Implementing Autocomplete in iOS - ios

I am creating an application where I need to implement autocompletion when a user is typing into an text input, with the 10 nearest/highest ranking words appearing below the text field.
I've been given a fairly big list of around 80,000 words and their respective 'priority' - a number which determines how high up they appear in the autocomplete depending on the size of the number, like this:
"transport international";19205
"location de voitures";18160
I am kinda new to iOS development and was wondering what is the best way to do this - should I split the 80,000 phrases into smaller files, or just keep it in one? What would be faster?
I have seen autocompletion used in an example for iOS but it was for a very small amount of suggestions - I haven't seen it done using a file this large before, and obviously I would like to make it as fast as possible for added user experience.
Any suggestions as to examples, tutorials or code suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

If you prefer something that does autocomplete but is a direct subclass of UITextField, then MLPAutoCompleteTextField may be of interest to you.
MLPAutoCompleteTextField works by simply asking its autocomplete datasource for an array of autocomplete suggestions each time the text in the textfield changes. It can even automatically sort words so that the ones closest to what the user is typing will appear at the top of the autocomplete list (using a Levenshtein Distance algorithm). Autocomplete suggestions can be simple strings, or objects that implement MLPAutoCompletionObject protocol.
Tip: For a large dataset of autocomplete terms, you'll probably want to break up your list based on starting letters. (Example: When the user enters the letter F, you give the autocomplete textfield only a list of words that start with F.)
MLPAutoCompleteTextField can efficiently sort several thousand suggestions in a reasonable amount of time, and will never block the UI while it sorts.
At the moment, weighted suggestions (that override the default sorting) aren't possible but it's a planned feature.

You may want to use this repo HTAutocompleteTextField, perfect solution.
Just conform TRAutocompleteItemsSource protocol and that's it. Protocol is designed with async support in mind. Demo app and sample TRGoogleMapsAutocompleteItemsSource should greatly help you with it.

This link worked well for me. Depending on your code, just don't miss the difference between UITextField and UITextView.
No extra libraries, just an easy custom UITableView and search function.


How to handle homophones in speech recognition?

For those who are not familiar with what a homophone is, I provide the following examples:
our & are
hi & high
to & too & two
While using the Speech API included with iOS, I am encountering situations where a user may say one of these words, but it will not always return the word I want.
I looked into the [alternativeSubstrings] (link) property wondering if this would help, but in my testing of the above words, it always comes back empty.
I also looked into the Natural Language API, but could not find anything in there that looked useful.
I understand that as a user adds more words, the Speech API can begin to infer context and correct for these, but my use case will not work well with this since it will often only want one or two words at most, limiting the effectiveness of context.
An example of contextual processing:
Using the words above on their own, I get these results:
However, if I put together the following sentence, you can see they are all wrong:
I am too high for our ladder
Ideally, I would either get a list back containing [are, our], [to, too, two], [hi, high] for each transcription segment, or would have a way to compare a string against a function that supports homophones.
An example of this would be:
if myDetectedWord == "to" then { ... }
Where myDetectedWord can be [to, too, two], and this function would return true for each of these.
This is a common NLP dilemma, and I'm not so sure what might be your desired output in this application. However, you may want to bypass this problem in your design/architecture process, if possible and if you could. Otherwise, this problem is to turn into a challenge.
Being said that, if you wish to really get into it, I like this idea of yours:
string against a function
This might be more efficient and performance friendly.
One way, I'd be liking to solve this problem would be though RegEx processing, instead of using endless loops and arrays. You could maybe prototype loops and arrays to begin with and see how it works, then you might want to use regular expression for gaining performance.
You could for instance define fixed arrays in regular expressions and quickly check against your string (word by word, maybe using back-referencing) and you can add many boundaries in your expressions for string processing, as you wish.
Your fixed arrays also can be designed based on probabilities of occurring certain words in certain part of a string. For instance,
The probability of I being the first word is much higher than that of eye.
The probability of I in any part of a string is higher than that of eye, also.
You might want to weight words based on that.
I'd say the key would be that you'd narrow down your desired outputs as focused as possible and increase accuracy, [maybe even with 100 words if possible], if you wish to have a good/working application.
Good project though, I hope you like/enjoy the challenge.

Validate User Inputted Text is Family-Friendly

I'm working on an iOS app that involves user input, and I'd like to keep it kid-friendly. One of the main features of the app is that user inputted titles and phrases can be shown to everyone who uses the app.
When a user creates a new title I want to verify that it is safe-for-work. My initial thought was just to have a list of all profane words and verify that none of them exist in the title:
for bad_word in list_of_bad_words:
if bad_word in user_inputted_title:
// Complain to user!
// Title is okay.
I imagine that there must be libraries or best practices for doing this. People could easily substitute numbers for letters, and I'm sure there are sequences of SFW words that create inappropriate phrases.
Can anyone suggest a better way of doing this? Specifically, if there are any Swift tools that would be awesome!
There are some cocoapods for this:
I haven't used either of these personally, but I hope these can be a good starting point. The first one replaces any profanity with asterisks, and the second can give you the range of the profanity so you can replace it with your own filler. Good luck.

Accessing text in a text field

I'm a student using Xcode 6 and what I need to know is how the user can type input and then I can use that input in a formula. For instance:
The user inputs 5 in one field, 7 in another and 9 and a third and then I use these three numbers in a math formula to return a value. The formula could be something like: 9/7/5 = 0.25
I'm new to programming with Swift, and I have been searching the web for an answer and I somehow can't find what I'm looking for although it's a relatively simple concept. Code examples are definitely preferred and greatly appreciated.
It is quite simple. All you need to do is get the input values using the text property of UITextField like textField1.text
For more info refer to

mobile input number without triggering the digit keyboard

In my mobile application I would like to provide an efficient way to enter digit but without triggering the digit keyboard...
In my idea I would like to display 2 big digits and slide on it in order to increase/decrease the value
a bit like the 2 last left items that
I didn't find something that fits my needs in polymer element core/paper.
I saw that paper slider
is great for little value but greater than 20 it's not easy to use
Do you guys know a lib or something ? thank you !
to be more precise, < input type="time"> is what I would like in terms of design :)
Checkout this component it's pretty good and it works well with the latest version of polymer (0.5.1)
It fits Google's material design specifications.
I have used it after some modifications.
Here is a live demo.

iOS DDMathParser Get Any Occurrences of (...) In String

I am using DDMathParser in my app, and have recently come across the need to get occurrences of any group of numbers within a () parentheses bracket thingy (very highly technical!). For example, I would need to get (6+5) out of 6+7/8(6+5). Specifically, I would like to be able to do this so that I can make (56+9)sqrt compile just as well as sqrt(56+9). Any help?
P.S. I know that the maker of DDMathParser is often sighted in this neck of the woods. I am secretly hoping that he will come to the rescue and either fix my problem so I can implement it myself or him make it part of DDMathParser! :)
So, I've thought a lot about this question since you posted it a month ago. From what I understand, you're constructing a string as the user clicks/taps buttons.
I think this is your problem.
As the user taps buttons, you should be constructing (or modifying) DDExpression objects. This is the "pure" format of a math expression, whereas a string is lossy and difficult to manipulate. The string you show to the user should be generated from the DDExpression tree you're building.
This is a complex problem, and I'm still not entirely sure how I would go about implementing this, but this is the root of how I'd do it. I would not just construct a string based on what the user types.
