How can I load a static page to a second address? - ruby-on-rails

I have two production rails apps at and
I want to create a new static page,, and I want its content to reflect what already exists at
Is there an easy way for me to do this? I don't want to have to reconstruct a page I've already created in firstapp. Also, I would prefer to be able to dynamically update the about page in secondapp just by editing the corresponding page in firstapp.

if you want the whole static page to be identical, then this is not a rails issue, that is what redirects are for. set a rule in your webserver configuration to point to


Admin generate layout (Rails)

I make a Rails App, where admin can generate the homepage of the App (item positions, adding new items, deleting others, etc). I know that I have to store it in DB. But I am not really sure what I am supposed to store in the table.
So, in Admin page I want to make the edit homepage with drop and drag menu. What is the best way to do that?
The answer is it depends - If you are providing the admin an interface to edit home page with drag and drop or delete specific content, then you should store html contents of that page in DB and if you are giving only reference to edit then you should store those references only. But i will go for storing html contents. And again it completely depends on your requirement and you are the best person to understand and implement that.

Rails: How to separate static content and application but while maintaining a connection between the 2?

Ok this question might sound a bit weird, let me try to explain what I am trying to achieve here.
I need:
- some mostly static pages: home page, about us, etc. the usual suspects
- a full complex rails web app
The web app being the heart of the system will have a lot of stuff, including user authentication (with devise by the way). The application will have a standard navigation menu with possible actions changing depending on user status (login or not, admin or not, etc).
Until now, nothing out of the ordinary.
However for unrelated reason, I MUST have the entry point of the whole system be the home page that will be hosted on another server (ergh).
So now, since my home page and other static pages will be on server A and all the application will be on server B how can I maintain contact between the 2 ?
Meaning: keep my navigation menu dynamic even on my static pages, have a sign-in / sign-up form on my static server but registering an account on the "real" application server ?
They can share the same database, no pb there.
Any pointers on how to do this ? I would really like not to put some iframes on the static site...
Thanks !
For the signin/signup stuff, you can have your forms action going to B and redirecting to A.
To display the right stuff in the menus you can make a jsonp call(as Chris said) to fetch either the entire header or specific parts of the header that are dynamic.
If you are just looking to include the users name, you can also simply store their name in a cookie and then use javascript to display it in the header.
If there's no cookie display a link to login/signup.
edit: For the jsonp calls take a look at a javascript framework to make the call client side, I personally use jQuery (and look at the jsonp options).
Thinking out loud...
Can you dynamically build the menus using javascript/AJAX in the static code? Perhaps that could query server B (via jsonp) to determine the options...
Its going to have do some "funky" (tm) stuff to track whether there is a user session or not... and linking them...

Implementing a singleton in Rails

I took over a project and the previous developer used a CMS where the client could enter text and stuff but the problem was that the client wanted some css and javascript and it turned out that this 'about us' page was something that that developer ended up making changes to because the embedded text was full of markup and javascript at the clients request.
I am trying to make it so the client can just input text and it will self format etc... but it's an about us page and I don't want to create resource for this so that is why I'm thinking singleton.
Basically I want the client to have the ability to edit the about us page so it should be attached to the db but it's only one thing. So how would you do this?
Why not just give them a file called about_us.html.erb? They don't have to use ERB in the file. Any time they need to make changes to the file, they can give you a new version and you commit it to your VCS. Or, if you are using something like and they have an account, they can edit the file inline.
You don't even have to have a controller action defined in the controller.

Parse all Views for a specific Tag

I use a homebrewn CMS in my site. The texts in it are used by inserting an html-helper into the view:
The entries of the CMS are stored in SQLServer. I need a way to scan all views in my project and see if all tokens are already in the database.
Is there a way to do this? I already enter an entry into the DB at runtime, when a token is not found, but I need a way to do this without visiting each page. Maybe via reflection?
One way to do this is to create a page (controller action) that scans through the files looking for "Html.CmsEntry" and parses out the page names, and then queries the database.
If you have access to the database from your dev machine, you could possible do this in a console app, and set it as a build action, so whenever you compile, it runs.
Failing that, you could try relying on a spider (GoogleBot, or otherwise) to hit all your pages, and trigger your existing logging code.
Alternatively, you could store all your page names as constants or enum values. If you used enum values, you could easily spin through them (using Enum.GetValues) and check they're in the database.
All that said, if the pages are stored in your database, can't you do away with all the static pages that call them, and generate everything dynamically from the content already in the database?

Creating custom content sections with umbraco

I'm working on an umbraco website just now and one of the requirements is to have a custom section in the back end that can be used to manage publish smaller micro-sites.
I have been able to create the new section and added some nodes to it. What I can't get to work is publishing them and making them viewable at the correct url.
As an example, say i have created a new section called microsite, inside that there is a folder called myportfolio. this should route to something like
Does anyone know how to get this sort of thing working? Is it even possible to publish content from outsite of the main content section?
Any help would be greatly apprechiated.
Kind Regards
Colin G
From my understanding the custom sections are for linking to custom databases or data somewhere that needs an interface.
That said, you can use UrlRewriting and an existing content page with a macro to do something like that.
If you had a page called microsite, then using UrlRewriting you could make the parameter passed in to microsite.aspx (a content page in Umbraco) be "myportfolio".
With a user control on the microsite template it could display some content from your external database (or wherever your custom section stores it).
Not sure that's what you're looking for...
Why are you trying to create a new section for more content? The current Umbraco content area has all kinds of permissions for both users and members. Are the microsites all in the same install of Umbraco?
Another option is that the custom section could simply be used as a setup wizard for the new sites. You could create new content and users in their normal places and just use the new section to create them. It's not too hard to create content from C#, so it would probably be the same as doing it from a user control.
Could you provide a little more info?
