please can you explainme what does this code do?
resources :products do
get :who_bought, :on => :member
the code complete is from the book pragmatig programing, but it not explain why we use that code, ":on => :member""
Depot::Application.routes.draw do
resources :orders
resources :line_items
post 'line_items/decrease'
resources :carts
get "store/index"
resources :products do
get :who_bought, :on => :member
root :to => 'store#index', :as => 'store'
passing :on => :member means that you are working on a specific record in the database, in this case products. so the url that route generates is
which means that you want the get the product whose id is :id and process the who_bought action. the counterpart, :on => :collection, expects the action to work on a list of products so the url will look like
if you change member to collection. you can see that the route doesn't require an :id passed because it doesn't expect you to work on a single record.
Consider this in routes.rb
resource :places do
resource :people
get 'search'
When I do this in browser:
It gives me invalid id for place error.
I'm looking to do this without using a "match"
You need to specify that the get applies to the collection:
resource :places do
resource :people
get 'search', :on => :collection
See the documentation on collection routes for details.
resources :places do
resources :people
get 'search', :on => :collection
I have a page /sessions that displays a form.
I want to to post to itself and then display the results.
My routes currently look like this
namespace :api do
namespace :v1 do
resources :users do
match :all_users, :on => :collection, :as => "/users"
resources :sessions, :only => [ :index ]
resources :user_info do
match :user_info, :on => :collection
resources :user_schedule do
match :user_schedule, :on => :collection
so sessions now only shows the index, but I want it to respond to both get and post requests, and display my json results if it is a post request.
Eventually I'd like all other routes to follow the same
resource :sessions
Singular. That creates singular resources, as explained in here
You still go to the different actions in the controller depending on the http method, so you can choose what to render in each case.
I keep getting strange errors because of the way my routes.rb file is organized. The latest one is that some function cannot find action "show" in model Relations controller (the action is obviously there). I guess this is because I am adding some custom actions via collection and something about the order in which the routes are declared is messed up.. Can somebody please have a look at this and say what is wrong?
YApp::Application.routes.draw do
require 'resque/server'
match 'login' => 'user_sessions#new', :as => :login
match 'logout' => 'user_sessions#destroy', :as => :logout
match '/get_idx', :to => 'nodes#get_idx'
resource :relations do
collection do
post 'this_relation'
post "iframize"
resource :words do
get 'page/:page', :action => :index, :on => :collection
collection do
get 'front'
get 'index'
resource :recommendations do
collection do
get 'find_votes'
get "connotation/create"
get "connotation/edit"
get "connotation/update"
root :to => "words#front", :as => :homepage
resources :users, :user_sessions, :relations, :evaluation, :phrases, :metawords, :nodes, :recommendations, :words
mount, :at => "/resque"
match 'about' => 'words#index' , :as => :about
match 'contact' => 'keywords#index' , :as => :contact
You might have an issue with resource :relations. Rule of thumb is: if you use the plural resources, then the name of the resource must also be plural (i.e. :relations), if you use resource, in singular, than you should use singular for the resource name too (i.e. :relation).
Other possible problems: your indentation is off. Maybe it's just a copy-paste issue, but check it nonetheless, because you might have some unexpected nesting going on.
Also inspect rake routes CONTROLLER=relations. Compare that to the log of the failed request and see if every parameter matches up.
i have probably a simple question. I have created a namespace panel with categories controller.
After creating or editing a category, rails redirects me to instead of
I've noticed that in the _form view, the #panel_categories argument of form_for() function points to /categories nor /panel/categories and that's causing this behaviour. Offcourse i can add a :url => '/panel/categories' param but i feel that it's not the best solution...
Can you provide me any better solution?
Thanks in advance
Photowall::Application.routes.draw do
resources :photos
resources :categories
resources :fields
resources :users, :user_sessions
match 'login' => 'user_sessions#new', :as => :login
match 'logout' => 'user_sessions#destroy', :as => :logout
namespace :panel do
root :to => "photos#index"
resources :users, :photos, :categories, :fields
namespace :admin do
root :to => "users#index"
resources :users, :photos, :categories, :fields
model is the default one
form_for [:panel, #panel_category]
You can set the url to a route such as:
:url => panel_categories_path
I'm not sure what your route is, but this should work with your application.
map.resource :basket, :collection => { :checkout => :post }
The above does not work for a resource, as you would expect since basket is a resource (ie. singular) not resources, so there is no concept of a collection, everything should be scoped to the current_user. In this case User has_one Basket.
However I would like to specify a custom route without having to resort to adding another line in routes, eg:
map.checkout 'basket/checkout', :controller => 'baskets', :action => 'checkout'
Is this possible?
Of course my other option is to add a checkouts controller.
Just use :member option instead of :collection:
map.resource :basket, :member => {:checkout => :post}
If the basket is scoped to the user I'd make it a nested resource:
map.resources :users do |users|
users.resource :basket, :member => { :checkout => :post }
... or in Rails 3 ...
resources :users do
resource :basket do
post :checkout, :on => :member
This way you'll be able to scope the basket to the user who's checking out. The URL will end up looking like this:
You also get the nicely worded named route 'checkout_user_basket'.