jquery ui dialog and our dearest friend, ie6 - jquery-ui

I'm using the jquery ui dialog for a modal popup dialog. It's working great in Firefox/Chrome but terrible in ie6.
When I show the dialog in ie6, the browser window grows and automatically scrolls down to the bottom. The height increase and automatic scroll-down is equal to the height of the jquery dialog.
I can scroll up and then use the dialog as normal, but the behavior where it grows the window and drops is maddeningly unacceptable.
Here is how I'm launching the window:
<div id="dialogWindow"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
var $dialog = $("#dialogWindow").dialog({
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
minWidth: 560,
width: 560,
resizable: "true",
position: "top"
$('.addButton').click(function(e) {
I am already using the bgiframe plugin for jquery which is key for ie6 overlay issues. But this seems unrelated to that. Has anyone seen this before and found a work around?

I've seen this behavior before and it is usually caused by the overlay. When you use the {modal: true} option an overlay is created and rendered with bgiframe support if the plug-in is loaded.
First off, try turning {modal: false} and see if you aren't getting page blow-out then we know it's the overlay.
there are a few things to check if that is the culprit;
check that the styles for the overlay are loading correctly, you'll need to include the jquery-ui dialog.css
try experimenting with position: and float: styles
try moving your dialog markup just above the < / body> tag, allowing the modal overlay to escape correctly.

I had a similar problem at one point.
$('.addButton').click(function(e) {
var y = window.pageYOffset;
var x = window.pageXOffset
window.scrollTo(x, y); // horizontal and vertical scroll targets
What the above should do is grab your current scroll coordinates and saves them. Once the dialog opens you then scroll back to the prior position in memory. Should be near instant and unseen by the user.


Redactor - input elements in "insert link" dialog cannot get focus

I am trying to do something similar to what this page is doing.
The only difference is that the jQuery UI dialog I use is modal.
I tried editing the script in the page to make the jQuery UI dialog modal.
modal: true, // added this line to make dialog modal
width: 600,
height: 400,
open: function(event, ui)
var textarea = $('<textarea style="height: 276px;">');
focus: true,
maxHeight: 300,
initCallback: function()
I then clicked on the insert link button(the 3rd button from the right in the toolbar). This shows another jQuery UI modal dialog with a form.
I noticed that I cannot get the focus of the text fields. I cannot type anything into them.
The code works fine if I don't make the the first dialog modal.
Any idea how to circumvent this?
I ran into the same problem. This behavior is a result of jQuery UI handling focusin.dialog event on the document, and putting the focus back to the last jQuery UI dialog in the stack (using selector ".ui-dialog:visible:last"). I solved the problem by calling this code right after my modal dialog was created:
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
I used setTimeout, because jQuery UI also uses setTimeout to bind this event. I was able to fix it thanks to this answer: jQuery UI Focus Stealing. I also tried upgrading to jQuery UI 1.11.4 but that does not solve the problem.

jQuery.mobile.splitview popup positioning

I am using the splitview plugin of jQuery.mobile jQuery Mobile - Splitview . I am using jQuery.mobile popups as context menus which are fired on taphold event. Right now I am opening popus by
where myPopup is popup defined in HTML.
In this way I can open popup, but I can not position the popup to the position of tap. Does anyone have an idea?
Something like
$( ".selector" ).popup( "open", {x:event.pageX, y: event.pageY} );
does not work because of splitview plugin. Without this plugin it works perfectly.
(and of coarse, I know, that taphold event does not contain information about position, that was just an example. I tried it also with pure numbers and it does not work either)
Well, my solution is not beautiful, but it works. In HTML file I defined new DIV and before opening context menu I position it.
position: "absolute",
top: contextMenuTapY,
left: contextMenuTapX
Then I open the context menu relatively to this DIV

Cannot scroll iframe in jquery ui dialog on ipad

I have a web-application which was originally designed to be used from standard desktops and laptops, now I am trying to see if it can work "as is" also on tablets.
I tried it on an iPad 2, and I fould one major problem: the application makes heavy use of dialogs, created using jQuery UI 1.8.22, which are used as "popup", that is, each dialog contains an iframe, and when the content overflows the dialog size the vertical scrollbar appears, but I'm unable to scroll the iframe content 'cause it will always scroll the main page content.
How could this problem be solved? Do you think it is an issue with my application or with the iPad browser itself?
If it can be of any use, I'll post the code which creates the dialogs themselves, for now just let me say that, when navigated using a standard computer, there are absolutely no scrolling problems.
I just created this fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/MLGku/1/ which shows how we create such popups, I tried the fiddle with the iPad and in fact I cannot scroll the iframe content, I'd be very grateful for any help you'd be able to give me.
In the end I've been able to solve the problem by using this snipped of code:
if (/iPhone|iPod|iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
$('iframe').wrap(function() {
var $this = $(this);
return $('<div />').css({
width: $this.attr('width'),
height: $this.attr('height'),
overflow: 'auto',
'-webkit-overflow-scrolling': 'touch'
The code above was found here: http://home.jejaju.com/play/iframe-scroll.html

jQuery Dialog not visible in Safari while it has z-index?

We have a very jQuery/Javascript heavy web app with jQuery Dialogs in use all over the place, but one particular dialog is having issues in Safari on Windows. It's created like so:
close: stateObject.DeviceOptions.dispatchPin_dispose,
resizable: false,
width: 613,
height: 467,
dialogClass: 'dialog-window-alertedit',
show: 'fade',
hide: 'fade',
open: stateObject.DeviceOptions.RefreshSelection
We don't do anything special for this dialog than any other dialog. This dialog exhibits weird behavior:
It's not visible
It still intercepts clicks
It's still draggable if you can find the title bar
It has a really high z-index (10,000+)
If I remove the z-index, the dialog will display. I've tested that with the developer tools. I don't know what is setting the z-index and I'm not sure how to unset it. As long as the z-index is present, regardless what the value of it is, it won't display. It works fine in every other browser.
For anybody running into this problem:
I don't know why, and kudos to anybody who can explain it, but adding:
z-index: auto important;
To the dialog's class (in my example dialog-window-alertedit) fixes the issue for me. What's strange is that Safari continues to report that the z-index is 10,000+ but my dialog is displaying so I'm calling it close enough.

Is possible to use iscroll in dialog popup?

I am working for mobile app. I am showing popup with content, If content is too long i feel to use scroll. Is possible to use iscroll in dialog popup?
$('#checkout').click(function() {
var jqxhr = $.post("/app/Trip/checkout", {
}, function(missing_info) {
$('#checkout').simpledialog( {
'mode': 'blank',
'prompt': false,
'forceInput': false,
'useModal': true,
'fullHTML': missing_info
I am getting popup with content but don't know how to implement iscroll in dialog. isroll for normal div working fine for me. This popup is jQuery mobile simple dialog. Anyone can help me?
yes of course you can use iscroll for a pop up div but that popup should be nested under a parent which should be a direct child of a body. set no styles for the parent and then take the id of popup and set iscroll once content is added.
var tempscroll;
tempscroll = new iScroll('id_of_popup');
