? Do I have to keep it inside view controller, which would be just wrong? Or do I keep it inside view model, even if I don't use it really on user interface?
The ID also belongs to the model class. ie If you have an object Person then simply create a data class Person, which will obviously include all the members say ID, Name, Address, Number and so on. You can identify each person using the same ID as well.
The View Model need not always know about the ID. If you have a list of Person objects in view model, then you could easily map each item using the ID. Additionally if you want to have currently selected item or something, you could map it to viewmodel property of that object type ie Person. So you need not keep a PersonID field in ViewModel unless it is absolutely required for some rare cases.
Sorry, but I did not understand this : So basically in prepareForSegue method I could say something like give me from current VM object at particular index and create VM for new view that I will actually send ?
As far as simple applications are concerned, the above approach is more than enough. But in some rare cases, you may need to keep the current selected item's ID in the view model. So if you're using a list and keeping a property for selected item, it may not be the type of that list ie Person. Instead it could be the ID alone.
Hope you got the point.

tableview from multiple core data entities swift

I am struggling with something I think should be basic but cannot figure out. I have two entities in core data with a one to one and one to many relationship. They are Company which can have multiple Opportunities.I want to load a table view listing the opportunities (sorted by name) with their associated companies. Can this be done by simply accessing the Opportunity entity? If so, how do I access company? The Opportunity class references it as a "Company" type and so I tried to go using dot notation through to company.companyName but it failed on that, and if I change it to simply company (of type Company) it does show .Company: and other reference data but not the simple name field I am looking for. This seems as if it should be simple but...........
This was simple and I was overlooking the ability to load the fetchedresultscontroller with the right type (in my case the Opportunity class) and then use dot notation from there. I was trying to do it with key value access which did not work. Cheers

Breeze JS client with dynamic objects

I'm investigating using Breeze for client side caching and querying. Unfortunately the existing web service returns (JSON) objects that for a given type may have variable number and type of fields. They will all have a unique id and a few base fields, but for example a Person may have name, age and address say, and another Person may have name, birthdate and favoriteColor.
What each Person has is described by metadata sent embedded into each object (so each Person also has a metadata field).
Querying is obviously problematic here but assume for now that we will not be querying on any field that is not on all items of a given type.
We are using AngularJS too, in case that is relevant.
My question is, how would one handle this situation using Breeze? Would we be better off just using a simple object cache and "querying" simply by iterating over the cache with a predicate function?
Perhaps you should take a look on Jhon Papa's pluralsight video lecture for querying using client cache on pluralsight , which is a complete demonstration of breeze and angularJs. Also you can refer this

How to create persistence , domain and view models

I have been reading a lot about the importance of keeping layers separately and the concepts are mind blowing :) . However,I looked into many places to find a practical example on how to separate these three types of models and had no luck. How do I connect them together in a practical situation? Here are few questions I have
My understanding is that persistence models contain the POCOs that we use to create entities , domain models contain the business logic and view models are used to expose relevant data. Am I correct?
If I am correct , how do I actually connect these different layers in a single solution. I mean at the end of the day , they are classes and how do I connect domain class(model) with a relevant persistence (model) and the view model?
Can someone please point me to a great tutorial that teaches how to build n-tire asp.net applications?
If not, and if possible can someone tell me how to build and connect three types of models for the following scenario.
A Customer has a Name , DOB , Address and a collection of Orders
An Order has a Customer, Date , Price and a Description
How do I create separate persistence, domain and view models(eg: A view model to display all information about customer except DOB and all orders related to the customer )
More importantly how do I connect them?
Thanks heaps!
you create viewmodels to match the view, not every property from the model (Entity) you might want to show in the Create/Edit view, or you want to show it but combined or in a different way, that's why you need viewmodels, usually you would have a property in the viewmodel for each editor/input in the view
for example in the Entity you can have one DateTime property but in the ViewModel 2 properties one for Date and one for Time,
or in the Entity you will have property of type Country but in the ViewModel of type int (the value of the id)
and when you have this separation you need to map Entities to ViewModels and the other way around
for demo app you can look here: http://prodinner.codeplex.com/

Core Data difference between parent/child and to-one/to-many inverse relationships

I've looked all over SO, youtube, and the Apple docs and am having real trouble understanding the distinction--if any--between parent/child and to-one/to-many inverse relationships in Core Data. Nothing I've found appears to address the subject directly and explicitly.
I need to know this because I want to load a table view with data from one entity, called ListActivity, grouped into sections defined by another entity called ListCategory, as shown here. Also not real confident of my naming convention:
Can someone please clearly explain the difference--and when to use each case--or point me to something that can?
Edit for clarification:
For comparison, here is a screenshot of my entities with ListCategory specified via the menu in the Data Model Inspector as the Parent Entity for ListActivity:
Relationship is used go down in an object graph (i.e activities in a category) while an inverse relationship is used to go up in an object graph (i.e category to which an activity belong to).
While naming convention looks fine. better use "activities" instead of "listActivities" and "category" instead of "toCategory".
Generate classes for them and you'll better know how these will work out.
