track visitors data on a website ruby rails? - ruby-on-rails

I want to track the information of a user , which pages the user visited, which ip from to a website using ruby on rails, how should I start with ? good sources to study for web visitor tracking program I m a newbie to ruby/rails

If you want more in-depth analysis than google analytics then Kiss Metrics may be what you are looking for. You can use it to track arbitrary actions or events that occur within your application.
Note: I do not work for kiss metrics... just a fan.


How to fetch and display data from some other ecommerce sites to my website?

I want to get products related data from other ecommerce sites to my website.
its just process like giving specific product url from other ecommerce site to display
that product info in my website.
I am looking for this solution in Ruby On Rails.
Is there any solution with ror ? Please share your ideas If you knew about it.
Thanks in advance.
There are two ways of achieving what you need:
1) Those sites might actually have an API which you can use to get your job done.
2) Scraping those sites. Now, some websites for obvious reasons prohibit such thing so do read their terms. At any rate there are a couple of things you can use for web scraping like Nokogiri. A good screencast to get you started can be found on Railscasts
There are a plethora of options for web scraping, depending what you actually need but get started with Nokogiri and you can then find out more eg Mechanize, a library used for automating interactions with a website. Another screenshot that can be found on Railscasts

How to implement data visualization in ruby / ruby on rails using R?

Disclaimer: We're a collection of scientists that are just now getting into python/ruby.
Project summary: We have analytics and usage data from social networking sites that we are using R and Highcharts (via lazy_high_chart gem) to present analytics to users through a website. The user can interact with this data by specifying which and when they want to investigate a social media segment. So the user defines the subject and the website responds with a slew of metrics.
Problem: So far we have been using straight ruby to pull social networking data (one class), send it to the analytics engine (another class), and present it in plotted glory (final class). However, this is all been proof of principle and console driven so it seems inefficient to push it to a site from this start. Should we have started from the ground up with a rails framework and just built the site with all of these analytic engines built into the site? it better to have this backend pipeline written in ruby that only interfaces with a rails framework trough yet another object?
A suggestion or pointer to a general document that hints on how to integrate backend data crunching with frontend rails would be great.
Your question is basically how to architecture the system, and this is somewhat hard answer since it usually depends on a lot of things: system requirements, application landscape, project planning, skills, etc.
But just looking at the two alternatives you mentioned, I think there's nothing wrong with creating a fresh Rails application, copying your prototype modules into the lib/ directory and connecting things the standard way. You can use rake tasks to keep the console interface you already have. In the end, your setup looks quite similar to a standard web application. (Usually you have a database doing the "data crunching", in your case it is the R engine.)
I don't know any specific documentation about integration Rails with R, but some research about general system integration with Rails should give you a good starting point. (However, this would only be needed if you really want to build two independent systems.)

News / Tag Aggregation Packages?

In an attempt to avoid writing my own aggregator for an existent Ruby on Rails app and WordPress blog, I'd like to be able to aggregate various chatter going on in various mediums at one central page based on particular keywords, etc.
This aggregator can live either on the blog or within the Rails app, it doesn't matter.
For example, let's say I want to continually poll Google News, Twitter, public Facebook, and perhaps others, for "chocolate chip cookies." Is there a package that already facilitates this or am I in a "roll it yourself" situation?
One thing to consider is using HTTParty to deal with the APIs those services expose...

How to structure Ruby on Rails website

I'm curious to learn Ruby and Ruby on Rails. I have previous experience with PHP and some basic C/Objective C and Java.
I have done a couple of 'Get started with Rails' tutorials and want to try do create a complete site now. I do have some questions.
Is the entire website an app? I mean, sure, the simple 'blog-with-comments' examples fit in a single app. But what if you want more? Say, a forum, a blog, community, shop, task manager and so on (only random examples here... :) ).
Should I split these things into different 'apps' or not? I would still need them to communicate with each other and share user data and so on...
Any ideas?
In general, your core competency as a rails app -- that which you provide the most value for your users. You can then supplement from there, so your support section might be GetSatisfaction and live on
Your online shop could be a link to your shopify page at, etc.

CMS type app for creating HTML emails?

For a new SaaS app that I'm working on, I want the end user to be able to create "promotions" which they can send to their customers; they will be able to do this via direct (snail) mail, e-mail, or SMS text message.
Typically these promotions will be HTML email messages with lots of pretty graphics and whatnot. I don't expect my users to know much, if any, HTML at all (ideally they would have someone to create these promos, but I can't guarantee it as I'm targeting small businesses and organizations who might not have on-site IT staff). My application would save these promotions and allow them to be modified. To make it easier on the end user I am debating using a templating system of some kind, for example Textile, so they don't need to know HTML but can create nice looking promotions.
Now, this is basically what amounts to a CMS but not as encompassing or feature-rich. Would I be better off to use a CMS of some sort and tweak it to suit my needs, or could I get away with writing my own since it's a less-functional CMS at it's heart? My application is going to be written using Ruby on Rails, but I'm not really familiar with any good quality CMS systems for that framework (and a lot of Rails applications seem to dislike playing with other apps). What I would have to do is save the template and then let the user select it later (along with the list of people they want to send it to), and tell ActionMailer to render the chosen template as the body of the message, while providing the first/last name of the customer(s) that will receive it. This doesn't sound that difficult to create, but if I can save development time by using or modifying an existing solution I would prefer to go that route.
The Radiant CMS has something like you're describing. It's released under the MIT license, so you can use their code as long as you keep the copyright notice.
Rails Email Preview (rails engine) has Comfortable Mexican Sofa CMS integration:
More information on github and wiki
Take a look here: (it can be integrated into your app).
