Did anybody worked with sonar in Pioneer 3dx robot.
I wanted to know the sonar sensor model parameters,which work well.
I searched and got laser model parameter from ros but i didnt get for sonar :(
Following the tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndvwDFi-I3I, I have been trying to set up a multi-robot slam simulation using turtlebot 3. I am running ROS neotic on ubuntu 20.04.
Currently, I am getting the error "no map received" in rviz
shown here.
Some changes I have made are to add some static transform publishers, to multi_map_merge.launch to fix another error, "no transform from to map" and to edit the topic name of base_scan in turtlebot3_waffle.gazebo.xacro from scan to /scan to fix the "For frame [base_scan]: Frame [base_scan] does not exist", which removed the error from laser_scan in rviz.
the "no map received error" has been present in rviz with both the errors above and has not appeared since solving them.
here is my tf tree from tf view_frames, part1, part2.
The robot state publisher section is identical for all 3 robots and all are connected to base_footprint.
Here is my rqt graph as well.
From the above graphs, I think the problem lies with the /scan topic, in the rqt graph the scan topic for each robot is not receiving data from gazebo, when running slam for one robot the rqt graph, has gazebo publishing to /scan, and using rostopic info /scan is receiving data in my multi slam simulation however the "robotnamespace"/scan topics are not. however, I am new to ros and am unsure if this is the cause of the problem or not.
I am unsure how to proceed in fixing this error, and any help would be appreciated.
We are using the quarkus-jacoco extension (version 2.4.2) in order to collect code coverage during tests. The problem we are facing is that it works unreliable. Most of the times, the coverage is recorded correctly but sometimes there is 0% coverage and the jacoco.xml files are not created at all. They are simply missing. No warning and errors are printed. If you run the very same process again coverage collection works perfectly.
Did anyone experience a similar issue? Is there any debugging we can turn on in order to track down the problem? Unfortunately the Maven output does not show any indication about Jacoco operations at all.
I am using Martin Peris code for 3D reconstruction using OpenCV and PCL (link below):
Trouble point:
I am having trouble with the final step in viewing the 3D reconstruction in the "3D viewer" window. I am getting a perfect disparity image as shown in the blog but my final reconstruction image looks like this:
You can compare this with the one which is shown in the video link given in that blog.
Things that I have tried:
Checked if all the required libraries are installed. I believe otherwise the code wouldn't compile and give me any results.
Checked if I have a graphics support on my machine:
$lspci | grep VGA
09:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation G71GL [Quadro FX 3500] (rev a1)
My doubts:
If there is some library missing for OpenGL or OpenCV or PCL which is making the 3D reconstruction window suffer.
The controversial reprojectImageTo3D() function in OpenCV which is also used in the code by Martin Peris.
Some other reason that one of you could help me with ;-)
Other details:
Ubuntu Version : 12.04
OpenCV Version : 2.3.1-7
Any suggestions would really be helpful!
It was actually a driver issue with my graphics card. To solve it I wiped off the currently installed driver and then re-installed an updated one and that worked like a charm.
Details of this solution I have posted on the PCL mailing list as I didn't wanted to repeat myself here.
enter link description here
I hope this helps.
I am trying to develop a project that involves fingerprint matching. Now, I am stuck at the stage of Fingerprint thinning. I am coding my project using OpenCV and c++ Visual Studio 2010.
I tried erode() function, but it doesn't preserve the continuity of ridge lines. I also tried the following algorithm of Zhang-Suen thinning,
but, this shows an exception at memory location. I don't know how to proceed and i am stuck with this step.
Kindly help me with the code for fingerprint thinning + also preserving continuity of ridges.
If you're just looking for a code example of extraction, SourceAFIS (BSD License) goes from full greyscale to binarized and thinned with some artifact trimming as well and then identifies minutia. It's written in c# but it might give you some bright ideas.
Sonar is an application for integrating output from several static and test analysis tools into a comprehensive overview of the software's quality.
Unfortunately, most of those analysis tools (PDM, FindBugs, etc.) do not support Groovy and, by extension, Grails.
We've found tools called CodeNarc and GMetrics which perform some of the analysis, but not test coverage, and we're working on a Sonar plugin to import the CodeNarc output. As I said, though, this is incomplete.
Does anyone know of a better set of complexity/rules-based static analysis tools that can handle Groovy, as well as a Grails test coverage metric? Of course, one with a Sonar plugin for reading in the output would be best.
Just use Sonar Groovy Plugin!
It leverages GMetrics, Codenarc and Cobertura in Sonar!
Here are the tools I'm aware of (and just aware):
There is CodeNarc that you mentioned.
There is also GMetrics.
And Grails has a Test Code Coverage Plugin.
But nothing ready to be used with Sonar AFAIK. I'm watching SONARPLUGINS-194 about this but there isn't much activity although some work has been reported very recently, maybe be you :)