How to change default path for images to look for - ruby-on-rails

By default, rails is looking for images to "public/images" folder.
But it is not suiteable for me, since i have all the multimedia stuff in "public/data/:model/:id" folders.
How do i force rails to look into this folder.
I don't need obligatory such a pattern, that i mentioned above.
The only thing, i need, is just to change "public/images" path to "public/data", so, the rails should look to "data" folder, instead of "images".
I don't need to use "paperclip" plugin, because my models holding the pure HTML content (with clean and simple structure, that will not change in the future), that has "img" tags.
How can it be done ?

You you mean the image_tag helper is looking by default there? That's only the case if you only specify a relative path. Putting the full path in gets what you want I believe.
<%= image_tag '/data/model/1'
would generate
<img src="/data/model/1.png">


Rails images in many folders

I bought ready css and html template. There is many images in many folders, for example:
Is there some way in rails to do not write path to every image in view?
<%= image_tag('image.png') %>
gives not_found if I do not write path to it. I know I can copy all files to /images/ ...
You could write helpers for each of the major folders to cut down on having to repeat them. If they follow themes this would make sense (ie. icons, header images, borders, buttons etc.)
try these answer image_tag 'image.png' or image_url 'image.png'

How should I access the asset_url helper in the view

When I try to use asset_url in my view (Rails 3.2), I get a NoMethodError.
What do have to do to be able to use AssetUrlHelper's methods in my views?
To explain this a bit better and maybe find an alternative solutions: I need to get an "asset link" to file attachments created with carrierwave.
My model has an attachment which points to a file in my assets directory. I need to draw a link to this file.
= link_to, model.attachment(:size)
gives me /myfiles/model/id/attachment/size.png (which is what is persisted by carrierwave)
= image_tag model.attachment(:size)
gives me the wanted
but I have no need for an image tag, but the plain link to the file at the asset host.
The following works ok for me:
<%= link_to "link to asset", asset_path(article.image.url) %>
I'm using paperclip but I doubt it makes much difference
I think the helper asset_path belongs to asset files (like .css and .js) , not views. In views is proper to be used helpers like image_tag or stylesheet_include_tag. This is the idea behind the asset-pipeline - to ease reference to assets.

How to rewrite Rails assets path?

I began moving all the assets in my site to S3 and ran into a problem with my asset path.
There's a WYSIWYG editor on my site that includes images by absolute path, so when you add an image, it doesn't use the rails image_tag helper but rather adds an image like this:
<img src="/system/images/image_1.jpg" />
The problem is that in production the URL /system/images/image_1.jpg leads to a non-existant file.
Naturally, two solutions are to 1) replace the URL dynamically (gsub) when it's called and 2) to loop through the database and replace the urls.
A better solution, however, would be to rewrite the /system/images/image_1.jpg url to point to S3. How do I do that?

Rails asset pipeline - how to include asset not in asset path?

I've converted this multi skinned app of mine to make use of the assets pipeline introduced in Rails 3.1. For the most part it's been surprisingly easy and I'm in love with the preprocessing ability which allows you to use inline Ruby in your CSS/JS files.
I have run into a major problem though, which despite the power of Sprockets seems tricky to solve. My app can be run with any number of skins (or "identities" rather) which is chosen at runtime. This "identity" parameter sets up stuff like cache directory, database connection, view paths - and indeed asset paths. While all "identities" can have their own stylesheet there is also a shared one which is used across all instances. So the assets folder structure looks something like this:
In /app/assets/stylesheets/aplication.css.erb:
<% require_asset("shared.css") %>
<% require_asset("overrides.css") %>
This loads two stylesheets, and crucially it uses the configured asset paths to resolve them (that's why i use require_assets instead of the standard require and include directives, as they don't hit the resolver). It returns the first matches found and allows me to very easily override part or whole of the default styling. So
can be overridden by putting a file with the same name in the instance assets folder
and if no such file exists it silently falls back to the default shared.css.
It all works brilliantly - I use the same technique for JavaScripts, images and fonts and everything gets neatly processed and packaged during precompilation. BUT. There is a type of (sideways) inheritance that I'm unable to achieve; sometimes the skin for an identity is so similar to another one that only a few dozen lines differ (e.g. identical layout but with a different color scheme) and I really want to be able to do something like this:
<% require_asset("shared.css") %>
<% require_asset("overrides.css") %>
<% require_asset("../../some_other_identity/stylesheets/overrides.css") %>
/* followed by the dozen or so lines that differ for this skin */
This FAILS because in the current context "some_other_identity" is not in the asset paths - Rails does not find the file in dev mode, and of course it's not included during precompilation either. And if I do include it in the assets path it loads the wrong overrides.css (there can be only one). So I've been experimenting with putting something like this at the top of overrides.css:
<%="app/assets/some_other_identity/stylesheets/overrides.css")) %>
/* rest of CSS */
And indeed that works just as expected. BUT. Because I'm now using the assets pipeline to serve all assets I can no longer reference images in the CSS with a fixed path - I have to use <%= asset_path("some_image.png") %> so that the path resolver can work its magic. This means my overrides.css is really overrides.css.erb, and of course the ERB preprocessing doesn't happen when you do So, I'm stuck! Help! Anyone?
Edit: If I use
<%="app/assets/some_other_identity/stylesheets/overrides.css.erb"))).result %>
it does try to parse the ERB, but I get
undefined method `asset_path' for main:Object
which of course is due to me using asset_path("some_image.png") etc in the file I'm trying to include.
Ok, after hours of searching I came upon the list of available helper methods in Sprockets - it would have saved me a lot of time had this been linked to from the Sprockets man page on GitHub (there is a link, but it points to #FIXME). From the Sprockets API docs:
(Object) evaluate(path, options = {})
Reads path and runs processors on the file.
This allows you to capture the result of an asset and include it directly in another.
<%= evaluate "bar.js" %>
Bingo! I changed my include directive to:
<%= evaluate(Rails.root.join("app/assets/some_other_identity/stylesheets/overrides.css.erb")) %>
and the CSS gets processed and the results inserted, just the way I wanted it to work.

Relative filename in ERB files

I am putting my ERB files in app/view. The problem is that sometimes I make mistakes when including CSS and JS files. I refer to them as "js/include.js" or "css/default.css" instead of /js/include.js and /css/default.css
However, these files are located in the public directory not the app/views directory so as a result the page breaks.
Is there a way to change the default behavior so that it looks in public folder whenever I refer to these files relatively?
If you stick with the Rails conventions you'll save yourself some grief. Use stylesheet_link_tag and javascript_include_tag in your layouts. And don't scatter css and js includes around your views. Use custom layouts instead.
For example, if you have an admin interface with a different look and different behavior you could add app/views/layouts/admin.html.erb. Then, in AdminController specify that it should use the admin layout. You can also specify the layout at the controller action level if you need to.
