ipad portrait not zooming out to the right sized - ipad

When I look at my website on ipad peek portrait, it does not zoom out the appropriate size. It may be that my design does not allow for enough fluidity. I am confusing, however because it did seem to work at some point.
Please see http://www.nogginusers.com/libermanproperties/libermanproperties.html
and a standard media stylesheet for ipad portrait


Scrolling in app when the Ipad is landscape and the app no longer fits in the size of the screen

Hello stackoverflow community,
I have just added the constraints to my iPad app and would now like that if you hold the iPad across that you can scroll the page, because not everything fits on a transverse page. If the Ipad is upright you should not be able to scroll (there everything fits).
How can I make that happen?
I would like to be able to use landscape mode on my app, which I originally designed to be portrait only. For this I have already inserted all constraints so that the size etc. fits. Now, however, the page is so full that it no longer fits on the complete display in landscape mode. Now I would like to be able to scroll down and thus the complete page is on the display. How it looks at the moment in portrait and landscape format I have loaded into the attachment (do not wonder the app is in German).
add your views into UIScrollView and set its contentsize, you can thencontrol what should be visible or scrollable for both portrait and landscape

Disable landscape orientation for iPhone only using size classes

I am using adaptive layout with size classes (iOS10).
For an iPad I want to support portrait & landscape views, but for iPhone I only want to support portrait. I don't want to rotate screen for compact height.
iPad is all fine and I have set-up the iPhone views using size classes, so I am thinking I need to somehow detect what size class will be transitioned to and disable rotation if it would go to compact height.
I can see a method called traitCollectionDidChange, but not sure if this is the correct time in the lifecycle to detect this.
There are a few related questions, but I don't see anything that covers this specific scenario.

what is the default orientation of the iPad?

I have heard a few conflicting comments regarding the default orientation of the iPad.
Some say it is portrait (how I tend to use my iPad), however some say it is landscape.
I have this sort of thing in my CSS to target elements when the device is in portrait mode, however I find I don't have the same sort of scaling problems with landscape and hence have no need for the media query below.
#media all and (orientation:portrait) {
I can't find anything anywhere that says for sure what the default orientation is for the device. Is there one?
There is no default. Both are allowed and equally important. The fact that you only have problems with portrait is most probably just a consequence of this specific site's design, for others you'll have to do the same on landscape.
Since landscape presents a 1024px wide browser to the user it's also less probable to cause issues since desktop sites are historically nearly always 960 to 1050 pixels wide as well. That doesn't make it the 'default' though, just less likely to cause problems.
It's actually identical to asking what the default screen size is for a desktop browser - it doesn't have one, you can resize it at will. Rotating your iPad is for all intents and purposes just that, a sudden resize of the browser.

iPad Take Photo changes orientation

I am developing a PhoneGap app for iPads with a landscape-only orientation and I have run into a problem that I can't seem to figure out. In the app is a feature that allows you to take a photo of a customer. If you take and crop the photo in landscape mode, it looks like it tries to change the orientation of the app to portrait (I get a black bar on the right side). However, if you take and crop the photo in portrait mode, the app stays in landscape. You can even take the photo in landscape and crop it in portrait and the app will maintain its landscape orientation. I now assume that the problem lies in whatever happens when I click "Use" in the crop screen (Move and Scale screen). Does anyone know what could be causing this or how to fix it? Thanks.

Twitter bootstrap for the ipad landscape collapse bar

I am building a website using the twitter bootstrap base so that i can have a site that works on the ipad and also touch phone devices.
So far my site looks great in all browsers, PC ipad and phone however ipad only works fine in portrait. When in portrait it has the lovely button in the corner which opens the expanding menu.
I want this to work on the landscape one too but can't seem to get it to work.
Could someone please advise me whereabouts in the CSS I need to look and also if possible what screen size I am looking for to make the collapse bar appear in landscape.
Answering my own question.
Just incase anyone else has the same problem:
iPad screen resolution is 1024 x 768 so in landscape mode it renders like a full web page.
There are ways to overcome this by detecting the device's browser user agent.
For more information see this:Checking iPad user agent
