We want a nice list of events pulling from Eventbrite - eventbrite

I'm new to Eventbrite. I would like to list out events from Eventbrite using the event_search() method. I am using the following url and the user api key (https://www.eventbrite.com/userkeyapi):
But I got an error message like
<error><error_message>This application key is not valid.</error_message> <error_type>Application Key Error</error_type></error>.

You need an API key, not a user key - see http://developer.eventbrite.com/doc/authentication/

You can get your events list from Eventbrite using the "organizer_list_events" method.
https://www.eventbrite.com/xml/organizer_list_events?app_key={your applicaton key}&id={your id}. I got My Events list successfully with this method.

You can get your events list from Eventbrite using the "organizer_list_events" method.
https://www.eventbrite.com/xml/organizer_list_events?app_key={your applicaton key}&id={your id}. I got My Events list successfully with this method.
This code is not working


Getting ErrorItemNotFound

I am using graph api for outlook calendars.
Frequently I am getting ({"error":{"code":"ErrorItemNotFound","message":"The specified object was not found in the store.","innerError":{"date":"2022-10-06T04:31:59","request-id":"e1682a2b-eeed-4f34-9c55-218f5af8e83c","client-request-id":"e1682a2b-eeed-4f34-9c55-218f5af8e83c"}}})
The call I am making is
event_id is the id I get in request ["resourceData"]["id"] from outlook push notification.
Please help.
When we tried to repo the same ,the API is working fine , could you please try to get list to events Fist with API - https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/events , then try to select the available id , and then try with https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/events/{event_id}?$select=subject,body,bodyPreview,start,end,recurrence,showAs
Note: In your URL ,you added # before event_id , i am assuming that was just a typo , make sure you are calling the correct API
Hope this helps

Microsoft Graph API GET onlineMeeting via joinUrl

Current using Microsoft Graph API v1.0 to create onlineMeetings via POST /me/events. Reason being, if you create an onlineMeeting directly and add a user in the meeting, it doesn't create a calendar event.
The params I use for that call is:
:isOnlineMeeting => true,
:onlineMeetingProvider => "teamsForBusiness"
Which works great and returns a joinUrl under onlineMeetings.
However, I'd like to pull attendance data from the GET onlineMeeting route to get attendance information since the attendees section of the event only seems to return users that were added to the actual event, not who attended the actual onlineMeeting.
I have tried doing a get request like such:
but the response says it's not a valid filter.
Any guidance would be appreciated.
Posting the Answer for better knowledge
Copying from #Shiva Keshav Varma comments
Try it in beta version
You can also get the attendeereport using beta/users/{userId}/onlineMeetings/{meetingId}/attendeeReport as specified in the document.

Is it possible to get a single event's originalStart with Graph API?

I'm working with Microsoft's Graph API for Outlook calendar events, and I need to fetch the originalStart for exceptions to recurring events on a calendar.
When fetching events using the List events function, I am provided with the events' original start dates, but when I grab a single event using the Get event function, the object returned has no originalStart.
I do receive the event's originalStartTimeZone and originalEndTimeZone, but the original start date is simply missing.
The event resource lists this as a property for events, so I would expect it to be showing up. Any way to get this event without grabbing the entire list of events anew?
I ve checked and confirm originalStart is missing or giving null value. You can look over there as the issue is already known : https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/issues/4353
I am able to get the originalStart by specifying it in the select query parameter:

Office 365 - Filter on expanded messages

Thanks to How do I retrieve the event for an eventMessage we've sucessfully retrieve now the events in our inbox on o365.
Now our problem is that we want to show the user only events to which he hasn't responded. We've tried things like:
But without success, we still get accepted events. If we try to put it outside in a filter
we get an error like "message": "The query filter contains one or more invalid nodes."
Is there an easy way to achieve that without a filtering inside the application?
It seems that ResponseStatus/Response is marked as not filterable, so this cannot be achieved in this fashion

verifying a single attendee with email

Is there a method to return a specific attendee's information by sending:
1) the attendee's email address
2) my user_key
3) my app_key
I could do this by searching the returned xml from this "event_list_attendees" method, however, I would prefer to only receive the one result (not hundreds for each call).
Note: I work on the platform team at Eventbrite
Currently there is no way to search for a specific attendee with event_list_attendees.
However, you can cut down on the amount of data returned by paging through the results until you have found the attendee or using the modified_after parameter if you know when the user was last updated: http://developer.eventbrite.com/doc/events/event_list_attendees/
I realize this limitation is non-ideal. We're actively working on building a new API which is more RESTful and does not have issues like this.
