jQuery.mobile.splitview popup positioning - jquery-mobile

I am using the splitview plugin of jQuery.mobile jQuery Mobile - Splitview . I am using jQuery.mobile popups as context menus which are fired on taphold event. Right now I am opening popus by
where myPopup is popup defined in HTML.
In this way I can open popup, but I can not position the popup to the position of tap. Does anyone have an idea?
Something like
$( ".selector" ).popup( "open", {x:event.pageX, y: event.pageY} );
does not work because of splitview plugin. Without this plugin it works perfectly.
(and of coarse, I know, that taphold event does not contain information about position, that was just an example. I tried it also with pure numbers and it does not work either)

Well, my solution is not beautiful, but it works. In HTML file I defined new DIV and before opening context menu I position it.
position: "absolute",
top: contextMenuTapY,
left: contextMenuTapX
Then I open the context menu relatively to this DIV


How to Fix JQuery UI Autocomplete in Combination with Touch Punch?

Selection of words in an autocomplete input field (within a dialog) is not working properly when using JQuery UI in combination with Touch Punch. It seems to work if the autocomplete field is directly on the HTML page, but not in a dialog.
Note that selection by mouse is working perfectly in all cases, but selection by touch (i.e. on mobile device) not.
I have reduced the whole case to a few lines of HTML and JavaScript code.
Once with JQuery UI Touch Punch, once without JQuery UI Touch Punch.
I am able to reproduce the error with all combinations of browser and OS, e.g. Chrome on an iPhone, Chrome on an Android mobile as well as with Safari on an iPad,
Would be nice if somebody knows a workaround.
I think this behavior is a result of the fact that on one the one hand Touch Punch developers are not that smart and on the other hand jQuery UI seems to be not very cooperative with Touch Punch.
There are two ways how mouse event might be triggered:
browser might simulate click events after touch events
some library might simulate click events after touch events
Your example without Touch Punch works because mobile browsers currently simulate click events.
So how Touch Punch works and how it messes things up? If you look at the source code https://github.com/furf/jquery-ui-touch-punch/blob/master/jquery.ui.touch-punch.js you'll see that it wraps $.ui.mouse.prototype._mouseInit with its own code and the main intention is to attach various touch-related listeners for all widgets that inherit $.ui.mouse. So far so good. But what exactly those listeners do? The _touchStart handler runs a check using $.ui.mouse internal API:
to check if it needs to simulate mouse events. The logic is: if there is no click handler in the widget, there is no need to simulate click. It looks OK at the first glance but what's going wrong? The autocomplete widget puts its dropdown menu to the outside context of the containing dialog and thus touch events on the menu items actually hit listeners registered by touch-punch for the dialog (or rather for its draggable and resizable sub-components). But the dialog subcomponents have no click listeners and thus events are not simulated by the library. Moreover, draggable in your version (see https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/blob/1-11-stable/ui/draggable.js) calls
this._blurActiveElement( event );
unconditionally and this seems to stop browser from generating mouse events. So now neither browser nor library simulate click event.
It seems that in the development branch of jQuery UI the bug is fixed https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/commit/8c66934434214ab92cbcf46240beb739154fdfbf but for a bit different reason. This fix seems to be available in the jQuery UI 1.12.1 but not in your 1.12.0
So the simplest solution seems to be to upgrade jQuery UI to 1.12.1
See working demo with jQuery UI 1.12.1 at https://jsfiddle.net/cjvgv102/1/ and http://jsfiddle.net/cjvgv102/1/embedded/result/
Ugly hack (stop here unless you really have to)
If for some reasons you can't upgrade jQuery UI, you can do a hack by explicitly creating a fake mouse object on the dropdown and calling its _mouseInit so event will not be handled by dialog's sub-components.
$( "#demoDlg" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Close": function() {
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
open: function(event, ui) {
$( "#words" ).autocomplete({
source: ["these", "are", "some", "words"]
// super-hack
$( "#words" ).autocomplete("instance").menu.element.mouse().mouse("instance")._mouseInit();
See full demo at

Redactor - input elements in "insert link" dialog cannot get focus

I am trying to do something similar to what this page is doing.
The only difference is that the jQuery UI dialog I use is modal.
I tried editing the script in the page to make the jQuery UI dialog modal.
modal: true, // added this line to make dialog modal
width: 600,
height: 400,
open: function(event, ui)
var textarea = $('<textarea style="height: 276px;">');
focus: true,
maxHeight: 300,
initCallback: function()
I then clicked on the insert link button(the 3rd button from the right in the toolbar). This shows another jQuery UI modal dialog with a form.
I noticed that I cannot get the focus of the text fields. I cannot type anything into them.
The code works fine if I don't make the the first dialog modal.
Any idea how to circumvent this?
I ran into the same problem. This behavior is a result of jQuery UI handling focusin.dialog event on the document, and putting the focus back to the last jQuery UI dialog in the stack (using selector ".ui-dialog:visible:last"). I solved the problem by calling this code right after my modal dialog was created:
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
I used setTimeout, because jQuery UI also uses setTimeout to bind this event. I was able to fix it thanks to this answer: jQuery UI Focus Stealing. I also tried upgrading to jQuery UI 1.11.4 but that does not solve the problem.

jQuery Dialog not visible in Safari while it has z-index?

We have a very jQuery/Javascript heavy web app with jQuery Dialogs in use all over the place, but one particular dialog is having issues in Safari on Windows. It's created like so:
close: stateObject.DeviceOptions.dispatchPin_dispose,
resizable: false,
width: 613,
height: 467,
dialogClass: 'dialog-window-alertedit',
show: 'fade',
hide: 'fade',
open: stateObject.DeviceOptions.RefreshSelection
We don't do anything special for this dialog than any other dialog. This dialog exhibits weird behavior:
It's not visible
It still intercepts clicks
It's still draggable if you can find the title bar
It has a really high z-index (10,000+)
If I remove the z-index, the dialog will display. I've tested that with the developer tools. I don't know what is setting the z-index and I'm not sure how to unset it. As long as the z-index is present, regardless what the value of it is, it won't display. It works fine in every other browser.
For anybody running into this problem:
I don't know why, and kudos to anybody who can explain it, but adding:
z-index: auto important;
To the dialog's class (in my example dialog-window-alertedit) fixes the issue for me. What's strange is that Safari continues to report that the z-index is 10,000+ but my dialog is displaying so I'm calling it close enough.

jquery ui dialog and our dearest friend, ie6

I'm using the jquery ui dialog for a modal popup dialog. It's working great in Firefox/Chrome but terrible in ie6.
When I show the dialog in ie6, the browser window grows and automatically scrolls down to the bottom. The height increase and automatic scroll-down is equal to the height of the jquery dialog.
I can scroll up and then use the dialog as normal, but the behavior where it grows the window and drops is maddeningly unacceptable.
Here is how I'm launching the window:
<div id="dialogWindow"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
var $dialog = $("#dialogWindow").dialog({
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
minWidth: 560,
width: 560,
resizable: "true",
position: "top"
$('.addButton').click(function(e) {
I am already using the bgiframe plugin for jquery which is key for ie6 overlay issues. But this seems unrelated to that. Has anyone seen this before and found a work around?
I've seen this behavior before and it is usually caused by the overlay. When you use the {modal: true} option an overlay is created and rendered with bgiframe support if the plug-in is loaded.
First off, try turning {modal: false} and see if you aren't getting page blow-out then we know it's the overlay.
there are a few things to check if that is the culprit;
check that the styles for the overlay are loading correctly, you'll need to include the jquery-ui dialog.css
try experimenting with position: and float: styles
try moving your dialog markup just above the < / body> tag, allowing the modal overlay to escape correctly.
I had a similar problem at one point.
$('.addButton').click(function(e) {
var y = window.pageYOffset;
var x = window.pageXOffset
window.scrollTo(x, y); // horizontal and vertical scroll targets
What the above should do is grab your current scroll coordinates and saves them. Once the dialog opens you then scroll back to the prior position in memory. Should be near instant and unseen by the user.

JQuery UI Dialog Issue: Close removes the div

I want to show a popup screen on my page using JQuery UI Dialog widget.
To implement this I have a <div class="popup-placeholder"> on my page. Actually there are more than one on the page (If this makes a difference to the solution)
On click of a button, I am initializing the dialog and 'open'ing it. The initialization of the popup is inside the action click because it is supposed to make an Ajax call to get the content of the popup. (I tried taking the initialization out of the click event, but that did not work $('div.popup-placeholder').dialog(); )
var popupContext = $('#' + contextControl.id + ' > .popup-placeholder');
bgiframe: true,
modal: true,
autoOpen: false,
closeOnEscape: false,
dialogClass: '',
draggable: true,
position: 'center',
resizable: false,
width: 600
On click of the action button, the form shows and does what it is supposed to.
Now, I have a close link on the popup WHICH IS NOT A DIALOG BUTTON, but just another link with an event binded to it.
It does this...
where #popup-placeholder-61 is the same as $(popupContext)
The problem I am facing now is that, on close of the popup, the same action button does not show the popup again. The issues seems to be that the <div class="popup-placeholder"> has been removed from the mark-up.
I tried the solutions on the following page but did not help -
Jquery Dialog Close on StackOverflow
So, I need more help
After struggling a bit, i came up with a best solution. Please use below line instead of dialog('close')
This will allow div to retain its position
My issue has been resolved, but I will be looking into why my earlier approach did not work.
What I was doing earlier was that I had multiple place-holders with different IDs, and I was making only one of them the dialog. I used some Jquery selectors to select the appropriate div for the dialog box and had issues as described above.
The only change I did now is that I have a single div which acts as the placeholder. And that now works. It also initialized fine outside my event.
So, maybe it was something to do with my selectors? I will try more and if I find something will post it as a follow up.
Try taking the initialization code out of the click event it may be that by trying to rebind everything again it's failing to pop the dialog open with the second click ... I had a similar problem which I "resolved" by creating the the markup for the dialog every time the dialog was to be opened.
The ajax bit of your problem is not hold back for you to take the initialization out of the click event, just load your ajax content on the click event and show the dialog with dialog('open').
The main problem was that I was looking for the dialog div in the wrong place.
See this post for more details ...
Jquery Dialog - div disappears after initialization
